盧比孔河(義大利語:Rubicone)是義大利北部的一條約29公里長的河流。這條河源自亞平寧山脈,流經艾米利亞-羅馬涅大區南部,最終在里米尼以北大約18公里處流入亞德里亞海。在西方,「渡過盧比孔河」(英語:Crossing the Rubicon)是一句很流行的成語,意為「破釜沉舟」。這個習語源自於西元前49年,凱撒破除將領不得帶兵渡過盧比孔河的禁忌,帶兵進軍羅馬與格奈烏斯·龐培展開內戰,並最終獲勝的典故。(图文来源:維基百科)
Dear Ones,
Today (January 20, 2019) is your day – for many of the changes you yearn for will now come to fruition.
Perhaps you expect a magic wand of sorts that will provide the magic and joy you have longed for. Such is not the case for you must actively participate in this creation process.
Now you are moaning and groaning thinking that we are merely offering another carrot. Instead, just as you needed to learn how to drive a car before you were allowed to drive, so it is now with your creation skills.
This is a time when many small creations you have dreamed of will become reality, similar to learning how to balance on a bicycle with training wheels.
Even though you traveled more rapidly on your bicycle with training wheels than you did walking, most likely you were within view of your parents or in a small neighborhood when you did so. But once you remove those training wheels, the larger world became your playground.
Many of you initiated your small creation skills in preparation for this time. You might declare such is not true for you cannot remember the times you found the perfect parking spot or an item you desired for less money than you anticipated or the gift of something you had forgotten you wanted. And likely, you also forgot the times you created gifts you labeled as luck or timing instead of creation.
So it is we are addressing two levels of creators today. Those who have practiced and those who have yet to do so. You are all creation giants, it is merely your decision which stage you are in. Just as some neighborhood children remove their bicycle training wheels more rapidly than others.
Part of your creation timing is your belief in yourself. Again, like those children brave enough to remove training wheels and depending on balance to project their bicycle forward.
So it is you have crossed the creation Rubicon as of this eclipse energy burst. It is now your decision when you wish to remove your creation training wheels.
Do not worry. You will not fall and you will not fail for you are finally accepting those hidden parts of you as your totality.
You, en masse, created this shift and now you are taking off the en masse training wheels and projecting your skills into the ethers to create what you desire.
Many wish to create financial freedom and so you may. But once that security is created, you will discover other aspects of your current earth life that you denied yourself out of fear or disbelief that you could create it without assistance from someone wiser than you.
You negated your true being to be of the 3D earth. Now, you are reclaiming yourself in all your glory.
Fear not. You will not fall short, make a mistake, or harm someone. You are the creator gods who waited to project those personal creations onto the earth until the time was right.
That time is now.
Allow yourself to believe that the recent comforts you discovered are not miracles, but merely you creating a better life for yourself as you were always capable of doing. A bit like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ discovering her magic slippers could take her home whenever she wished.
You are no longer believers in miracles. Instead, you are transferring that belief to your own capabilities. Something you always were capable of but afraid to do in a 3D world.
This is no longer a 3D world.
It is time for you to remove your blinders to your skills and claim your being in its totality regardless of the assumed consequences. Consequences that you created within yourself after eons of hiding those creative elements that could change the world.
Your hiding days are over. You are free to remove your bicycle training wheels whenever you feel the need. And when you do so, you will fly into new spaces and new creations as you zoom through your life in joy instead of the fears of discovery and the unknown. So be it. Amen.
通灵:Brenda Hoffman
翻译:Nick Chan