Here in the spiritual realms – which of course is not ‘a place’ but is the One infinite energy field of Love, Mother/Father/God, where All That Is has Its eternal Presence, and therefore, where all sentient life has its eternal existence, even when unaware of this – we are joyfully observing humanity’s long anticipated awakening process approaching fruition. All is proceeding beautifully. The chaos, conflict, and confusion in so many areas is drawing to a close because the collective intent to awaken has intensified enormously over the course of this current Earth year.
在精神领域 --- 当然不是“一个地方”,而是“一”个无限的爱之能量场、父亲 / 母亲 / 神,一切万有永恒存在的地方,因此,所有有情众生永恒存在的地方,即使没有意识到这一点 --- 我们快乐地观察着人类期盼已久的觉醒进程接近完成。一切都进行地很漂亮。如此多地区中的混乱、冲突和困惑已经接近尾声,因为集体想要苏醒的意图在这一年极大地加强
The human collective intent has limitless power when finely focused, and it is now being focused very intently on being loving whatever arises. Obviously each one you holding that intent – because you are each the One that is the human collective – is extremely effective. You are doing the task that you incarnated to do, and you are doing it magnificently. And this is, of course, what was expected, because you are all divine beings starting to remember who you truly are, and consequently you are also remembering why you chose to incarnate at this moment in humanity’s awakening process.
人类集体的意图有着无限的力量,当精确聚焦,它现在非常专心致志地聚焦于成为爱,无论发生什么。显然你们每个人都保持着这个意图 --- 因为你就是每个人,就是人类集体 --- 使得这个意图非常有效。你做着你化身来做的任务,你做得好极了。当然,这是意料之中的,因为你们都是神圣的存在,正在开始忆起你真正的所是,因此你也在忆起为什么你选择在人类觉醒进程的此刻化身
Stay calm, peaceful, and loving, regardless of what may be happening, because that is the most effective and powerful way that you can each move the awakening process forward towards its completion. This is what you incarnated to do, so do not let your own egos, or anyone else’s for that matter, persuade you that what you are doing is meaningless or ineffectual, because it most definitely is NOT! Youare awakening humanity.
保持冷静,平静和有爱,无论发生什么,因为这是最有效和强大的方式你可以推动觉醒进程朝向完结。这是你化身来做的,所以不要让你的小我或任何人的小我说服你 --- 你所做的是无意义的或无效的,因为这肯定不是真的。你在唤醒人类
Love is infinitely powerful, there is nothing It cannot achieve or create, however, It never imposes, forces, or compels anyone to accept It. It is always available, waiting to be invited to enter the heart of any – and there are many – who have, until now, chosen to close their hearts off to It. And It waits with infinite patience because there is only now, and that is when everyone will open their hearts! It is ALL that exists, but It will not attempt to terminate the dream state, the unreal state of form with which humanity is able to engage only by inserting a veil or curtain between itself and Love. That state was established, as you well know, to experience separation from Source, from Love, which in truth is impossible. The separation appears real to those in form because that was the intent of those who established it, but it is and always has been a very insecure or flimsy state because it is unreal, because it does not exist. It is an unreal state of mind that can evaporate or be dissolved the moment you choose to have it do so, by releasing any attachment you have to fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, victim-hood, and the accompanying felt need to blame, judge, and condemn anyone – yourselves included – all of which are major aspects of the illusion in which so many of you are very heavily invested.
爱无限强大,没什么是它无法实现或创造的,无论如何,它从不强加、迫使或强迫任何人去接受它。它总是可供你使用,等待着被邀请进入任何人的心 --- 有着很多人 --- 直到现在,选择向它关闭了心。它伴随着无限的耐心等待着,因为只有当下,这是每个人敞开心的时刻!它是一切万有,但它不会试图终结梦境,虚幻的形态状态,人类只能通过在自己和爱之间插入一个面纱或帷幕接洽这个状态。这个状态被建立,如你所知,是来体验与源头、爱的分离的,而这是不可能的。分离对处于形态中的人来说看似真实是因为这是建立它之人的意图,但它一直都是一个非常不稳定或脆弱的状态,因为它是虚幻的,因为它并不存在。它是一个虚幻的思想状态,会在你选择的那一刻消失或被溶解,通过释放任何你依附的恐惧、愤怒、苦涩、怨恨、受害者心态以及想要责备、评判、谴责任何人(包括自己)的需求,这一切都是你们许多人花费大量精力建造的幻象的重大面向
Love is your true nature, and therefore you are all capable of loving. To Love is to be fulfilled, to be complete, to be in joy, to be at peace. If you are choosing to love only those with whom you agree and with whom you choose to associate, namely those who are of the same culture, ethnicity, faith, political persuasion, or social standing, then that is not Love. Love never discriminates, it is unconditionally accepting of All that God has created, because that is what Love is, and there is nothing that God has not created, because there is only God (Love/Source/Supreme Intelligence/Divine Wisdom/All That Is) within Which all of creation has its eternal existence.
