The way you, humanity, live on Earth is to change soon and dramatically for the better. Awareness is finally dawning on enough of you that to live as separate individuals attending mainly to your own needs and desires does not work and cannot work. The evidence has been there for eons, but your ego-driven selves have either been refusing to see it, or have totally denied it. Instead the world has been a place where unbridled competition has held sway on all levels of society and in every nation and culture. The fear of rejection and the need to belong to a group that is supportive and protective has been extremely divisive, as wars and conflicts within families or between nations throughout your recorded history clearly demonstrates.
As humans, in form, it does appear that you are separate, and for eons you have sought to belong to powerful support groups, because as individuals you seem small, insignificant, and vulnerable. But these support groups always developed dominating hierarchies where the seemingly stronger members – practically all of whom were males – were forever competing in a hostile or aggressive manner for the role of leader. This behavior is ego and testosterone driven and always leads to pain and suffering, often on vast scales as recent global wars have shown.
It may appear that competition in trade is good and honorable, and that, being far more rational than conflict, it has greatly reduced the possibility of further major wars. This is not the case. Competitive games were once an amusing way to express and release these tensions by engaging in friendly challenges of skill and strength between opposing teams. However, these games have become very serious money making ventures, the fun has been removed, the aim has changed, and now the intent is mainly to engage in conflict to crush, dominate, and humiliate the opposing team. Competition in trade is even more ruthless, and wars have been instigated to protect business assets.
For a long time the mainstream media has manipulated the truth to ensure that the general population supports the wishes of big business, the owners of the media, by presenting the news in a light that is favorable to it. However, in the last two or three decades, with advent of inexpensive and instant worldwide telecommunications available to all, the mainstream media’s control and manipulation of the news has been seriously weakened and undermined. People everywhere are learning that what they are told always has a hidden agenda supporting it, and that it cannot be taken at face value. The phrase “follow the money” has arisen to encourage awareness of the pervasive dishonesty that was, until recently, well disguised by those claiming to inform.
Mass awareness of the lack of honesty and integrity in business, politics, and many other social, religious, educational, charitable, and cultural organizations is growing rapidly, and this is already leading to big changes in order to disclose what needs to be uncovered. New leaders, who will operate openly and honestly, are now standing up and being promoted into positions from which they can first cleanse these organizations, and then ensure that they can be directed to engage honestly and wholeheartedly with their claimed mission statements of purpose.
These changes are enormous and phenomenal events arising in human society all across the world. Do not be discouraged by the continuing flow of information about corruption in high places. Instead, remember that this has been going on for eons, while information about it was deeply hidden. It has always been there, many have suspected it, but the evidence was not available to confirm it. Now it is all coming out because the Light of Love, that you all intend to open to and demonstrate in your daily lives, is massively effective. Your loving intentions are changing each of you, assisting you to act from your hear centers with honesty and integrity, and are then flowing out from you in waves of loving energy that is assisting enormously in changing the world. You all chose to incarnate at this time to take part in humanity’s awakening process by offering the energy of your powerful loving intentions to all with whom you interact in any manner at all. It is not something you do in words or conversation, it just is your personal energy field interacting with other energy fields and uplifting, lightening, and inspiring them.
What you are doing in every moment is essential to the awakening process, because your energy fields are all intensifying in every moment and because you are all holding and renewing the intent to be only loving whatever arises for you personally in your daily lives. Nevertheless, there will be times when a situation is emotionally very disturbing for you – after all your are still in form as unawakened humans – and you will react unlovingly. But, even if not immediately, you will quickly realize that you reacted in a way that was unloving, in a way that was out of alignment with your true intent, and you will be upset, even angry with yourselves.
Understand that what occurred was not what you intended or would have chosen, and that it was just an emotional reaction to a powerful feeling that in that moment seemed to be you. However, you know that you are not your emotions or your feelings, it’s just that occasionally that knowing escapes you in the moment, and that is simply an aspect of being human. So the important thing is to forgive yourselves and let go of any judgment, blame, or shame you have dumped on yourselves.
You know that what occurred was not intended, and that how you reacted was not who you are. It is a lesson for you because it helps you to understand why others overreact in moments of fear, panic, or extreme stress. Just seeing that strengthens you! Yes, when you explode in anger at someone it very clearly shows you the downside of being an unawakened human. And in seeing that, and in forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others, while also raising your awareness of how easy it is to react inappropriately. It shows you that you do need to be alert – especially when you are tired or in a hurry – to triggers that can shove you into reaction before you manage to pause and take a deep breath.
You are all divine beings, infinitely loved in every moment, and, as you know, God does not judge. Therefore, follow His example, and cease judging yourselves. Instead love and forgive yourselves as He does, and in doing so you will find that you have the strength and the desire to forgive others, and in that desire you will find a beautiful sweetness and a compassion for all others.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan