原创 2017-09-09 阿达玛 新纪元扬升之光
Adama via Genoveva Coyle, September 7th, 2017
Allow us to give you the tools to traverse more gracefullythrough these transitional times, to transform the old more swiftly, and togift you the tools of the future.
Greetings my dearest ones! I am Adama from Telos,High Priest of the Lemurian City of Light, Telos, and I come today tobring you my love and peace, my serenity and balance, for much is happening inyour world in these times of rapid change and transformation.
祝福亲爱的各位 ! 我是泰乐斯阿达玛,拉穆尼亚光之城的大祭司,今天我来给你们带来我的爱与和平,我的宁静与祥和,在你们的世界里,在这个快速转化和转变的时代,很多事情都将会发生。
I am inviting you to go into a short meditationto relax, and then to breath in the turquoise-blue-green light, tinged withsparkles of silver and golden, and to see yourself flowing through this vortexand portal of light and coming to visit with us in the City of Light of Telosfrom inside magnificent Mt Shasta.
我邀请你进入一个简短的冥想放松 , 然后在带有银色和金色的火花的绿松石的蓝绿色的光中呼吸,看到自己流经这个漩涡和光之门户,从宏伟的雪士达山,和我们一起来参观光之城泰乐斯。
Your brothers and sisters, the Lemurians, living inside the earth areeager to commune with you, to share with you their wisdom and their knowing.They want to hold your hand in appreciation for the hard work that you aredoing under the harshest of all conditions.
We know how you are yearning for the peace and serenity of home, whereeveryone is connected in love, where your heart is playing love songs andpraise to the Mother and Father One, and to each one of your brother andsisters, while floating and freely flowing in the love of the One. You doremember the feeling and the bliss of connection and merging into oneness whenyou are back home, as well as the more normal life of the other dimensions andrealities where there is only joy and collaboration with all beings andcreation, and where there are no worries or fears of being harmed or hurt inany way.
In these dimensions lessons are taught freely by the masters, and thestudents are eager to align with the knowledge and the wisdom lovingly given tothem. There are no time limits for incorporating the wisdom and thepracticalities of the Universal Laws, for the way universes work is extremelyeasily visualized, and the process of co-creation is clearly understood sincemanifestation is instant and immediate.
And here you are, immersed in these dense and turbulent energies of thethird and fourth, having to hold on steadily to that loving high vibration ofthe fifth dimension and above, holding the light high up for everyone to seethe lies and the current insanity, that which is of the false and of theillusion. That brilliance and sparklethat you are attracts many wanted and unwanted to thee.eraoflight.com
There are alsomany of the same, that assist and reinforce your light from the ground level,the ones that are filling up your heart with love and reassurance that you arenot alone in this world of seeming separation, far away from home. But thereare also many who see what you are, that are terrified by the changes that youbring so fast just by shining brightly and being the love that you are. Sincethey are not willing to let go of their comfort and shadows, they areattempting to drag you down and turn off, or at least temporarily dim, yourlight.
This is why we are here to invite you to come and sit with us to bringyou strength and stamina, to remind you that you are not alone and that you arealready Home.
Your heart is a portal and a gateway to our City of Light and you areready to come through whenever you wish to take your place of honor among allof us, to remember that bright future that we have designed and built already.
You have traveled extensively and healed the past, and you have brought homeinto your heart all of your missing parts and particles – big and small – leftbehind because of traumatic experiences from previous lifetimes. You havefinally recovered from the deep pain caused by the fall of the Lemurian world,You have cleared more space within and you have expanded tremendously. Now youare ready to bring in the aspects of your bright and future selves. You areready to anchor into your current world more and more of the wonders of theCities of the Light.
Come with us dearest brothers and sisters, allow us to give you thetools to traverse more gracefully through these transitional times and totransform the old more swiftly, and to gift you the tools of the future.
As always, it gives me great pleasure to come and address this forum ofbright brothers and sisters.
Until next time, farewell.