你有關於傑樂·蘭德的情報(Jared Rand)嗎?
在您和羅拔·斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)的談話中,您認為我們應該招降納叛,把壞人(新世界秩序流氓/NWO mafia)變成好人。
是弗拉維亞凱撒(Flavian Caesars)發明了基督教來控制人民的嗎?
【原文】2018-02-21 Benjamin Fulford
《Any intel on Jared Rand?》
Would you have any intel on Jared Rand?
He says there is a “bad RV” and a “good RV,” and that the bad RV is the cryptocurrency, which is the cabal’s new fiat currency. They will assure everyone it is gold-backed and “rescue” us from all the others. (The recent warnings from the BIS against cryptocurrency feel like a cabal deception.)
The good RV is the gold-backed new currency.
Jared Rand is new on the scene and has all the positive off-world helpers’ projections well organized, as well as the spiritual themes put out by the likes of Wilcock and Goode.
Any thoughts on this?
All I can say is that we are tired of waiting for things to happen, so we are working on starting a gold-backed cryptocurrency. And we like to think we are the good guys.
2018-02-21 Benjamin Fulford
《Bad Guys into Good Guys?》
Dear Ben:
I heard in your talk with Robert David Steele that you think we should pay the bad guys off and change things to turn the bad guys (NWO mafia) into good guys.
I guess you don’t realize these bad guys are not Human–they have Human bodies and a Reptilian soul. I’m sure of this although I can’t prove it, but my work is at http://www.icheckyoursoul.com.
I have a God-given ability to read souls by the use of a pendulum, and almost everyone that has used my services agrees with my findings.
These Bad Guys are polarized evil and their souls come from the Draconian Reptilians, so they almost can’t change! If we were to pay them off and take them out of power, so to speak, what’s to stop them from continuing funding their evil corporations and keep up chemtrails, GMOs, vaccines, Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030, wars, and many other evil activities.
These Reptilian-soul people will not stop, and they intend to have just them in the ruling class and everyone else be a worker/slave. We must take these evil people out of our society while we still can. What say you?
A Long Time Subscriber
My view is that the true criminals will face justice, but the ones who went along because it was a choice of “either go along or die” should be allowed truth and reconciliation.
2018-02-21 Benjamin Fulford
《as Christianity invented?》
Did the Flavian Caesars invent Christianity to control the people?
I know you’re an investigative reporter and come across all kinds of sources. I’d love to have your opinion.
Yes, the P2 people in Italy told me they invented it to control the slaves.
2018-02-21 Benjamin Fulford
《Florida school shooting》
Hi Ben,
I think if you were to look into it, you’ll find as I have that the whole shooting thing in Florida was a hoax, and was another police drill just like Sandy Hook.
If you go through the hundreds of photos taken, not one shows any bodies, blood, bullets, bullet holes, empty cases, nothing, nada. Also, CNN interviewed a kid who said he was in the hall with a couple of other kids when they heard the shooting, but they were locked out of the classroom and wondering which way to go. The kid was not alarmed because they were all told that there was going to be a police drill and that the cops would be firing blanks . So it’s just as Sandy Hook, with a lot of actors. And now the building is off-limits and to be torn down to cover up any evidence–standard agency protocol, leave nothing behind or in this case, lack of.
The school was also in a wealthy area, and you can believe most all those kids have iPods and such, but no photos of blood and gore? How is that possible?
It is interesting what you stated about the school name being the same as the hospital Kennedy died in.
Love reading your stuff although I don’t always believe it. However, I have found over the years some of the way-out stuff is later revealed to be true.
I really miss being in Japan, but what I miss is the way it was in the early 60s.
Good work, Ben, and stay safe,
Hi CS,
Yes, I too think it was propaganda street theater. However, the message this time seems to have been intended to scare Jews and the people behind the Kennedy assassination.
資料來源: http://blog.udn.com/17ab68df/110468037