Sadhguru looks at the purpose of creating a powerful energy space like the Isha Yoga Center, and the idea behind creating such an “umbrella of energy.”

这篇博文中萨古鲁探讨了创造一个像 Isha 瑜伽中心这样强大的能量空间的目的,以及创造这样一个 能量伞 其背后的意义。


Sadhguru: What is the purpose of living in an ashram? There are various types of ashrams. People who have not been able to take care of themselves in the outside society, their food or their wellbeing or their housing, they move into certain types of ashrams. Isha Yoga Center is not one of those ashrams. This is an ashram created for a spiritual purpose. Why does one move into an ashram space like this, which is essentially for the spiritual process? What is the ingredient which makes it into that kind of a space? What is the significance and why be in such a space?

萨古鲁:住在静修所的目的是什么?有各种各样的静修所。那些不能在外部社会照顾好自己,自己的食物,自己的健康幸福,或者居住环境的人,他们就搬到有些静修所去住。 Isha 瑜伽中心不是这样的静修所。这个静修所是为了灵性修行而建的。一个人为什么要搬到这样的一个本质上是为了进行灵性修行的静修所?   是什么让静修所成为这样一个空间?有什么意义?为什么要住在这样的空间里?


This is a spiritual space because the necessary energy has been invested in this space. If we were as strong as the other creatures who live on the Velliangiri Mountains, we wouldn’t have made this place ugly with all the buildings – we would have just slept on the field.

这是一个修行的空间,因为在这里注入了必要的能量。如果我们和维灵吉瑞山上的其他生物一样强壮,我们就不会修建起这些建筑,让这个地方变丑 —— 我们本来可以只要睡在野地里就行。


To be in the ashram means to be under the umbrella of this energy. What is the purpose of an energy like this when it is driving many people totally insane? You stay here, you can’t be here. If you leave this place, you cannot be anywhere else because the purpose of this energy is not to let you settle down.



The idea of creating an umbrella of this energy is to put your life on fast-forward.



The idea of creating an umbrella of this energy is to put your life on fast-forward. People on the spiritual path are people of unquenchable discontent. It is being propagated that spirituality means contentment. Contentment means you have contented yourself with what you have. A spiritual person means he is unwilling to settle for anything less than the Ultimate. If he is miserably discontent, he becomes ugly. If he is joyfully discontent, he is dynamic. He is a possibility all the time. He won’t stay in one place. It doesn’t matter how much comfort it offers, he will not stay. It is a longing not to stop, not to find a nest of comfort, not to end up in a nook that is comfortable, but to get onto the boiling main stream and go.



When we put life on a fast-forward, everything is exaggerated in your experience, both your joys and your miseries. When your pain gets exaggerated, you wonder, “Why the hell this spirituality? Why did I choose this? I thought this was going to be bliss…” That was the advertisement at least: “Inner Engineering – Peak of Wellbeing.” Yes, it is, but you need to understand, when you stand on the highest peak, wellbeing means you just manage to stand – that you are not blown off.

当我们按下生命的快进键,在你体验中的一切都被放大,你的喜悦和你的痛苦都被放大。当你的痛苦被放大的时候,你会想, 为什么要进行这见鬼的修行?为什么我选择了这条路?我以为修行是充满喜悦的 ……” 至少我们的广告是这样宣传的: 内在工程 —— 幸福之巅 。是的,内在工程确实是这样,但是你要明白,当你站在巅峰上,幸福就是你能努力站立,不要被风吹走。


There is a beautiful story in the yogic lore. Once there was a blacksmith in a village, a very poor man. It looked like he acted like a magnet to all the problems in the world. They were visiting him too often. But he was a devout, very prayerful person. Once, a friend of his who did not believe in all this came and said, “What nonsense, you going on praying to your god. Look at your life! All the time you are in trouble.”

瑜伽传说中有一个美丽的故事。从前,在一个村子里有个铁匠,他很穷。他似乎就是一块磁铁,把全世界的问题都吸到自己身上。这些问题频繁地找上他。但是他是个非常虔诚的人,常常祷告。一天,他的一个根本不相信这些祷告的朋友来了,对他说: 你对你的神祷告,都是毫无意义。看看你自己的生活!你总是有麻烦。


So the blacksmith said, “See, I know only this profession. Everything I have learned, I have learned by being a blacksmith. If I want to make a useful tool, I take a piece of steel, heat it, beat it, cool it, heat it, beat it… If a piece of steel cannot take the heating and beating and cooling, then I throw it on the scrap heap. Otherwise it becomes a useful tool. So my prayer is only this: “Dear god, heat me, beat me, cool me, do whatever– but don’t ever throw me on the scrap heap.”

铁匠说, 我懂的只有打铁这个行当。我学习的一切,我学到的一切,都是通过打铁。如果你打造一件有用的工具,我取一块铁、煅烧、敲打、冷却、再煅烧、敲打 …… 如果一块铁不能承受这样的煅烧、击打和冷却,那么我就把它扔到废料堆里去。如果它能承受,它就会成为一件有用的工具。所以我的祷告只是在说: 亲爱的神,煅烧我、击打我、冷却我,在我身上做一切事情 —— 但是请不要把我扔进废料堆里。


The scrap heap is a comfortable place. Nobody beats you, nobody heats you, nobody does anything to you, but you are on the scrap heap. You should not be afraid of pain, you should not be afraid of hardship, you should not be afraid of death. “Don’t put me on the scrap heap.” That should be the only fear for a person on the spiritual path.

废料堆是个很舒服的地方。没人击打你,没人煅烧你,没人对你做任何事,但是你处在废料堆中。你不应该惧怕痛苦,你不应该惧怕艰辛,你不应该惧怕死亡。走在修行路上的人,唯一应该惧怕的,是 不要把我扔进废料堆











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