


“你好!我們是大角星委員會(Arcturian Council)。我們很高興與大家聯繫。






現在,關於你來自哪裡。這個問題真的取決於你如何看待你是誰。你們都來自宇宙源頭/本源(Source)。我們大家都是。如果你所指的是哪一個星系(star system),那麼你們已經去過許多不同的星系,並且有過多次的轉世(incarnations)。所以你可以知道自己是昴宿星人(Pleiadian)、大角星人(Arcturian)、天狼星人(Sirian)、仙后星人(Cassiopeian)、天琴星人(Lyran)、仙女星人(Andromedan)、等等很多其他星系的人。再次提醒一下,不要限制你自己。











The Big Questions The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have begun to search for the answers to questions that you would not have even been asking five or ten years ago, and this is a very good thing. It is important for you to have the desire to know who you are, where you came from, and what you are supposed to be doing. We invite you to explore the answers to those questions in a different way than you've been looking up until now. 

Who you are is something that you determine for yourself. You get to decide who you are going to be. For you to decide once and for all would be to limit yourself. So instead, decide who you are going to be in the moment and let that be enough. Let that answer propel you into the next moment, and the next. Be sure of one thing, however. Be sure that you do not allow yourself to be defined by anyone else. And please do not limit yourselves. You are too multifaceted to be satisfied by a single answer to that question.

Now, where you are from. This question really depends upon how you look at who you are. You are all from Source. We all are. If you are talking about a star system, you have all been to many different star systems and had many incarnations. So you can know yourself as Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Cassiopeian, Lyran, Andromedan, and so many more. Again, do not limit yourself.

Now as far as what you are supposed to do goes, that is also something that we want you to determine for yourselves, and we suggest that you also do so from moment to moment. Check in with yourself to determine what it is that is most appropriate for you to be doing. Don't limit yourself when it comes to what you can do, and be aware of what you are capable of doing is always expanding and being redefined.

Continue to ask questions, and be sure that you allow the answers to be flexible.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.


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