原创 2017-12-01 火龙埃托尔 新纪元扬升之光
Elthor theDragon via Galaxygirl, November 28th, 2017
GreetingsHumanity. It is I, Elthor the dragon.
Cleansingfire is purging the dross of this realm with great ferocity and intensity. Thisfire is the fire of love, of change, of new beginnings! It is here! It is uponus, upon you, upon all who embody this realm and who are observing itstransition from the dark into the light of newness.
Breathe inthe fire of change, of love. Breathe in the embers of desire for change of yourcommunities. Bask in the fiery heat of newness. For with cleansing fire much isreborn. Much is created. This is how galaxies and nebulas are formed – throughthe fiery heat of love and of intention.
Let yourintention be that of unified healing, of new purpose, of a new day, a new blankpage for Humanity to write a new story. A story of realms merging, of peopleand animal beings healing and living alongside each other in peace and perfectharmony. Dream of this and envision it, for you are the creators of your ownstory. You are authoring your own plotlines – make sure it is for the highest goodnessof all kinds. For we are all in his together.
We dragonsfly high, soaring over mountain tops effortlessly, with ease and grace. Chooseto be this way in this Now, as you mitigate the rapid evolvement of yoursurface world. We dragons lend our supporting fiery breath and passion for thispurpose, for we too enjoy a good story. Who doesn’t? However this, Humanity,this is your story to write and write it you are!
Take timeto rest as you fly through these changing winds. Coast and breathe. And thensoar ever higher on the winds of unity, the cleansing fire of youth, ofpassion, of newness. For you are building a new world, a new society, one wherewe will need galactic emissaries, for others are eager to learn and understandfrom you and through your experiences of the heart how the dark ones weredefeated!
It ishere. Breathe in the newness, friends. For indeed you are becoming friendsagain with the dragons, Humanity, through this one and through the others whoare emerging. All is well. It is time for the unification of peace and harmonyof this realm. All is unfolding as it should be. All is unfolded. It is all inyour perspective, is it not? After all, human, it is you who are writing thisstory.
We dragonspledge our support for the ascension of humanity. You may call upon us. If yourintentions are honorable and pure we will respond. I am Elthor the dragon. Idepart now and I leave you in peace.