My beloved children,
I am your Divine Mother. It is now time for me to play a part and contribute to the wonderful higher-dimensional discourses we have provided here for all of you.
The outpourings of massive waves of energy in recent times (especially in the past 2 weeks), have caused many of you to go through many intense challenges, on all aspects of your Self: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It was like nothing you have ever experienced before, in any of your previous lifetimes here on planet Earth.
For those of you here who are newcomers to spiritual news, or, if you haven’t read a recent important message from Archangel Metatron, please take the time to do so after this, so you can better prepare yourself for what is now happening/going to happen in the second half of 2018 (links are provided below).
对于你们那些刚接触灵性信息的人,或者,如果你还未阅读大天使梅塔特隆最近一篇很重要的信息,请花点时间去阅读,这样你可以为正在发生的 / 将会在 2018 年第二部分发生的做好准备(链接在下方)
Let us use Adele’s recent, personal experiences as an example here. For the past 2 weeks, she had been having problems focusing/concentrating, as well as feeling so exhausted/sleepy most of the time. Quite often she experienced forgetfulness, nausea, headache, blurry vision and high pressure on her head/crown chakra. She has also very slightly reverted to a few old 3-D habits (e.g. back to consuming caffeinated beverages), in order to effectively deal with these challenging physical symptoms.
让我们使用管道最近的个人体验来作为一个例子。在过去的两周,她难以专注 / 集中精神,以及大部分时间都感到疲惫 / 困乏。她经常体验健忘、恶心、头痛、视线模糊、头部 / 顶轮的高度压迫感。她还轻微地返回一些旧的 3D 习性(例如,返回摄取含咖啡因的饮品),为了有效地应对这些挑战性的身体症状
Some days she could drink 3-4 liters of water, whilst on other days she didn’t feel like drinking much. Some days she slept more than 8 hours; other days she could only sleep a little. All is going very well for her because most of the time, she has been ‘listening and talking’ to her physical body, in her efforts to give it the tender loving care it deserves. In recent years, Adele’s emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of Self have been changed/upgraded to a higher-dimensional operating system. The physical aspect of her Self, is now simply playing catch-up.
有些日子她可以喝 3-4 升的水,而在其他的日子,她不想喝太多水。有些日子她的睡眠超过 8 小时;其他的日子,她只能睡一会儿。她进展地很好,因为大多数时候,她在“聆听物理身体并与之交谈”,努力给予身体值得拥有的细心照顾。在最近的几年,管道的情绪、精神和灵魂面向已经改变 / 升级到更高维度的操作系统。她的物理面向,正在赶上
In these tumultuous times you are all undergoing right now, the key is to stay constantly in tune with your Higher Self and with your physical body. Open communication is crucial for you to: always stay balanced and not feel overwhelmed. Listen and talk to your body; talk to your heart, as it will always give you the right guidance that resonates with you the most – to immediately correct any imbalance you may be experiencing at any moment.
在这些动荡的时期,你们正在经历的,关键是要与你的更高自我、你的物理身体保持恒常的一致。坦诚交流是至关重要的:为了总是保持平衡,不被压垮。聆听你的身体并与之交流;与你的心交流,因为它总是会给予你正确的指引(最与你共振的) --- 立刻纠正你可能在体验的任何失衡
Your physical body, as vessel/instrument of your Spirit, is the densest, most low-vibrational aspect of your incarnated Self. It is always meant to be the last one to change. Your physical bodies are changing from carbon-based to crystalline-based, and the physical, emotional, mental challenges coming from this transition should never be underestimated.
你的物理身体,作为灵魂的器具 / 工具,是你化身自我最稠密、振动最低的面向。它总是最后一个改变的面向。你的物理身体在从碳基转变成水晶,来自这个转变的物理、情绪、精神挑战永不应该被低估
Depending on where you are on your spiritual awakening journey, your symptoms may be quite different to Adele’s. Some people had reported feeling so depressed, anxious, lethargic or, being in a spiral of negativity with no end in sight. Some of you felt like you had regressed and returned back to ‘the dark night of the soul’ phase all over again. A process that you thought was over and done with a long time ago.
