Many of you have old conditioning that believes that easy is not good and that efforting is noble and somehow makes you more worthy.Why that kind of thinking makes it much more difficult to get where you wish to be, is because it is encouraging you to take a path that is not energetically supported. More often than not it is not making good use of your energy and time which leads to unnecessary frustration and exhaustion.
The path of grace and ease is not about being lazy, Dear Ones, it is about using your wisdom to move with what the universe is supporting for you, and that is the very essence of co-creation. It is recognizing that your worthiness is your birthright and there is nothing you need to do to earn it. It is learning to flow with a universe that adores you and allowing your highest self to take the lead. It is finally, finally, accepting that you are a beloved and equal partner in the dance of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻译:Nick Chan