(2017-06-26 01:31:29)
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
At the root of every single desire you have on earth is the desire to feel better. Beneath that, you will find the desire to receive, embody, and express love. You are nothing less. You want to be your deepest, truest self. You want to enjoy an abundant, expressed life, harmonious relationships, and so much more!
However, when you want something, your loving desire is often accompanied by either conscious or unconscious fears. You fear that you can’t have what you desire, don’t know how to create it, aren’t worthy of it, or that someone else will get in the way of your dreams coming true.
Fear is a strong vibration upon your planet. It is a loud broadcast. It is rooted in the illusion that you are powerless and separate from the Source.
In truth you are eternally connected to the Source and immeasurably powerful creators. Anything you dream is possible if your energy is in the right space to receive it.
So when you find yourself falling into fear and anxiety, or allowing your mind to race with fearful solutions, stop. Quiet your mind. Breathe. Then sit with us and ask us, your angels, to adjust your energy and attune you to your desired outcome. We can help. Breathe until you feel the fear subside, the mind quiet, and you feel a confident certainty that God is with you.
Remember – Your energy is always more important and more powerful than your actions.
We know that most of you will say, “OK, I understand my energy needs to be right, but how do I know what to do? How do I conquer my fears?” Our answer is that if your energy is right your guidance will be easy and obvious. If you are in fear, it is very difficult to notice your guidance. Let us help you… Just sit, breathe, and receive.
You don’t have to conquer fear, dear ones. You only have to surrender to love.
We are here to help you. We are here to love you. It is our greatest joy to assist in your creations and your unfolding spiritual freedom. If you like, sit with us once a day. Tell us your hopes, dreams, and fears. Then sit, breathe, and receive. We are always waiting to love you.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
通灵:JAnn Albers
翻译:Nick Chan