Please remember my children that there is always a Higher, important reason for everything. All the things that humans label as ‘negative’ in your lives and in the world, are in fact always positive when looked through our eyes. There can never be a bad experience. You all have often experienced this for yourself. After Time has passed, what you used to think was a bad life experience turned out to be a good experience overall: to help you be happier, grow more abundant, and evolve/mature as a person.
请谨记,我的孩子们,总是有着一个更高、重要的原因,对于一切来说。所有人类在生活和世上标签为“负面”的东西,事实上都是积极的,当通过我们的眼睛去看。永远不会有糟糕的体验。你们都经历过。随着时间的流逝,你曾经认为不好的生命体验,总的来说变成了一个不错的体验:帮助你变得更快乐,更加丰富地成长、进化 / 成熟
The ‘negatives’ are always temporary, and they transform to ‘positives’ when observed from the bird’s eye view of your Higher Self. Your Higher Self operates only from the following True concept of Time: “ALL are happening in the great moment of NOW”. Past and future do not exist.
Time is a powerful illusion that is the true culprit and root cause of all fears. Time is the very foundation and fabric of all third-dimensional experiences. Without time, equally powerful illusions of: Fear, Lack and Separation will cease to exist, from all aspects of the Human experience.
A recently channeled Heavenletters: ‘Time and Fear Are Partners‘ are so highly accurate and appropriately titled. Without the concept of time binding you, fear will NOT be able to exist in your reality, as the two always go hand-in hand.
Without fear, absolutely everyone will be living in the NOW moment; constantly tackling/solving challenges only as they occur. All will come to realize that life is eternal, never-ending. There is always enough time for everything that you wish to: do, be, have and experience – Time Without End; endlessly stretching into infinity.
没有了恐惧,每个人肯定都会生活于当下;只有挑战出现才需要不断地处理 / 解决它们。所有人都会意识到生命是永恒的。总是有着足够的时间去做、成为、拥有、体验你希望的一切 --- 时间是无限的;延伸到无穷
We in the higher dimensions have repeatedly stated that Mother Earth and the ascending Human Collective are currently undergoing a highly intense, super-deep cleansing that will eventually result in the permanent release of everything that no longer serves you.
This ‘everything’ includes: all current AND past-life traumas, all uncleared karma, all 3-D beliefs and conditioning based in the Fear, Scarcity/Lack and Separation paradigm – coming from eons of experience incarnating in the lower dimensions. Fears coming from the powerful illusion of Time are also something humanity is purging right now.
这个“一切”包括:所有当前以及过去生世的创伤、所有未清算的业力、所有基于恐惧 / 缺乏 / 不足 / 分离范式的 3D 信念与状况 --- 来自恒久的较低维度化身体验。恐惧来自强大的时间幻象,这也是人类正在清除的
The birth of both: New Earth and your higher, fifth dimensional selves can only occur after everything lower-vibrational is completely released from Gaia’s planetary body AND from your own four bodies (energy/light-body, mental, emotional and physical bodies).
两者的诞生:新地球和你更高、五维的自我只能在较低振动的一切从盖亚的行星身体和你四个身体(能量 / 光之身体、精神、情绪、物理身体)中完全释放后发生。
And for those of you who have been spiritually awakened for quite awhile, in addition to your own personal Ascension process/symptoms, you have also agreed (pre-birth, on a Higher level) to help shoulder some of the burden coming from Mother Earth, and the entire Human Collective.
对于你们那些精神觉醒有段时间的人,除了你自己的扬升进程 / 症状外,你还同意(生前,在更高的层面上)来帮助承担一些地球母亲和人类集体的负担
This means that some, or most, of the negativity you are/were experiencing can also be coming from the release of eons-old darkness/negativity coming off: of the surface of the planet (being released by Mother Earth), and/or, of the collective psyche of humanity. Some of you here are constantly doing your best to fulfill one of your Higher promises: to play an important part in planetary healing activities by transmuting this arising, cumulative, planetary-wide negativity into Higher Light frequencies.
