

杰克斯/Sisley  JS扬升共修空间










Our I AM Presence is a River of the Sacred Flames. We have been created from the Sacred Flames. Every aspect of life is created from the Sacred Flames. It is only logical that we completely heal because of and through the Sacred Flames.


我们【我是存在】 ( I AM Presence) 是神圣火焰之河。从那神圣火焰中,我们被创造出来了。生命中的所有面向,都是由那神圣火焰所创造。若我们能透过神圣火焰而得到完全的疗愈,几乎是合理且完美无缺的。



In order to heal and raise the frequencies of all of our bodies and prepare for Ascension, if that is our goal, it is imperative to work with the Sacred Flames and the Sacred Fire from the Great Central Sun, the Light of God that never fails, the Incorruptible Light.


The Ascended Masters are continually speaking of the Sacred Flames and working with them. Saint Germain stated: The Sacred Flames will teach you all you want to know. They heal, they teach, they bring us into Divine Integrity, the bring us to our Ascension and take us home!







Each of the Living with the Sacred Flame Holograms has been specially activated and a blessing sent with it to each person receiving one.


These Holograms work for the highest good of all, in alignment with the Divine Plan. Without the activation, this would only be a piece of paper, however with the activation, the Sacred Flames have a physical channel that allows them to be with us in every aspect of our lives if we choose.

All of the Sacred Flame Holograms carry very, very high frequencies, yet adjust to each person working with them and continue to assist each one in raising their frequencies.









How to work with the Sacred Flame Holograms:




1       Sit with it in meditation and ask that layer after layer of anything that is harmful, useless or non-beneficial be transmuted into the light and that we be filled with Divine Love and all that our I AM Presence wishes us to have or to give us. Meditate with these daily until our whole being is saturated with the Sacred Flames. They continue to grow in power as we use them daily.


1. 坐下来冥想,一层层的解析自己,并把任何有害的、无用或没有任何效益的地方,转化为光并将它们充满了神圣之爱。这就是我们神性自我,希望我们所拥有或祂给予我们的。每天坚持的冥想,直到我们整个身心灵,都被这神圣火焰充满浸透。 若我们每天都使用它们,它将会越来越有力量。


2       See these energies moving through all of our energies fields and all chakras. See Divine Abundance become a part of all that we are.


2. 观想这些能量穿透着我们的能量场和脉轮。继续观想神圣丰盛之爱,为我们自我神性的一部分。


3       Have it in the bedroom when you sleep, ask it where it wants to be and before falling asleep ask the Divine Abundance Angels and your guides to continue working on transmuting and healing all beliefs and patterns that are not in harmony with Divine Abundance in all time, space, levels and dimensions, past, present and future.


3. 持续拥有这些并在你临睡前,祈请丰盛神圣天使和你的指导灵继续为你疗愈和转化掉你的信念模式,也同时转化掉,那些因为不同时间、空间、层次、维度、过去、现在和未来的不和谐能量。


4       Keep one in your billfold to bless and multiply all abundance in your life.

5       Place checkbooks on this Hologram.

6       Frame it and place it in your home.


4. 祝福你的钱包并希望它持续倍增且丰盛你的生命。

5. 将支票放在这张全息投影上。

6. 并把它框起来放进你的家


7       Visualize this Sacred Flame Hologram moving through your body as a Divine Screen of Light starting at the chakra below your feet, all the way through the 12th chakra and down to the center of the earth, if guided. Feel all of the cells of your bodies being cleansed and purified and brought back into the Divine Abundance of the I AM Presence.


7. 若你被指引,请观想着这个神圣火焰将通过你的身体移动,神圣之光将从你脚下脉轮开始,一路通过直达到第 12 个脉轮并回到地球中心。 此时,请感受你身体所有的细胞将被清理和净化,并把它带回到我是神性存在的丰盛之中。


8       You may work with as many Holograms at one time as you are guided. Send these back into past lives and future ones for any healing or assistance that is needed.




9       Call on the Archangels of this Hologram to work with you and fill you with Light. You may notice many different feelings in the various bodies or none at all but it is truly working. You may feel something leaving and then being filled with Light.


呼请这些火焰的大天使们与你合作并为你充满光。 你可能会注意到在身体中许多不同的感觉或根本没有感觉,但它确实是在运作中。你可能会感觉到某些东西将离开,然后你又被光充满。


Clairvoyants have seen the person holding this completely surrounded with Divine Love. They see so much being transmuted into the light from the deep cellular levels. Various sigils are seen, Sacred Names and symbols, the Music of the Spheres and all that these Sacred Flames have. As anything is being dissolved into the light, that area is immediately filled with Divine Love.


The Violet Flame and Ascension Flame of Purity or whatever Sacred Flame is needed by that person. This is also most helpful for nature and animals and all life forms.


有透视力的人们将会看到你完全被神圣之爱所包围。他们也能看到你那深层的细胞都被转换为光。他们将看到各种印记、神圣的名字、符号、音符和所有的这些神圣火焰。 当世上任何物体被溶进入这光中,这区域将立刻被神圣之爱所填满。




The Sacred Flames are Living Beings of Light. In the Golden Ages, souls came to work with the specific Sacred Flame of that age in order to continue their growth. Each age lasted 2000 years. That is how much there is to learn about each Flame and their tremendous power, wisdom and love and all that each Flame has to offer. What a joy to be able to work with them!


灵魂们选择来到这个黄金时代与这些特定的神圣火焰一起同频共振,以继续他们的灵性成长。每个时代将持续到 2000 年,这就为什么我们需要了解这每一道火焰及其强大的力量、它的智慧和爱,以及每道火焰所能提供的一切。是的,能与它们同频共振是该多么的快乐啊!


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