

大角星人母舰指导: 问答时间(2) 连接三维与多维度实相

Transmission From Mothership-Q&A with Arcturians 4-2-13

Transmissions from the Mothership

Connecting Realities 1

  Q and A with the Arcturian

 Channel: Suzanne Lie, phd. 20130204

中文翻译: 林琚月 20130205




“Therefore, fatigue arises from the constant resistance of your body that cannot accept the acceleration of your consciousness. Fortunately, your bodies are also going through a transmutations process, but the physicality of the body creates a much slower transition than the flexibility of the consciousness.

因此 , 疲倦就从持续的身体的抗拒中产生了 --- 由于无法接受你一直加速的 觉知 的要求 . 幸运的是 --- 你的身体也在走一个 突变 的程序 .--- 但这个身体的物质体创造了一个很慢的转变过程 --- 跟你 觉知的进化 相比起来 !



“This situation is more difficult for the ascending ones wearing an older model of earth vessel. Fortunately, the extended years on Earth have awakened enough wisdom that these ascending ones do not judge their body and allow it adequate rest. The ascending ones who entered their earth vessels decades ago have also had the challenge of many, many years in which they had to keep their true SELF a secret.

这情况对于身体载具较老的扬升中的一们更是特别的困难 . 幸运的是 --- 这在地球上延长的时间已经唤醒了足够的智慧在扬升中的一们身上 --- 让他们不会去批判他们的身体而会尽量让自己休息 . 这些几十年前就转世到地球来的 扬升中的一们 ’---- 在以前的许多许多年间还都必须保持自己身份的秘密 .



“Consequently, the constant constraint of ones true expression often causes physical conditions that forces the older version of earth vessel to move more slowly. Fortunately, patience is often gained through decades of experience. Furthermore, the guidance of their Higher Expression has often led them into a reality in which their responsibilities to the 3D illusion are greatly diminished.  Hence, they can take on their well-earned status of Mentors.

“同时间 , 这持续的限制 --- 让一个人无法表现出真实的自己 --- 同时也会造成物质身体状况 --- 强制性的让‘比较旧的身体载具’改变的很慢 . 幸运的是 --- 在他们高我的指示之下 --- 通常让他们在 3D 幻觉里的责任已经大量降低了 . 因此 , 他们可以开始做 心灵导师 的工作 --- 那是他们辛苦获得的地位 !



“Furthermore, these Mentors’ wisdom has taught them to unconditionally love themselves so that they can more easily and completely unconditionally love others. This freedom from judgment regarding the age of their current vessel allows them to make the appropriate decisions regarding the care and maintenance of a ‘vintage vehicle.’

另外 , 这些 心灵导师 的智慧已经教会了他们能够无条件的爱他们自己 , 所以他们可以更容易的 , 完全的爱其它人 . 这种 对自己身体载具年龄 ’‘ 不批判的自由 ’--- 让他们可以做适当的决定 --- 关于照顾以及维持一个 古董车 的事情 .



“On the other hand, our Galactic Family is entering more young earth vessels. These infants, children and teens have instincts that allow them to access many of their innate, multidimensional abilities and information. These young ascending ones are too often born to parents who cannot understand or assist them. However, as your society continues to awaken there will be more support for these ascending members of ascending Earth. These ‘children’ will be the leaders of your new reality.

另一方面 , 我们银河家人们正进入更多年轻的地球载具之中 . 这些婴儿 , 小孩和青少年 , 拥有直觉可以让他们接收许多他们直觉的 , 多维度的能力和讯息 . 这些年轻的 扬升中的一们 通常出生在不了解他们也无法协助他们的父母的家庭中 . 但是 , 随着你的社会继续觉醒 --- 将会有更多支持给这些 扬升地球 中的 扬升中的一们 ’.

这些 小孩 将会是你们 新现实 的领导者们 !



“Would like to ask us another question?”

你们还有别的问题要问吗 ?”


“Thank you so much dear Arcturian,” said the spokes person. “Yes, we would like to ask you about the dizziness that many of us have been experiencing. Is that dizziness another symptom of transformation?”

谢谢您们 --- 亲爱的 大角星人 ’,” 地球代表说 .“ 是的 , 我们想请问你们关于 晕眩 的问题 --- 许多人有这问题 . 请问这 晕眩 身体转变 的症状吗 ?“



“Yes,” answered the Arcturian, “Dizziness is another symptom of transmutation, but it is because of a slightly different reason. The dizziness you are experiencing is because you are beginning to consciously experience more than one reality at a time. In fact, ‘time’ has shifted from an element of stability and structure in your life into yet another changing dynamic, to cause even further confusion. You are confused about the erratic nature of time and about the myriad thought, sensations, pictures and/or memories that waft in and out of your mind.

是的 ,”‘ 大角星人 ,“ 晕眩 身体转变 的另一个症状 --- 但原因有所不同 . 晕眩 是因为你们开始同时 有觉知 \ 有清醒意识 的同时感觉到 超过一个以上的维度现实 ’!!! 事实上 ,‘ 时间 已经从原来的稳定原素架构变成了另一个 改变中的动能 ’--- 所以又制造出了更多的混乱 .--- 所以你们对 奇特的时间状态 ’,‘ 多元的思维方式 \ 感觉 \ 画面 ’, 以及记忆 --- 那些在你们心中飘荡来去的东西 --- 你们感觉到很混乱 !