这意味着你在 / 曾经体验的一些或大多数负面可以是来自地表(地球母亲释放的)或人类集体心智中恒久以来旧的黑暗 / 负面的释放。你们一些人不断地在尽一切所能来履行你其中一个更高的承诺:在行星的疗愈活动中扮演一个重要的角色,通过把浮现的、累积的、行星范围的负面转化成更高的光之频率
You are always either: consciously or, subconsciously doing these planetary healing activities at the perfect Divine Timing that your Higher Self knows and will always guide you to do.
Most of humanity are still so deeply entrenched in the 3-D ‘victim mentality’ Matrix . You still think that your body/thoughts/emotions are your Master, instead of the other way around. Your Spirit, i.e. Higher Self, is THE Master of your physical, emotional and mental bodies. And since you and your Higher Self are ONE, by extension, this means that you are the Master of ALL aspects of your Self.
大多数人依旧根深蒂固于 3D 的“受害者心态”矩阵。你依旧认为你的身体 / 想法 / 情绪是你的主人,而不是反过来。你的灵魂,也就是,更高自我,是你物理、情绪和精神身体的主人。因为你和更高的自我是一,延伸开来,这意味着你是你所有面向的主人
In practical terms, this means that whatever pain, whatever symptoms you are maybe experiencing, these symptoms are there because you have chosen to have them there. For reasons such as: to fulfill your individual Higher Purpose, and, to serve the Higher Purpose of ALL THAT IS.
The physical Universe is one gigantic smorgasbord that contains different time lines, different dimensions/realities, different planets/galaxies/civilizations giving all souls infinite options to choose from the massive menu. You are always given a free hand, i.e. complete authority to decide for yourself: where to play, what role to play, when to play and how to play, whenever you feel like ‘going out’ for another adventure to physicality.
物质宇宙是一个巨大的大杂烩,包含着不同的时间线、不同的维度 / 现实、不同的行星 / 星系 / 文明,给予所有灵魂无限的选项去从中选择。你总是可以自由选择,也就是,完全有权利去为自己做决定:去哪里玩、扮演什么角色、什么时候去玩、如何玩、什么时候你想要“出去”进行另一个物理的冒险
For this particular lifetime, your Higher Self had chosen to experience the highly-exhausting process of transforming all aspects of Self from 3-D to 5-D, whilst at the same time, also play an important role in the creation and manifestation of 5-D Earth.
对于这个特殊的生世,你的更高自我选择体验高度消耗精力的转变过程,将自我的所有面向从 3D 转变到 5D ,同时,在 5D 地球的创造和显化中扮演重要的角色
You could have easily chosen to enter physicality at a time when 5-D Earth has well and truly been established. Choosing to be born straight into a future, 5-D Earth will mean that life is so much easier, and the massive Ascension challenges that most of you are currently experiencing, are just a distant memory to the entire human race. Something that happened in your Collective Past, that you can read more about in your historical books.
你可以轻易选择在 5D 地球已经彻底建立的时候进入物理层面。选择直接诞生于未来, 5D 地球将意味着更加轻松的生活,你们大多数人正在体验的大量扬升挑战,只会是一个遥远的记忆。发生在过去的事情,你可以在历史书中阅读的东西
But no, you had all decided that is not for you; at least not this time around. You were all quite firm and resolute in your intentions; wanting to play the biggest, most challenging ‘game-of-life’ ever invented, for the purpose of your individual Soul growth.
Let me now use the analogy of playing a computer game to illustrate my point. Many of your online/computer games were created with different levels, containing different challenges and/or enemies. When you have only just started to play and learn a particular game, you are automatically at the ‘beginner’ level. However, as your knowledge, skills and experience start to build up, you are able to tackle more complex challenges. Your selected game-character’s courage and bravery will often be tested (in the form of opponents/challenging circumstances appearing) so that you can have the experience of being ‘successful’ over one level, to then graduate to the next level, and the next and the next.
