(2018-01-05 14:55:03)
Question: Sadhguru, sometimes I feel dull and sluggish. Can you tell me how to become more energetic and alive?
Sadhguru: One level of energy is the food that you eat, the water that you drink, the air that you breathe and the sunlight that you receive. These things become the day-to-day energy that you experience. Another way of looking at it is that what you call “life” or what you call “myself” is energy. How alive and wakeful you are is how energetic you are. The ability to convert food, water, air and whatever other inputs go into your system will be different in different people.
萨古鲁:能量的其中一个层面,是你所吃的食物,所喝的水,所呼吸的空气,所吸收的阳光。这些就是你每一天所体验到的能量。另一个角度就是,你所称为的 “ 生命 ” ,或者说你所称为的 “ 我自己 ” ,是一种能量。你有多活跃,多清醒,你就有多精力充沛。每个人将食物、水、空气,以及其他任何被摄入体内系统的东西转化成能量的能力,是不同的。
All spiritual practices – the kriyas and meditation – are fundamentally to make your energies more awake than what they are right now.
所有的灵性修行练习 —— 克里亚或是冥想 —— 都是从根本上使你的能量比现在更活跃。
It is not just about digestion and assimilation. The conversion of energy happens in different states, depending on how alive or how awake your energies are. Once you start certain spiritual practices, you might have seen that your level of energy is totally different. Your ability to stay awake, not be tired and to go on with life is so much better once you start these practices. If you practice these kriyas daily, you can see that if you don’t do them for one day, there is a distinct difference. In a way, all spiritual practices – the kriyas and meditation – are fundamentally to make your energies more awake than what they are right now.
这不仅仅是消化吸收的问题。能量的转化表现为不同的形态,而这取决于你自身的能量有多活跃多清醒。你也许已经注意到了,一旦你开始一些修行练习,你的能量水平是完全不同的。你保持清醒、不疲惫以及存续生命活力的能力会好相当多。如果你每天练习克里亚,你会发现如果一天不练,就会感到明显的区别。某种层面而言,所有的灵性修行练习 —— 克里亚或是冥想 —— 都是从根本上使你的能量比现在更活跃。
Whether we are talking about kundalini or, as they say in English, “plain, simple energy,” it is basically about raising ourselves to a higher level of energy. What you call “life” itself is energy. If you want to function on a higher plane of life, you need a higher level or quality of energy. There are many methods to do this. There are dramatic ways to energize a person, but such methods need proper preparation, balance and control over life. That requires much more awareness from a person, to know what he is doing and not doing with himself. Most people, even the so-called “spiritual” people, do not know what is happening within themselves 98 percent of the time, especially when it comes to their body or their energy. And when it comes to their mind and emotions, they usually do not know until it becomes acute.
不管我们说的是昆达里尼,还是他们在英语中说的 " 清明、纯粹的能量 " ,它在根本上都是关于将我们提升到一个更高的能量水平。你所说的 “ 生命 ” 本身就是能量。所以,如果你想在生命更高的层次上运行,你就需要更高水平、更高品质的能量。要做到这点,有很多方法。有很多有意思的方法来使一个人充满活力,但这些方法要求有适当的准备、平衡力和对生命的掌控力。它要求一个人有更多的觉知,知道自己在对自己做什么,以及不该对自己做什么。多数人,包括所谓的修行人士在内, 98% 的时间里都不知道自己内在发生着什么,尤其涉及到他们自己的身体或能量时。当涉及到他们的头脑和情感时,通常他们要等到它们变得非常尖锐时才会知道。
If a person is peaceful and happy, his energies begin to come alive in a certain way.
Right now, a certain emotion may be building up within you in a very small way, and you may not even be aware of it. For example, if someone suddenly calls you an idiot, you will explode. You think you are getting angry only now, but actually, it has been building up for days, weeks, or even months. It was not in your awareness because of your state of energy. When this is the case, the whole process of life is accidental, and your energy is accidental. When it is accidental, you will see that one day you are energetic, the next day you are not.
