it has begun!
"the great time of the earth has come!"
all systems are green-light-tango-go for the grand event2020 culmination as"operation freedom earth"ensues!
the entire earth realm is being energetically transformed into a new world of light as the galactics continue to blast the planet with powerful 40-hertz,50 gamma beams!
5d energies are incredible this evening and starseeds all around the world are feeling the new,lighter,higher-vibrational frequencies that have now pervaded earth's atmosphere!
今晚5d 能量是难以置信的,全世界的星际种子都感受到了新的、更轻的、更高的振动频率,这些频率已经遍布了地球的大气层!
there is only one story in humanity's news but the starseeds of earth know inside that something much more grand is occurring behind the scenes!
there is an inner knowing that we are witnessing the dawn of the great golden age of humanity as old paradigms fall away and give rise to new and better ones!
a major 5d planetary ascension is underway among the both the starseeds and humans of earth as the spring equinox portal opens!
the earth alliance reports that"over the last 7 days,the citizens of earth have come together in the highest level of global unity in human history!"this planetary unity will continue to strengthen and will form the foundation for the new earth civilization!
地球联盟报告说:"在过去的7天里,地球的公民们,在人类历史上,全球团结的最高水平中,走到了一起!" 这个行星团结,将继续加强,并将形成新地球文明的基础!
the pleiadians are disintegrating the cabal-fear-virus in"operation stardust"in an epic global battle and major delta forces planetary clean-up missions were deployed today all across the globe to clear out all remaining low-vibrational energy from this realm!
we want you to be aware that the great change that is happening on earth right now is only happening because of the incredible amounts of light you have brought into this world!
the starseed collective of earth has raised the vibration of this entire realm much higher now and will continue to raise it until the entire planet is moved completely into the 5th dimension!
yes,you did this great thing!
remember,you came into this world to hold light in this realm for all humanity until the day they could hold it for themselves!
that day has finally come!
the 4.5 billion vigilant light warriors of this world are leading the way in"operation freedom earth as the golden age spoken of old has truly dawned!
major celestial alignment and the largest starseed mass meditation in history coming up as the 2020 stargate prepares to open!
standby for our latest decoded etheric light forces transmission about the coming event 2020 culmination,and the grand solar flash!
together we shall return this world back into the paradise it was always meant to be!
thank you for your great service to all of humanity!
we honor you for all that you have accomplished here!
stay tuned for super-awesomeness!
i am michael,
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/36578.html