新纪元扬升之光 2018-9-27
IAm Ashtar. And as always it is a pleasure to be with you, especially in thesetimes now. These times that we are now beginning more and more to celebrate.We’re celebrating not our involvement, but your involvement, your progress. Allthat you are bringing forward into these next moments that are upon you.
Many of you are beginning to have more and more sightings ofthose of us, those of our ships, many more ofyou are seeing beyond the veil. Getting those glimpses as has been said manytimes.
Itell you now that this is only the beginning, for much that has been heraldedis now going to begin, is now going to come forth. We in the ships as we’vesaid previously have been parked far out here in your space, around yourplanet, but we are coming closer and closer, we arebeginning to move closer and closer. And one day, not into the too distantfuture, will be known as the day the stars fell. That will when our ships willpierce through the atmosphere of the Earth and appear everywhere, across yourentire planet.
Thosetimes are coming, and the preparations are being made in many different ways,many truths are coming forward, being revealed. And preparations are beingplanned, for the many announcements that are to come forth. What you have beentold about your broadcast system is correct. Many of you are coming tounderstand that your entire broadcast system can be overtaken,at a switch of a button, the turning of a switch.
Youare on the verge now, of the great many changes, great many revealings, much tocome forward. But I want you to know that many of you where you think that you arein a3Dimensional space, that you are still trapped within the illusion, withinthe matrix. But you are not. You only think you are, your conscious knowingself continues to hold you there. But your heart, that part of you that residesbeyond your conscious knowing self, has all ready lifted into the highervibrations, has all ready lifted into the higher 4th and even into the 5thdimension at times. And you are a 3 dimensional consciousness that isattempting to live in a 5th dimensional awareness. That is not possible,without a great many physical symptoms to come over you. Which is what many ofyou are experiencing now.
Manyof you are experiencing what are called the ascension symptoms. Because you areattempting to be in that 5th dimensional space, but to keep your threedimensional consciousness. And we say to you no, do not do that. Let that 3dimensional consciousness go, more and more. Go withthe flow. Let it be.
Allof these sayings are designed to take you away from the 3 dimensionalconsciousness, designed to lift you up, into the higher knowing of your being.That higher knowing that you all ready have. It just alludes you.Because your lower consciousness, or your lower chakra system continues to holdon, to hold you down. But it cannot do so for much longer. And when that pulseof energy comes from the Galactic Central Sun, known as the Event, or thechangeover, then in those moments, you will be lifted up. Your consciousknowing self will be lifted up. Because it will not know anything different atthat time.
Forthe old ways, the old comfort zone, will no longer becomfortable. For you will not be comfortable in the old paradigm. Just as manyof you are not comfortable in that now.
SoI say to you, lift up, lift up your hearts, lift up your minds, into thosehigher vibrations. And continue to do so in every opportunity that you have.
Finda beauty in everything. Because the beauty is in everything.
IAm Ashtar. And I leave you now at this time. But know that we are always withyou. We are just a whisper away. For we can be more fully with you, and will bein the not far off future.
Peaceand love be will all of you. Ashtar out.