让我把玩电脑游戏当作比喻来说明我的观点。你们许多的线上 / 电脑游戏包含不同的等级、挑战和敌人。当你刚开始玩或熟悉一个特定的游戏,你自动地处于“新手”水平。无论如何,随着你的知识、水平与经验开始积累,你能够解决复杂的挑战。你选择的游戏人物的勇气和勇敢会经常被考验(在敌人 / 挑战性的情况中),这样你可以体验“通过”另一个等级,然后毕业到下个等级,以及下一个
Do you see how your computer games mimic our True, Infinite, Eternal Reality?
The only difference between your video games and our ‘Games of Life in Physicality’ is: with the latter, there is no end in sight. As you keep ascending to the next Soul growth/evolutionary level, one day you will eventually reach the top level of the higher-dimensional ladder. By then you will have become an expert at playing these life-games.
你们的游戏和我们的“物理生命游戏”之间唯一的区别就是:后者,没有尽头。随着你继续提升到下一个灵魂的成长 / 进化水平,有一天你会最终到达更高维度阶梯的最高水平。到那时,你会成为玩耍这些生命游戏的专家
In other words, once humanity as a whole has reached 5-D, the next evolutionary leap forward will be 6-D, and then 7, 8 and so on, until the Human Race reaches the highest dimension of existence in this physical Universe. Just one step away from transitioning back to Spirit and ‘returning to Heaven’. And then what happens when ‘you’ve done it all’? What happens when you, as a Soul, have experienced all the dimensions and become victorious over them all?
换句话说,一旦人类作为整体到达 5D ,下一个进化飞跃会是 6D ,然后 7 , 8 等等,直到人类到达物质宇宙中最高的存在维度。只差一步之远返回灵魂,“返回天堂”。然后当“你完成一切”,会发生什么?当你,作为一个灵魂,体验了所有的维度,战胜了一切,会发生什么?
Quite simple, my children. You can choose to serve in the Higher Realms, in whatever Council projects that take your fancy. However, whenever you feel like re-entering the physical realm/universe, you will simply keep raising the bar; making your next game-of-life even tougher to beat. The complexity of that life you will undoubtedly choose for yourself and the amount of challenges you will have to overcome, become even more ‘interesting’ and can often feel completely impossible to beat – if seen from the perspectives of younger, less-experienced Souls.
很简单,我的孩子们。你可以选择在更高的领域服务,在你喜欢的委员会、项目中服务。无论如何,当你想要重新进入物理领域 / 宇宙,你会提高标准;让你下一个生命的游戏更加困难。你会毋庸置疑为自己选择的生活之复杂性以及你必须克服的挑战之数量,会变得更加“吸引人”,经常会感到根本不可能战胜 --- 如果从年轻的、没有经验的灵魂角度来看
Your Soul however will have grown so confident by then, so much so that nothing can stand in your way as you joyfully continue to test your Creator-like powers through the infinite, varied, amazing life-scripts that you just keep writing for yourself.
By now some of you are perhaps wondering ‘what is the point of helping all of you understand the advanced spiritual concept of Eternal Life’ as thoroughly explained above?
All of you are fearless, daring, super-brave and courageous souls who have chosen to come to Earth and participate in this Grand Project; partly because of your pure desire to be of Loving service to the Light, and partly for your individual, spiritual evolution purposes.
There is no right and wrong. There is never any judgment coming from Me, Father God, or anyone in the Higher Realms. Judgment is never necessary, because ultimately, ALL is Love, and all belong to the ‘Team of Light’. Duality is a concept that exists solely in the lower dimensions.
In this lifetime, and all other lifetimes, you can never fail to reach your destination, whatever or wherever that is, which you have decided for yourself.
Even if it looks as though you have ‘seemingly’ failed something, you have Eternity at your disposal, to do it over, and over again, until you become satisfied with the outcome. All is always well, and there is no rush to go anywhere. You are exactly where you, are meant and have planned to be.
This means my beloveds, the fundamental reason for your being on planet is simply to experience physical life to the fullest. Your Higher Selves, your Spirit Teams and I/Father God, have zero expectations on what your life should be like. Yes, you/your Higher Self had created a blueprint/plan for your life, however, whether or not you follow this to the letter, or if you choose not to follow it at all, are entirely up to you.
