原创: 萨南达 新纪元扬升之光
Sananda via Ann Dahlber
I am Sananda and I am here today to fulfill the promise, the promise that was given 2000 years ago about a new and better world being born here on Earth. That time is here now, dear children on Earth. It cracks and breaks when the old matrix fall apart and the new takes its place instead. The energy around Gaia is high and powerful and she no longer fits in the narrow space that the lower energy constitutes. It means dear children on Earth that the new era on Earth has started and that everything on Earth has a free choice to follow Gaia. She has invited all to follow her. Everybody has the opportunity to raise their frequency and together with her enter the light realm that is awaiting her. You have been given this opportunity because a whole planet is ascending and she loves you so much that she wants to have everybody with her – All life and all the beings that exist on your planet today and during days past. This means that everybody needs to raise their frequency so that they are in alignment with Gaia.
The light that is penetrating into Earth today opens up for this higher frequency. The dark flees from the light and quite a lot of darkness has now reached the surface and it is now being dissolved and disappears at the horizon. Many people take in the light, which also dissolves their darkness and negative experiences. They raise their frequency and help themselves and Gaia upwards on her journey with all her creations. The more lights that are lit the more creations she can take with her. This is multiplied all the time as the light is growing at an increasing pace. There are many hearts today that feel the hope and the light in their hearts. They start to walk the path of their hearts and become more conscious of what is happening around them. Yes, that everything is not pretty as you can see, but what is beautiful is right next to you. When the love is growing in your heart the picture of what you are meeting on your path is changing. You see more love and you meet more love wherever you go. Your world is changing from grey to light. The colors are getting clearer and clearer – you have a new perspective on the world you live in.
Yes, there is much cleansing that is taking place and has been going on for some time now. Some of you have soon finished cleansing and have raised your energy so that you are in alignment with Gaia. Others have just started and are having a tough time right now, but it gets lighter and lighter. Some are feeling more harmonious and start to take one step at a time. They start to get to know their heart and are trying to feel it in for every step they take. Yes, we are a diverse people and we find ourselves at many different steps of development in life. We can now hold on to each other and help each other on the journey towards the true light. We all have a chance to get there as long as the will is there. We can choose to stay on and get more experiences and get the opportunity to ascend at another time. You are equally well loved also then and will receive the guidance and means you need for this.
Many older souls on our Earth have however chosen to ascend with Gaia and they will do so. There are many souls that already have ascended on Earth today and they help Gaia with their light whether they are conscious or not conscious about it. They will return home once their ascension is over. Yes, there is a diverse flock on Earth of both conscious and not conscious beings and they have different lights and colors. You can never know which ones it is that you are meeting, if your heart is not radiating of love and is fully open from love. It is thus best to meet all with an open mind without prejudices. You can never know what task your fellow man or woman has in the luggage and what the purpose of it is. We are all one so we either help each other on our path or the opposite. It is yourself that you are meeting and it is from yourself that you learn things together with others. You teach each other things so study situations that you find yourself in and ask what it is you can learn from this. When you understand it and take in this experience you can let it go and move on to new experiences until you have learned what you have chosen to learn. This is when the harmony comes back in your life and you are ready to open for love. Your heart leads you to the doorway of love, so listen carefully to it. It is the voice of your heart that is to be heard ever stronger now. It is our hearts that are taking over the world today.
My heart rejoices with your hearts and I look forward to our reunion soon.
Walk in peace, with your heart. I am among you and I help you now.
I send Light and Love to all hearts that are on Earth.