If there ever was a time for you all to be happy and in the knowledge that it all will work out, now is the time. It is showing itself in so many ways how your energy of desire and hope is working in so many fields of the results that come from Love. As I see what is coming from all of the movements around the globe I see that there is so much less of the irrepressible actions of the negativity, and so much more of the positivity that is being not only displayed but being put into action in so many ways. As this continues to take place and bring power to the multitudes of people who know that the end of the destruction of earth is near, then it will come out in so many ways that there will be no mistaking that the powers of Love will be in place all around the globe.
There is only one way in which this energy of positivity can change, and at this degree of it’s power, it can only change for the better. Look at all of the ways in which the idea of sharing and helping people is coming forth around the globe. Look in your own villages and families and see how it is being spoken in so many ways. Even those who used to wonder how they could ever come out of the dismay they’ve been in are seeing what they are being shown and offered in so many ways to bring them to a place of grandeur and ease in life. They also are seeing what their stimulation to help others is doing. It is lifting so many people out of the doldrums and into the ease of joyful life. In this way of being in assistance to them it is also helping each one to the places that have no end in being able to smile and give hugs to anyone who comes your way.
I am St. Germain, and I am here with you all to let you know how powerfully we are seeing what you are bringing to the surface of the world that you are clearing up in so many ways. We offer you to keep on keeping on with all that you are seeing you have the ability to do and in so doing you are resting all of the old energy to the bottom of the well, where it can be greeted with the Love that is changing it to that energy of Love from where it began. In other words, it is being returned to the original energy of Love. Now who could argue with that once it is felt and lived in the ways that bring anything back to its original feeling of power and ease in living!
I shall go now and give more of you hugs and smiles because I am one of you, and you will begin to recognize that, even more than you are now. It is a journey that is being brought to heaven on earth and beyond in the expression of Love forevermore in all that we do. Welcome back to your true selves with all of us who have been giving you our love and seeing your response to it as complete and whole in the way that you are responding. I know that it will be something that will affect all of those who have been lost in the energy of disruption, for it is already in the power of the original energy from when you all began this ride. It is being re-discovered and welcomed back by so many! Welcome back, for you are reaching out and touching so many in the heart of Love to which they will be returning in any moment.
Sing your hearts out and welcome back the family of Love forevermore!
Thank you so much dear St. Germain,
Much Love,
Nancy Tate
圣哲曼 20171129 真实的自我
通灵:Nancy Tate
翻译:Nick Chan