






A special message to the starseeds of new earth,for immediate planetary broadcast…








The following information is derived from direct,decoded etheric transmissions from benevolent light forces docked in earth's solar system and some of the data comes directly from certain inside earth alliance members known as the white hats,and the great white brotherhood strategically placed in key positions of power by the galactics on the surface of planet earth!




Begin transmission...




The earth alliance is reporting at this hour that as part of the latest"operation freedom earth"missions,benevolent light forces docked in earth's solar system blasted the surface of planet earth,for several hours,overnight and this morning,with powerful 40 hertz,5d gamma light beams!




The galactics are firing these powerful 40 hertz gamma photon light beams towards the surface to strengthen the new vtxc,5d crystalline light grid that will serve as the etheric framework for the new 5d earth!The new 5d light grid is being retrofitted and overlaid directly on top of the old 3d matrix as all systems that make up the physical earth matrix are being phased out and upgraded to 5d-new-earth systems as we speak!


銀河人正在向地表發射這些強大的40赫茲伽馬光子光束,來加強新的vtxc,5d水晶光網格,它將作為新的5d地球的乙太框架! 新的5d光網格正在翻新,並直接覆蓋在舊的3d矩陣上,因為所有組成物質地球矩陣的系統都在逐步淘汰,並在我們說話的時候,升級到5d-新地球系統!


The powerful inbound waves of gamma gamma light being deflected to earth are activating starseed and human DNA to a much higher order and this light is totally disintegrating all remaining traces of lower-vibrational,dark energy from this realm!




The planet is being terra-formed from darkness into light right before our eyes,great one,in the most incredible galactic operation the earth has ever witnessed!




Tonight,the pleiadians would like to speak about the technical mechanics of this grand ascension event and show you how it all fits together!




Dear one,you knew a long time ago,the current planetary liberation event occurring on earth is something that first had to happen within you and you knew that only then would it begin to manifest as the outward reality,first personally,then on a collective level!




What exactly is happening from a macro level down to the smallest micro level inside of you?




Gamma light and DNA




As we said,"the large recent influxes of inbound gamma light are triggering a major DNA activation among the beings of earth right now!"




When we say"the great awakening is happening on earth"we ultimately mean that at the micro-biological level"the great DNA activation is happening!"




Let's first speak about light and specifically a special spectrum of light




We often use the phrase,"40-hertz,5d gamma light"in our teachings and messages!




Why is this light so important in regards to the event and the ascension?




40-hertz,5d gamma light is emitted from the galactic core and is sometimes just called"cosmic rays"!




The levels of cosmic rays coming into planet earth have greatly increased over the last few months and the levels are increasing every day!




Gamma light upgrades DNA and it does it faster than anything known!




How does this work?




Earth scientists discovered a while back the astounding,proven fact that"gamma light can transform a living organism from one species to another,near instant!"




Note:though some earth scientists have a basic understanding of this advanced pleiadian,bio-light technology,humanity in general is not yet ready or responsible enough to deploy the technology for any practical or humane use!




A few earth years ago,russian science successfully proved that shining a gamma laser though the cells of the embryo of species 1 into the embryo of species 2 for only 24 hours causes the embryo of species 2 to be born as species 1!




This may sound like magic but it is 100%true!We advise you to do in-depth research about this.




The same universal principle that causes this to happen also works on a much larger,macro scale!




Species 1 is the human race




Species 2 is the angelic race




As incoming gamma rays from the 5d,central sun at the galactic core,bombard human-vessel DNA,humans are being morphed into a god species where they will possess 12 active strands of DNA!




Though starseeds are an entirely different species than humans and are in fact already the angelic race,they elected to come to earth and go through the human ascension process along with humanity for the purpose of having the experience and came to assist humanity with their ascension.




The starseeds of earth elected to have ten of their DNA strands de-activated,lowering their vibration extremely low,forgetting who they were and having all of their divine powers greatly weakened!




Also since earth starseeds have lived with and around humans so long,many of them mistakenly think they are actually a human!This is why many of the starseeds of earth have such a hard time in their incarnations here!Until recently the thought rarely entered their mind,if ever that they are one of the most advanced species in the universe!This is all changing quickly now as a massive awakening is occurring on the surface!