这意味着,亲爱的,你在地球上的根本原因就是充分地体验物理生活。你的更高自我,你的精神团队和我 / 父神,根本不期望你的生活应该是什么样的。是的,你 / 你的更高自我为你的生命创造了一个蓝图 / 计划,但,无论你是否严格地跟随,或者你选择不去跟随,都取决于你
Our deepest desire is for all of you to be happy wherever you are at the moment; to experience and have more joy in your days. ‘Follow your Joy’ should be your Slogan, your ‘Modus Operandi’, or your ‘Life-Formula’ from this moment onward.
Free yourself from all self-imposed expectations on what your Ascension process ‘should be like’. Let go of all time-related fears that can put unnecessary pressures on what should, first and foremost, be a joyful ‘graduation time’ for the ascending human collective. Have fun with the process. Fully embrace the awakening of your multi-dimensional Selves and learn to be patient with the highly complex 3-D/5-D integration process, within and without.
自由于所有自我强加的期望,关于你的扬升进程“应该是什么样的”。放下所有与时间有关的恐惧 --- 那会把不必要的压力放到应该身上,最重要的,成就一个喜悦的“毕业时刻”对于扬升的人类集体。玩得开心。完全拥抱你多维度自我的苏醒,学会耐心对待高度复杂的 3D/5D 整合过程,内在和外在的
Show each other loving compassion and an infinite amount of patience; knowing that you are all truly ‘in this together’. Stop isolating yourself. You can better surf through the enormous influxes of the coming cosmic Ascension waves, and the formidable challenges they bring, by: staying in groups.
Finding like-minded souls and surrounding yourself with them, should be one of your highest priorities right now, to gain the necessary support and boost you will need, so that you can get to your goal/final destinations the ‘easier way’; with greater calm and confidence. And as you continue to bond with the people in your own groups, you will find that they can be your ‘lifeline’, or your ‘saving grace’ during the times when/if you were to temporarily ‘fall in the water’ whilst surfing through these intense waves that will bring about the much needed changes throughout the next 20 years.
寻找志同道合的灵魂,让周围充满这样的人,应当是你此刻最高的优先级,去获得你会需要的必要支持与推动,这样你可以“更容易”到达你目标 / 最终的目的地;伴随着更大的平静与信心。随着你继续在团队中与人们联结,你会发现他们可以成为你的“救生索”或者你的“可取之处”,当 / 如果你暂时地“落水”,同时通过这些强烈的波浪(会在接下来的 20 年带来大量所需的改变)
You can all ‘surf better’ by staying highly in tune to the Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit Aspects of yourself, and honoring your needs at every moment – occasionally even above your loved ones’ needs. Please remember that you will have more to give your loved ones, after you are fully rested; when all aspects of your Self are in perfect balance/equilibrium and when your physical/energetic batteries are completely recharged. A routine self-care regime should be regularly followed, as this act of Self-Love should be the Highest gift you are giving yourselves, to help with the transitional challenges coming your way.
你们都能“更好地冲浪”,通过与你头脑、身体、情绪和灵魂面向保持高度地协调,并时刻荣耀你的需求 --- 有时候甚至超过你心爱之人的需求。请记住,在你充分休息后,你会有更多可以给予心爱的人;当你自我的所有面向处于完美的平衡 / 均衡,当你物理 / 能量电池完全充满。日常的自我关怀体制应该定期跟随,因为这个自爱的行为应是你给予自己的最大礼物,并会帮助你通过向你前来的挑战
Whenever you are suffering, please learn to let your pain/Ascension symptoms be your greatest teacher and friend in this journey you have chosen to embark on. Be in the state of gratitude whenever pain/exhaustion hits; knowing that everything is happening perfectly, as planned, and trusting that it is always for your long-term Higher Good.
当你痛苦,请学会让你的痛苦 / 扬升症状成为你最伟大的老师和朋友,在这个旅程中。处于感恩的状态,当痛苦 / 疲惫袭来;知晓一切的发生都是完美的,如计划般的,相信它总是为了你长远的更高良善
“Pain (any pain – emotional, physical, mental, spiritual) has a message. The information it has about our life can be remarkably specific, but it usually falls into one of these two categories: ‘We would feel more alive if we did more of this’, and, ‘Life would be more lovely if we did less of that’. Once we get the pain’s message, and follow its advice, the pain goes away.”
