



Although it may seem that all on Earth is in turmoil in so many ways, the energies that are now emerging are iridescent, calming and of pure essence.They emerge from Mother Earth herself with the 12 attributes of our Father/Mother God as she comes into alignment with planets outside her solar system, merging her energies with theirs. The vibrations are of pure oneness and the colours are deep purples, blues, pinks, yellows and white. The power of these energies cannot be underestimated; it is now more important than ever that the fear-mongering of those who have encompassed lower energies not be allowed to permeate greater society, even though their attempts are ferocious and very frightening.




It is wise to remember that nothing on the Earthly plane is real. It is all an illusion as you play out your lessons and life’s purposes. The reason you reincarnated was to save the Earth and to help her ascend; love is the only vibration and emotion that is real and the only one that can save your planet. Disconnect from the drama that surrounds you and reconnect with your higher self, because it knows your true purpose and your soul journey, and it will help you to connect with your ethereal self, your guides and the Creator him/herself. The Creator’s energy is that of oneness and unconditional love and is the only energy that will allow you to view the world with no judgement. Those of you who are awakened will be aware of these emerging energies and will know how to harness them to send them to the world. It is essential that you teach others and help those around you to become aware and awake also.




Your Sacred Fire is like your own temple.It sits below your solar plexus chakra and behind your sacral chakra. Consisting of a three-fold flame, each section represents an aspect of your own divinity and connection to All-That-Is. Sitting upon the divine spark of Creation, the Sacred Fire is both ethereal and universal in nature. All living things are created with loving intention in the stillpoint, a millisecond of silence before the actualisation of becoming, and the spark of divinity ignites into a flame which burns consistently until the life-form dies. The brightness or intensity of the Sacred Fire in each individual differs, however, according to the choices that are made affecting the vibration of consciousness in the person. The higher the consciousness, the brighter the flame. As the person evolves spiritually, the flame also evolves, the colours changing to represent the higher frequencies of light that the person has activated in their chakras.




The world will not change unless each and every individual consciously works on their own vibrations and to release past and present emotional trauma and negative belief systems to unlock their spiritual awareness and connection.The work you do on yourself will radiate out to the world and the vibrations you send out will come back to you in equal measure. This is the Law of Attraction. The energies emanating from Mother Earth are directly connected to your Sacred Fire, as your connection to both Mother Earth and the Creator’s light is integral to your Being. When you focus your energy in your sacral chakra and connect to your Sacred Fire, the new energies will emanate from your heart chakra out to the world around you. It is important, however, that you ensure that you protect your own energy when sending love, light and healing, because it is possible that a sacrifice or trade of energy will occur if you have not asked that it happen in the highest and best way and that your energy be protected from unequal exchange. This will prevent you from feeling drained afterwards or, worse still, from absorbing negative and discordant energies from the human collective consciousness. No-one needs to sacrifice their energy for the ‘greater good,’for in the energy of oneness and unconditional love there is no sacrifice, no duality and nothing to forgive.




And so it is.




I AM Master Kathumi.





通灵:Victoria Cochrane

翻译:Nick Chan


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