另外,由於地球上的星際種子與人類生活在一起太久了,他們中的許多人錯誤地認為,他們實際上是人類!這就是為什麼,地球上的許多星際種子在這裡的化身,有如此艱難的日子!直到最近,他們才有了這樣的想法: 他們是宇宙中最先進的物種之一! 現在這一切都在快速改變,因為一個巨大的覺醒,正在地表發生!



Both the starseeds and humans of planet earth are currently morphing into a divine race.the starseeds are simply further along in this evolutionary process and will reach ascension first and as we said will then assist humanity in their evolutionary process!




When we speak of DNA activation what do we really mean?




We believe a better descriptive phrase here might be,'DNA re-connection'as the main 12 DNA strands in the physical container are re-coded by cosmic gamma light data,they naturally form a new geometric growth pathway and literally plug themselves back into one of the corresponding resonant 12 chakra energy portals or ports!




Chakras are non-physical,multi-dimensional,energetic portals in the layered body that form a gravitational grip onto the DNA strand and hold it in place!When the DNA strand is connected back into its proper port,advanced cosmic data(akashic-light)starts flowing through the cells of the DNA strand,then out through the central nervous system and all throughout the body!




Though there are 12 primary strands of DNA filaments,there are trillions and trillions of tiny crystalline gossemer threads called'nades'that carry this cosmic energy through the body where it is then decoded and perceived in magnificent ways by the being that inhabits the body!




Let's go even deeper:what is going on at the sub-cellular-atomic level in your DNA when a gamma light wave contacts your auric field?




The incoming beams of solar ionic gamma photon light particles being directed to us have the ability to cut through to the nucleus of the human atom,to shift its chemical bonds and change the very make-up of our atomic structure.this re-arrangement of our atomic structure is morphing our cells into a more complex crystalline structure that can literally allow all the data in the universe to begin flowing through the human body computer!




Humanity began as an advanced shining star race but human DNA was unplugged by nefarious beings about 350,000 years ago and humanity was enslaved and plunged into the dark with no information!No human had a clue that anything had even happened.that's how severe this body shutdown was!Even in today's modern world all unconscious humans don't have a notion that anything exists outside of their daily 3d world they have been programmed to perceive and operate in.




The good news is when human DNA was unplugged in ancient days,the strands were left in place in the physical container and now it is literally reconnecting itself with the help of divine beings docked in earth's solar system!The 5d,gamma light they are sending to earth right now exactly matches the human body's original divine blueprint!




We are progressively mutating into the god-beings we truly are and this is a metamorphic process of solar empowered alchemy which is changing our atomic bodies from a carbon-based framework into a finely tuned silicon-crystal system.this new crystal bio-computer or light body is able to translate the most advanced data in the universe instantly and is far more efficient then any quantum computer that was ever conceived!




The morphogenesis occurring in the bodies of the light beings of earth is due to the constant waves of super-charged plasma rays being sent to earth by benevolent light forces from the very core of our milky way galaxy!




These rays have entered the crystalline earth,discharging an ionizing type of radiation that neutralizes,cleans,re-codes,energizes,transforms and rebuilds human vessel DNA,allowing all living systems here to expand and breathe more light!




The pleiadian definition of'ionizing radiation'is"radiation composed of particles that individually carry enough kinetic energy to liberate an electron from an atom,therefore,ionizing it"every time we receive these cosmic gamma rays into the physical body container,our entire genome is re-arranged,aligning with a more complex cosmic template.




When we say,"these solar ionic particles have the ability to cut through to the nucleus of the human atom",do you understand what this means?It means there are billions of nuclear reactions happening in your body constantly as it re-configures itself into a more advanced structure!




This atomic reaction happening in the physical light-body-ship alters the ratio of the basic compounds of our elemental structure,thereby taking us into a much faster vibrational spin,and forever freeing us from the out-dated carbon-based atomic code




Dear one,you are going through a physiological emergence into faster,lighter vibrational densities and you are doing it,step by step,cell by cell!




