(2017-09-03 03:29:06)
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. As most of you know I currently work full time with the Earth Council.
Since our last report the ascension energies have been amplified. We think you know what we mean. The solar eclipse that just occurred on August 21 passing across the United States brought forth a powerful clearing, healing and shift. It happened where it was needed the most.
The United States is in the midst of a great shift. It’s going from power over the people to power of the people. It’s shifting to the way that this country was originally intended to be. Even though it is in the midst of the separation and might appear otherwise we want you to know that this will rebalance and that the populace will reunify.
From our vantage point, this is happening expeditiously. It is extremely important that the United States and this part of the world exemplifies the shift in consciousness that the earth is going through. The United States was intended to be a model government. It was never supposed to be the way it is now. Please remain faithful to your vision for your country as well as for your planet. This statement applies to every country because each is going through their testing process so that humanity can decide once and for all if they are choosing the light or not. We know how this prevails.
We along with the other Galactics are providing intense focus on all that is occurring now on the planet. We have already intervened with weaponry that could be destructive to all of life. Those with big egos who think that they could have power over the planet and life would be proven sorely wrong. They will not be allowed to wrong the planet or humanity any further.
There is a coming together of many like-minded, powerfully-caring individuals who are working behind the scenes to improve all aspects of life on the earth. Their sole focus first and foremost is to balance out the financial situation so that all will have their needs met. From great caring and sharing the fear of not having enough will be eradicated completely from the earth.
We understand that you have long been promised pieces of the financial pie in the sky held by those who consider themselves worthy of all this money. The days of their reign and financial control are rapidly coming to a conclusion. Many have given promises and false information to you. You have set false hopes based upon fallacies. Yet you know in your hearts that you are intended to have all the abundance that your Creator has provided for all of life on the Earth. This abundance was never intended to be hoarded.
You are at the threshold of a whole new life on a whole new Earth. This time of chaos is necessary for the consciousness to expand and evolve. Please paint a picture in your heart and in your mind of what this new life will be and how it will feel. The many distractions that you have had mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally will come to completion. This will allow your thoughts and pure hearts to live in peace on the planet Earth.
As you continue to complete the cycle of darkness and as you move into the Golden Age, you find your enlightenment expands exponentially. As this happens you will become a part of unity consciousness. We are waiting for you. We love you and are at your service.
I am Mira sending you love from the Pleiades and the Earth Council.
通灵:Valerie Donner
翻译:Nick Chan