




這是一個雙管齊下的方法。在過去兩年裏,我一直和瘟神座(Vincenzo Mazzara)保持着聯繫,我們均同意大禧年的宣佈。您會說青龍會和黑龍會價值數兆美元的資產將被轉移。然後,我們繼續推動「金槍」行動,並隨時準備向中國提供250兆美元的援助。我們要這樣籌辦禧年,並在您的地盤資助您打開金庫。


此外,我們還希望解凍伊恩·弗萊明(Ian Fleming)在英屬維爾京群島的黃金。同時請注意,在即將到來的大禧年裏,所有36個黃金倉庫都已收到知會。這項行動與郇山隱修會和OSMTJ在這一點上是一致的。我們是中介人。


這一環節就是赤靈蟒(Serpent Rouge),它將與隸屬於隱修會的聖殿騎士團攜手成為一個作戰單位。還有一種內部的團體,我現在不能透露它的名字。它就像赤靈蟒,運作得非常靈敏。這些團體將追擊所有罔顧人民利益的派別。








【註】OSMTJ:耶路撒冷聖殿的主權軍事秩序(拉丁語:Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi HierosolymitaniOSMTH


【原文】2019-02-28 Benjamin Fulford


Operation Royal Secret


Mr. Fulford,


It has been some time. Since we last spoke I have been promoted from Sergeant to Knight in OSMTJ*. I left the U.S. jurisdiction and joined through Belgium, and I am a founding member of the new OSMTJ England. I am now Special Envoy of the Prior and given the green light to do what must be done. So I need all this to be published in a data dump and specifically refer to Operation Royal Secret.


This is a two-pronged approach. I’ve been in constant contact with Vincenzo Mazzara for the last two years. We agree to Jubilee. You will state that Black and Blue Dragon assets are slated to be moved, worth trillions of dollars. Then we follow up moving Golden Guns, which are on call to China for $250 trillion each. This is how we will fund the Jubilee and back the excavation of the gold at your site.


Mazzara wants a meeting to be held with Trump in Barcelona to unfreeze the gold from the accounts from Reagan and Andropov. Putin agreed through his head of security at the G Summit, per what Vincenzo stated to me. As I showed you last time, this went to the highest levels of U.S. government, so we want Trump to see this so he will agree to the Barcelona Summit.


Also, we would want to move to unfreeze Ian Fleming’s gold in the British Virgin Islands. Also be advised and state that all 36 Ur-Lodges are on notice with the coming Jubilee.


This Operation becomes tandem with the Priory of Sion and OSMTJ at this point. We are clearing house.




This link is Serpent Rouge, which will be an operational unit in conjunction with the Knights Templar Militia, which both fall under the Priory. There is also an inner order whose name I cannot disclose at this time. It is just like Serpent Rouge, but is already filled with operators operating operationally. These groups will go after all factions who have worked against the interest of the people.


I am awaiting dispensation to run a Commandery of the Knights Templar Militia. I’ve done my first round of recruiting and I’m a part of the unnamed inner operational order.


After all that, you will state that Vincenzo Mazzara also contacted me about retrieving the Ark of the Covenant. That’s what Marcos was also doing in the Philippines, not just gold. P2 was trying to recover it from a cave. Vincenzo states that the Vatican knows where it is. So after the Golden Guns is when I’d go for the Ark, but you can end with the Vatican.


I’m asking for your help. I need all this published and put the Serpent Rouge link in and everything.




Andrew Heim


Special Envoy, OSMTJ England


Prieure de Sion Ordre de la Rose Croix Veritas


Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis




* OSMTJ: The Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (Latin: Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani, OSMTH)








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