This morphogenesis happening inside of you is actually considered impossible by human physics because you cannot take a dense material physical object(your body)up into a faster vibrational non-physical realm!




Physical and non-physical are polar opposites and like mixing oil with water or putting a square peg in a round hole!




You can make it fit but some serious alterations have to happen for it to fit with no gaps!




You can mix oil and water for a nano second but again you have to do a bit of magic to make it mix for good!




The DNA that makes up your cells is the multi-dimensional link that fuses your higher vibrational,etheric being with a physical human body!




While experiencing an increase in conscious awareness is the primary requirement for ascension to higher realms,the physical human body-vessel aspect of this ascension is the main focal point!








Because we love the physical experience,at least the pleasant parts of it and we want to have this pleasant physical experience in faster vibrating realm of 5d and above where physicality has not been experienced to this point!




As you integrate your new energy frequency for this new 5th dimension,you start to move closer to the one source.




Your higher,multidimensional being evolves to a point of higher re-calibration of all that exists,a point of infinite possibilities!




As you ascend you unlock your light being and 5th strand of DNA,allowing you to access full memory of who you are,past lives and what you came to earth to do.




Your reactivation of your god particle will then take you into your god being!Impossible things become nothing for you because you become limitless.




You are god source energy.




This is your awakening,and we are excited to see that you are fully awakening to who and what you truly are!




You are opening the crystalline seals into avatar consciousness!




How to experience 5d now




Though 5d is available right now,right here,for you to start existing in it and to start experiencing a bliss-state of being in a sustained way,you must do your part to be able to have this experience!




The galactics are creating the energetic space on the surface but each being must evolve their own soul and raise their own internal frequency to match the new 5d earth that is dawning!




To accomplish this you must remove your focus from 3d,get by yourself with no external distractions,put recommended 5d-coded 40-100 hertz music(see link below)in your headset and let it play in the background while you give focus to any of the following things:




Celestial beings




Celestial landscapes




The new earth




























Your dreams and desires




Your accomplishments




Sacred geometry




Beautiful art




Beings that you love the most




You get the idea here!




As you do this for 10-20 minutes you will start to feel and experience the 5d frequency(of heaven and the new earth).after doing this repeatedly as many times as you like for a few days,it will become completely automatic and will become your constant state of being even as you bring your focus back to 3d.




What you are doing here as you get the hang of this is you are perceiving the 3d reality around you from new 5d eyes and this is how the new earth starts manifesting and staying for good!




This 5d gamma state is a state of bliss consciousness where your left hemisphere(3d-alpha)and your right hemisphere(5d-gamma)start to work together at the same time hence multi-dimensional perception and functionality this deliberate 5d focus strategy is only necessary at first to entrain your being to stay focused at the 5d level even while physically walking around in 3d!




After a bit of this habitual focus the process will become automatic and sustained as your DNA code changes to lock in this process!




Here is a simple teaching that will help you begin to experience this amazing new reality:




5d is simply a faster vibrating version of now and here and all you must do is raise your internal vibration to match it!




Logic says if 5d is here,then,simply start being in it!




Start being the 5d being that you already are!




When you do this,the kingdom of heaven will begin to showing up all around you!




We suggest that you practice your spiritual inner work and disciplines to be able to better achieve this amazing state of being!




Healthy self love,meditation,ingesting only natural energy foods,and being in nature will give you the fastest results in reaching 5d!




We also suggest that you use ascension tools we left behind for you to assist in elevating your inner vibration!




Crystals are the most powerful ascension tools in the universe for amplifying your inner frequency,specifically monatomic andara crystals which have their origins in ancient lemuria and atlantis!




Keep these amazing crystals near your auric field as much as possible and you will begin to experience the higher realms we speak of!




The most advanced civilizations that ever existed on earth knew about the magical power of 5d crystals and used them to completely evolve into galactic civilizations!




The schumann resonance




What does the schumann resonance measure?




Answer:the vibrational frequency of earth's electromagnetic field.this frequency is measured in hertz!





How to read the schumann resonance(spectrogram)graph