“ 痛苦(任何的痛苦 --- 情绪、身体、精神、灵魂)有着一个信息。它持有的关于我们生活的信息可以是很具体的,但它经常分为这两类:‘如果我们多做这个,我们会感到更加活跃’以及‘如果我们少做那个,生活会更加有爱’。一旦我们得到痛苦的信息,并跟随它的建议,痛苦就会消失 ” – Peter McWilliams –
The following YouTube video can help those of you who are currently going through a tough time adjusting. If the following video resonates with you, then please watch it as much as you like. For some of you watching it once is enough, but others may benefit from watching it several times especially over the coming months.
There are a lot of activities that we would highly recommend for you to do, to help ease the stress and growing pains related to Ascension:
1) Eat high-vibrational food and drink nutritious beverages only. Keep your physical bodies hydrated and well-rested at all times.
1) 只吃高振动的食物,喝有营养的饮品。时刻保持你的物理身体水分充足,休息地很好
2) Surround your home with Crystalline Energy, coming from actual crystals placed all around your home, and/or by connecting with the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas and Brazil (please read AA Metatron’s channeled message for more information).
2) 让水晶能量包围你的家,在家的四周放置水晶,与阿肯色州和巴西的水晶漩涡连接(请阅读大天使梅塔特隆的信息)
3) Walk barefooted whilst communing with Nature and do grounding exercises often.
3) 赤脚走路,当你与大自然交流,经常做稳固练习
4) Meditate a minimum once a day; consider this a sacred time to help you be more receptive to your inner guidance, coming from the loving voice of your Higher Self.
4) 一天至少冥想一次;把这当作是一个神圣的时刻帮助你更善于接纳内在的指引,来自你更高自我有爱的声音
5) Think positive thoughts and say only positive words to both yourself and others.
5) 思考积极的想法,只说积极的话语,对自己和他人
6) Whenever you feel extra-sensitive and extra vulnerable, please remember to surround yourself only with gentle, sensitive people. Avoid being around crowds as their combined vibrations can be too challenging to deal with, when you are least able to handle it.
6) 当你感到格外地敏感和脆弱,请记住只让温柔,敏感的人处于你的周围。避免处于人群中,因为他们组合的振动会太难以应付,当你最虚弱的时候
7) Only do activities that bring you peace, joy and love. If your current activity/focus is not giving you any one of the above three feelings, then please change it immediately.
7) 只做带给你平和、喜悦与爱的活动。如果你当前的活动 / 专注并不给予你上述三个感受中的其中一个,那就请立刻改变它
8) Listen to soothing, relaxing, meditation music often. Have showers/baths more often, as water is a very calming element (cleansing within and without).
8) 经常聆听舒缓、放松、冥想的音乐。经常沐浴 / 淋浴,因为水是非常使人镇静的元素(清理内在和外在)
9) Whenever you are experiencing a specific physical symptom, don’t forget to first check in with your inner guidance. Your feelings can help you decide if the condition is something that needs to be addressed immediately by a medical professional or, whether it is a temporary Ascension-related side effects.
9) 当你体验一个特定的身体症状,不要忘记先用你内在的指引检查。你的感受会帮助你决定状况是立刻需要通过医疗处理还是,这是一个暂时的与扬升有关的副作用
10) Whenever you are feeling lost, anxious, depressed, or feeling as though you are walking this journey alone, please always reach out to Me, to your spirit team, or to any Ascended Master you have a close connection to, for advice, guidance and assistance.
10) 当你感到迷失、焦虑、沮丧或好像你独自一人行走于这个旅程,请总是与我、你的精神团队或任何你密切相连的扬升大师联系,来寻求建议、指引与协助
We will always answer your call for help and stand ready to assist, in a way that empowers and supports your own Divine Higher Will for this incarnation.
Feel our loving support surrounding you right now and always.
With all my love,
Mother God.
通灵:Adele Arini
翻译:Nick Chan