“Those of you who have created a solid link between your current earth vessel and a Guide or higher frequencies Expression of your Multidimensional SELF often have less confusion, but more dizziness. In this case, the dizziness comes from that fact that you are currently running two diametrically opposed operating systems. Your Third Dimensional Operating System is telling you that you are limited to your clay shell, that there is only one reality.

你们那些已经在 身体载具 以及 自己多维度高我 间创造了一个 沟通连接管道 的人 --- 通常有 比较少的混乱 更多的晕眩 ’!--- 在这种情况下 --- 晕眩是来自于你清楚的知道你是同时脚踏两只船在两个 完全相反的操作系统 . 你三维的操作系统在告诉你 --- 你是被限制住在这硬壳之中的 ,--- 而且你只有一个 现实 而已 !



“In fact, your Third Dimensional System tells you that you are "hallucinating" if you are experiencing a different reality. This old System tells you to ignore those stimuli, as it is NOT real. Only that which you perceive with your five physical senses is real, and everything else is just your imagination. At the same time, your Multidimensional Operating System is telling you that everything that you perceive with your five physical senses is an illusion and only your imagination is REAL.

事实上 , 你第三维度系统告诉你 --- 你发生幻觉 !--- 假如你觉得自己正在经验另一种 现实 的话 . 这老系统告诉你 --- 忽视这些刺激 --- 因为它们不是真的 !--- 只有你用你的五官感觉到的才是真的 .--- 其它的事都只是你的想象力而已 !--- 而同时间 , 你多维度的操作系统告诉你 --- 你用五官所感觉到的所有事都是 幻觉 ’--- 而只有你的想象力是真的 !



“Meanwhile, the circuitry of your physical brain is overloaded with conflicting information and too much stimuli to effectively compute. Your brain is like a computer in which you have opened too many windows and now the entire system is freezing up. Whereas your computer would likely stop functioning, your brain makes you feel dizzy.

“同时 , 你物质的大脑的电路已经超载负荷两个相反的讯息 --- 以及太多的刺激 --- 而无法有效率的运作 . 你的脑就像一个计算机 --- 你已经同时打开了太多窗口 , 所以整个系统结冰了 . 所以你的计算机所想要的‘停止运作’ --- 就是你的脑让你感觉晕眩的原因 .



“Is the outside world real, or the inside world real? Is that memory or passing vision from the corner of your eye real, or the clear vision in front of you real? What is real? To what can you attach your anchor and your sense of SELF? These questions confuse your 3D brain even further. Your overloaded brain desperately tries to separate and sequentially file multidimensional sensations that are neither separate nor sequential.

外面的世界是真的 , 还是内在的世界是真的 ? 那个从你眼角一闪而过的景象或者记忆是真的吗 ? 还是眼前清楚的景象才是真的 ? 什么是真的 ? 这些问题持续困惑着你 3D 的大脑 . 你负荷超载的大脑使尽全力在分析和有系统的分类存盘这些既非分得开 , 也没线性逻辑顺序的 多维度感受 ”.



“Hence, your mind begins to spin and you feel dizzy. The solution to this issue is to fully download and integrate your Multidimensional Operating System. However, in order to do so you will have to ‘upgrade’ your biological computer by bringing the 97% Ascension DNA fully online. Many of you have already completed this upgrade.

因此 , 你们的心智开始旋转而你们觉得晕眩 . 解决此问题的方法就是 --- 完全地下载和整合你们多维度的操作系统 . 无论如何 , 要做到这个 --- 你将必须 升级 你的 生物计算机 ’--- 意思是将你 97% 的扬升 DNA 完全带入 , 连上线操作 .--- 你们有许多人已经完成此 升级 !



“However, once the Ascension DNA is fully operational you have an even greater challenge, which is connecting this 97% Ascension DNA with your 3% earth vessel DNA. This process is the cause of the greatest dizziness because you have to connect two totally opposite systems of operation.

无论如何 , 一旦你 97% 的扬升 DNA 完全开始运作 --- 你还会有另一个更大的挑战 --- 就是将你这 97% 的扬升 DNA 与你 3% 地球载体的 DNA 连接起来 .---- 这程序会造成更大的晕眩 --- 因为你必须连接两个完全相反的操作系统 .



“Your human brain tells you that: “你的人脑会告诉你:

·     ALL life is outside of your body 人生就是你身体之外的那些事

·     Everything is separate from everything else

每样东西与每样东西或事情都是分开的 .

·     Your imagination is not real 你的想象力不是真的!

·     You must work very hard and long to create anything

你必须长时间辛苦工作才能创造出些什么 .

·     You are better or worse than others 你跟别人比起来是更好或更糟.

·     Time rules your world

时间是你世界的主宰 !

·     You cannot go faster than the speed of light, etc. etc. etc…


你无法超越光速 , 等等等… .


“On the other hand, your Multidimensional Operating System tells you that:


另一方面 , 你的多维度操作系统告诉你 :

·     Life is everywhere and infinite

生命 \ 人生无处不存在而且无限存在

·     You are all ONE


·     Surrender into that which you wish to create


·     Your imagination is fifth dimensional thinking


·     You are ALL equal, Multidimensional Beings

你们都是平等的 , 多元维度存有

·     Time and Space are an illusion of the physical world, etc. etc. etc…

时间与空间是一个物质世界的幻觉 , 等等等… .





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