Welcome humans reading these encoded words. We are the Archangel Collective. We are seeing you through the eyes of love and from the higher vantage point from beyond time, from beyond your current perception of understanding. For you see, this was all preordained in a way. Gaia wished very much to expand further than any other planet had expanded and in so doing she allowed her consciousness, her density, to become greater, more dense. One must experience the dark before one can truly appreciate the dawn. Contrast is what this sector is known for. One must be very brave to experience this contrast. We see you, our grounded aspects, our beloved ones, our twins some of you, we see you as very brave indeed. For you are the volunteers to assist Gaia in her rediscovery of the light. Now she has already been ascended for some time, and if you are attuning to the higher frequencies you can feel this truth. This is why meditation is so important in this now. You must find your voice, your own vibration. You must become masters at this, at fine tuning your own frequency amidst the cacaphony of noise. You came here to master this. You have mastered this before. We assure you that you can do this again with ease and grace if that is your intention.
We are the Archangel Collective. We are all around Gaia in this now, offering our time, our talents, just as you too, grounded ones, are doing. This is truly a collaborative effort. We offer to you our strengths for we wish to assist our grounded aspects, our grounded light team in any way that we can. Encouragement, upliftment, laughter, love. Reject the misery around you and infuse it with peace, a kind word, a smile. Become the Christ consciousness embodied for that is why you came. You are royalty many of you. You are in the process of this discovery. You are a child of God. You are not a child of sin, of lust. So much twisting has occurred. No. YOU are a most precious outpouring of love, of bliss from the divine union of love. You are love. Your lives have been fraught with pain. Many light workers have many a challenging, hard story to tell. But this brought you to where you are. Abortions, divorce, loss, bankruptcy, devastation. You have experienced the low point, the nader, just as Gaia has. And you did this so that you could discover your Christed self within. Nothing was lost if you are wise enough to see the treasure within you. See, all is found. Do not grieve the past for it brought you to this now. In this now, where you can read or type or feel these words and truly know, it was all worth it for you have discovered the Christ within.
We are the Archangel Collective. We wish to paint to you a picture of light, of sound, of laughter, of glistening shimmering codes of information swirling all around you in a vortex of pure potential. True, as Abraham states this vortex of creation is valid, is true as we are speaking, all around you. To access it you must allow it. This is where raw creation begins. We wish for you to surround yourselves with love, with light, with healing. We wish for you to manifest Nova Gaia, to manifest your best self, your best life around you. Enough suffering. That lesson has been learned. Enough grief. Your friends and family that have passed are waiting just beyond the veil. Replace the suffering with excitement of grand new things to come, experiences to be had, joys to behold. You are our joy. We surround you with our mighty wings of light, of pure potential and massive protection. Child of God. You are a child of God. Repeat this until you know it, until you weep with the pure joy of it. Masters every one of you, we see. This realm is untwisting, unfolding into light. Claim the light and wrap it around you. Claim your light codes of remembering. They are your divine birthright.
We are the Ascended Archangel Collective. We are with you in this process of rebirth. Be at peace and be in joy. We surround you with the tenderest of wings. Rest in our feathers and feel our light. Feel the light within you and expand it with ours. Let us light up this sector with the divine light of love together. Invite us to merge our talents with your own. We assure you, you are most tenderly looked after and most fiercely protected. Peace. Rest in this space. You are intimately loved. We are the Archangel Collective.
翻译:Nick Chan