You will definitely notice that on a certain day, if you are very happy, you seem to be very energetic. Another day, when you are not so happy, you have no energy. One reason we are always talking about being peaceful and happy is not for the sake of peace and happiness, but only because if a person is peaceful and happy, his energies begin to come alive in a certain way. Otherwise, the system is simply blocked up. Only if these energies are alive can you activate them towards a higher possibility.
Being Truly Energetic
Being energetic means different things to different people. For a school kid, being energetic means being able to go to school, play games, come back home and fall asleep. For a laborer on the street, it means to be able to perform his activity all day. For an executive, it may mean to sleep less, travel more, or be more productive. For a yogi, he doesn’t want to sleep or eat. He wants to be that way for many days – just being alive by his own contact with existence, not by putting something into him.
充满活力的意义,是因人而异的。对一个小学生来说,充满活力就是能够去上学,玩游戏,回家,然后睡觉。对于街上的一位体力劳动者,就意味着能够全天进行体力活动。对于一位管理人员,那也许意味着睡少一点,出差多一点,或者说更高产一点。对于一个瑜伽士来说,那意味着他不想要睡觉不想要吃东西。他想保持这种状态很多天 —— 仅仅依靠自身与存在的连接而活着,而不是通过摄入其他的物质。
So, when you say “energetic,” if it is just about being a little more energetic in performing your day-to-day activities in the world, there are many simple practices that will definitely take care of it. If that is not enough, there are ways to upgrade that a little bit so that it can be taken care of. For me, being truly energetic means that when you just sit, the physical body is no more a limitation for you. If your energies are really active, the physical body is no longer a limitation; energy becomes the main contact. Right now, your body, mind and emotions are the main contact that you have with the rest of the world. That is how you communicate and reach out. You can touch someone physically. Or, you can communicate with your thoughts, or emotionally convey something.
所以,当你说 “ 充满活力和能量 ” 的时候,如果你指的是在这个世界上从事日常活动时更有活力一点,那么有许多很简单的练习就可以完全照顾到你的能量。如果那还不够,有一些方法可以使其提升一点儿使其被照顾到。对于我来说,真正地充满活力是指,当你只是坐着,物质身便不再是一种局限。如果你的能量是真正活跃的,物质身便不再是一种局限,能量成为了主要的联结方式。现在,你的身体、头脑和情感是你与世界的主要联系,是你沟通和联结的方式。你可以在肢体上与人接触,你可以用思想与人交流,你可以通过情感有所表达。
But once you are truly energetic, you can communicate with everything in the existence energy-wise. When you start communicating energy-wise, there is no distinction between this and that. Once the barrier is broken, that is ultimate nature. When you start a spiritual process, being energetic means going beyond all limitations, because in energy there is oneness. In the physical body, there can never be oneness. In mental thought, there can never be oneness. We may talk about oneness, but it is never going to happen. With our emotions, we may think we are one, but we are still separate. No two people can feel exactly the same way. You may believe so, but if you have any sense, you will realize within a short time that it is not so. Some people may take years to realize; a few people will realize quickly, but everyone will realize. No two people are exactly alike physically, mentally, emotionally; it’s not possible. But when you become truly energetic, oneness is just natural. That is the way it is.
然而一旦你真正地能量充沛,你能在能量的层面上与存在中的万物交流。当你开始以能量层面交流,一切便没有 ” 彼 “ 和 ” 此 “ 的分别。一旦障碍消除,那便是终极的本质。当你开始灵性修行,充满能量就意味着超越一切局限,因为在能量中,万物合一。在物质身上,永远不会有合一;在精神思想上,永远不会有合一;我们也许会谈到合一,但那永远不会发生。在情感上,我们也许认为我们是一体的,但我们仍然是分隔的。没有任何两个人能有完全相同的感受;你也许相信是有的,但如果你有点儿感知,很快你会意识到并没有。 有的人可能要花很多年去意识到这点,有些人很快就会意识到,但最终每个人都会意识到。没有任何两个人可以在身体、精神或情感上是相同的,那是不可能的。但是当你真正地充满能量,合一便是自然而然的。这是实相。