爱是你真正的本质,因此你们都能够去爱。去爱就是变得圆满、完整、处于喜悦、处于平和。如果你选择只爱那些与你一致的,与你有关的,也就是处于相同文化、种族、信仰、政治派别或社会地位的人,那么这并不是爱。爱永不歧视,它无条件地接纳所有神创造的东西,因为这就是爱的所是,没什么不是神所创造的,因为只有神(爱 / 源头 / 最高智能 / 神圣智慧 / 一切万有),所有造物永恒存在的地方
In form, playing the harsh game of separation, judgment of others is one of the main objectives of the game. And of course judgment leads to blame and condemnation – and whenever possible – punishment of those so judged. That totally prevents you from loving. To awaken is to remember your true nature and embrace It fully and completely without any conditions whatsoever, because that is what Love is and what Love does. That means that you must each fully accept yourselves, and all others, as the humans in form that you appear to be, without any judgment at all – either negative or positive – about your appearance, skills, abilities, beliefs, levels of intelligence, social standing, etc. Why? Because there is only One of you, and therefore all judgment is effectively self-judgment. What you see, like, and admire in another is merely a reflection of those aspects of yourself, and what you see, hate, despise, and condemn in another are also reflections of aspects of yourself. In the latter case they are probably aspects that you have denied in horror and buried very deeply indeed in the subconscious parts of your minds.
在形态中,玩耍着严酷的分离游戏,评判他人是游戏主要的目标之一。当然,评判会导向责备和谴责 --- 当有可能 --- 惩罚那些被评判的人。这完全阻挡了爱。觉醒就是忆起你真正的本质并完全拥抱它,完全不带任何条件,因为这就是爱的所是和爱会做的。这意味着你必须完全接纳自己,其他人,作为形态中的人类,不去做任何的评判 --- 无论是积极的还是消极的 --- 关于外表、能力、技能、信仰、智能程度、社会地位等等。为什么?因为只有你,因此所有的评判都是有效的自我评判。你在爱他人之中看到、喜欢和钦佩的只是你自己那些方面的一个反射;你看到、讨厌、鄙视和谴责的也是你自己那些方面的一个反射。后者,它们也许是你在恐惧中否认的面向,深埋在你的潜意识中
As humans, playing the game of separation, you are all endowed with every possible aspect of being human from the best to the worst, from the highest to the lowest, and you each did choose the role that you would play in each human lifetime for the lessons that you, and the others with whom you would interact, wished to learn. So condemning another is to condemn your self. But, it’s all unreal! When you believe that it is real it seems that the world is filled with people inflicting intense pain and suffering on one another, and you either see some of it as totally justified, and some of it as totally unjustified, or you see it all as something that must be stopped.
However, if you set the intent to be only loving and allow Love to enter your hearts, you will see that each person “out there” is doing their best in the circumstances in which they find themselves, and that all that they want is to be loved, and to escape from the terrifying and intense sense of separation that they are experiencing as they continue to engage with the dream or game of unreality. However, within the game or dream there is no solution, because Love has been blocked out of the unreal state of mind in which the game is played, in which the dream is experienced. Nevertheless, you can each invite It in by setting daily, and renewing frequently during the day, the intention to be only loving whatever arises. Everything that arises is, in truth, a call for Love, a call that each of you has to answer by setting that intent and inviting Love into your lives Full time! Only then can you truly answer that call.
Supporting appropriate charities or doing good works is indeed very helpful, but it often involves judgment, and to truly answer the call for Love you must release all judgment, and you often find that hard to do, because it does seem, as you look at the world around you, that much that is occurring is unconscionable and completely unacceptable. But when you set that intent firmly, and without conditions – such as “when those in power make a serious attempt to achieve peace,” or “when those in power make a serious attempt to stop violent crime,” or “when those in power stop taking advantage of the impoverished,” “etc., etc.” – then the power of your intent is enormous, and it is precisely what is needed right Now in your awakening process.
支持恰当的慈善机构或做善事确实非常有帮助,但它经常涉及评判,要真正回应那个对爱的呼唤,你必须释放所有的评判,你经常发现这很难做,因为随着你看向周围的世界,很多发生的事情是没有良心的,完全不可接纳的。但当你坚定地设置那个意图,不带条件 --- 比如“当有权力的人真的想要实现和平”或“当有权力的人真的想要停止暴力犯罪”或者“当有权力的人停止利用贫困者”等等 --- 那么你意图的力量会是巨大的,这恰好是你们觉醒进程的此刻所需的
As we in the spiritual realms continue to watch over you and support you in every moment, we absolutely know that you will achieve your awakening, because you set the intent to do so before you incarnated, and because that intent is perfectly aligned with the divine Will. So, keep on celebrating, because celebrating is an expression of joy, and your awakening is a most joyful event which your joy is bringing on.
通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan