Herald to the light! We are the Blue Avians making contact through this one once again, as we bring good tidings of high energies and encodements through this one, in this most illustrious now. For the tide has turned. You are seeing, you are experiencing, you are witnessing the destruction of the matrix programming that has brought so much pain, and yet great learning and understanding, to so many. Gaia is to be praised for her willingness to withstand the dark, so that she may more aptly explode into the light.
Herald to the light! Herald to the Christed consciousness, to Yeshua, Master and friend. We are the Blue Avians. We are your guardian angels in many ways for we have been overseeing this project Ascension Gaia for so long and are very willing to lend our light, our technology, our power of intellect and we extend our deep joy to you, grounded Gaians of the light. We see many coming together. We see more coming together shortly. We see tremendous changes of light encodements, of waves of love, of tears being dried, of hopes being lifted, of the children being able to laugh and be free in their play once again. For the realm of the dark has been changed to the realm of the light. And this we see, we deeply feel, we truly know that the light has won.
Herald to the light! Blessings be. We are the Blue Avians extending our wings in service. Do not be troubled by what you see in the media, it is the false sputtering of the dead. Pay them no head. You are alive in your insight, in your questions, in your consciousness that is seeking expansion. Seek expansion in these times, it will light the fire of knowledge of truth within your belly. Seek love and be the love and the light in this time. For you are to anchor it. You are to be it. You are to live it. You are be the the hands and feet of the masters of times gone by, of eras past that are now returning. For you are your ancestors reborn, you are holding within you the now blessed ancestor genetic coding that is truly written in the light now. Your children’s children will have a different reality to experience, praise be. You have been here a very long time. In the darkness in the matrix, the time and illusion twist together so that one can become easily lost. Do be in joy, do be comforted. The light has won. Such matrices of similar but not as dark, such prison planets (similar but not as dark) are being freed by your example of tremendous tenacity to hold the light. Hold the light! Be strong in these final days of swirling and possibly discordant energies. You are to hold the light, and we see you doing this most excellently.
Are are the Blue Avian Beings. We wish to extend our wings, our hands, our hearts, in service to rising humanity, so that all are blessed in the process. These energetic uplift all that surrounds your space quadrant, for all are connected. It is like the inner workings of the cell. You understand your cellular biology only slightly, what you don’t see behind the ribosomes and mitochondria is the spark of Source, is love. Love is all the there is, enwebbed within consciousness of form and of without form. Be this love. It is to be to your birth right. Gaians, we are calling you home. Gaians, spread your wings and fly. For it is the time fo fly high with these energies of hope, of promise, of new days dawning. Be emboldened. Be pure of heart. The dark night of the soul is over for many but at hand for some. Send them your light. You choose your own experience. Choose to experience love. We are waiting in the wings to make further contact. Until then, peace. We are the Blue Avian Beings. I am Ter’ Aka.
我们是蓝鸟存在。我们希望扩张我们的翅膀、双手、心,来帮助人类提升,这样所有人都会在这个进程中备受祝福。这些能量提升了你空间象限周围的一切,因为一切都是相连的。就像内部细胞的运作。你们的细胞生物学还很肤浅,你并未在核糖体和线粒体背后看到的是源头的火花,是爱。爱是一切,嵌入形态和非形态的意识中。成为这个爱。这是你与生俱来的权利。盖亚人,我们在呼唤你回家。盖亚人,伸展你的翅膀并飞翔。因为是时候伴随着这些希望、承诺、新一天黎明的能量高飞。勇敢。纯净的心。灵魂的暗夜对许多人来说已经结束,对一些人来说就要到来。发送他们你的光。你选择自己的体验。选择体验爱。我们等待着进行进一步的接触。在那之前,平和。我们是蓝鸟存在。我是Ter’ Aka.
翻译:Nick Chan