UbuntuPlanet-HumanCommunityMode of FutureEarth




Imagine a perfect world full of harmony and abundance. The kind of world most of us have dreamed of all our lives. This world is possible and we are creating it for ourselves – not somewhere in the distant future, but now, in our own lifetime.





A Whole New World (Aladdin's Theme) Regina Belle - Passion


Michael Tellinger



 Founder | Ubuntu Liberation Movement





My name is Michael Tellinger. I am the founder of the global UBUNTU Liberation Movement and UBUNTU Party in South Africa. I would like to share with you the joy and beauty of UBUNTU Contributionism, where people do not live divided in fear of each other, but rather live united and thrive in abundance on all levels of our society.




All my life I have been appalled by the human suffering and misery that prevails on our beautiful planet. Suffering that seems to continue as if there were no solution to the plight of humanity. I remember as a young child, being deeply affected by the suffering around me, wondering why there are poor people and rich people. Why some people are homeless and hungry while others live in luxury. That feeling has never left me personally and I know that there are millions who feel the same way.






We are co-creating a blueprint for a new social structure, a new system, a new reality, without the need for any violence, opposition, resistance, or conflict. All the socio-economic structures of our individual countries have failed us dramatically. Every day we witness a continued assault on our people and the world around us, orchestrated by the global elite who have taken control, of every aspect of our existence. Every single one of us, rich or poor, is born into life-long slavery and bondage from which there is no escape under the system. Most of us know that the system we are born into does not serve humanity, but very few of us know what to do to change it.




We can no longer sit idly, watching the destruction of our people, our communities, our countries, and our human potential, by greedy corporations supported by governments with no remorse for their actions, or accountability to the people they are supposed to serve.




We can no longer sit silently, hoping that someone will do something to stop this assault on our liberties and future prosperity. It has fallen on the shoulders of the common people, to unite and create a new way---a new system---a future filled with abundance and prosperity for ourselves and our children.




We are creating a totally new system free from economic slavery---where we turn competition into collaboration--- a new social structure where we all benefit from our collective efforts and individual talents--- a new world where people are put before profits, and the resources & materials are used to enrich all our lives.




Welcome to the World of UBUNTU and Contributionism.





ONE SMALL TOWN PLAN OF ACTION&一个小镇的行动计划..................


Contributionism devours and destroys capitalism within its proximity and replaces it with abundance and prosperity for all the people. It is through the simple act of cooperating and contributing a few hours per week to a series of integrated community projects in which all members of the community participate, that we will create abundance beyond our wildest imagination






Create a Business Plan&创造一个商业计划


Each of our community projects is a business venture that works with business owners and investors to create a sustainable and profitable venture.





Set up Community Businesses&建立社区贸易


Integrate the business plan with the community in building/renovating the work space and job training by experts.





Generate Income&创收


Sell the high quality, eco-friendly products in various marketplaces at competitive prices to generate revenue.







Share one third of the profits to all of the community in the profit-sharing plan.





Create New Projects&创建新项目


Re-invest one third of the profits to create new projects.





Community of Abundance&社区丰盛


Our communities will consume the products we produce for free and generate income by selling them to others to create a sustainable community.






Ubuntu Contributionism




Unity and higher consciousness



for a new world




来源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DgV7Yzzf2LIc7_U2uF6bLA



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