原创 2017-12-02 阿斯塔 新纪元扬升之光
Ashtar viaJames McConnell, November 26th, 2017
I AMAshtar.
Thesetimes that we can be together are very fulfilling times, not only for us butfor those of you that are awaiting these many changes that are coming, thatsome that are already here.
But asalways, we always caution you to not look only to the future but to be in thepresent moment now. For that is all you have. You only have the now. The pastwill soon be forgotten in many respects. The future has not yet been written.But each and every moment of your life you are preparing that story that is yetto come.
And knowthis: as everything around you begins to crumble, everything that you’ve knownbegins to fall apart in many respects — it is not to spread fear, certainly,for we would never do that — but it is to let you know that the paradigm thatyou have come to understand in this 3-D illusionary world is coming apart … iscoming down.
要知道 : 你周围的一切都开始崩溃,你认识的一切在很多方面开始分崩离析——这不是传播恐惧,当然,我们不会这样做,但这会引领你知道你已经理解的模式…这个 3 D 幻相的世界正在崩溃…正在降临。
Each andevery day it comes down just a little bit more until one of these mornings youwill awaken and a paradigm that you have known for so long will begin to fallinto your rear view mirror and more and more will be forgotten because you willhave moved through this transition, through this ascension process. You willhave come into those higher vibrations that have been spoken of for so many,for so long now and you will know that you have finally arrived at what Sanandahas called the finish line; what others call the new beginning, the New Age ofGaia, the New Nova Earth. All of these things are yet the same.
But youyourselves are not going to be the same, not the same as you have always knownyourselves. For those of you that are the light workers, and many are nowbecoming the warriors, the light warriors, the ones that are ready to takeaction, the ones that are ready to move forward. We share the Sword of Lightand Truth which you will all be holding.
It is notonly Archangel Michael that carries the Sword. He has entrusted the Sword toall of you now as well. You will all be carrying this forth. All of those uphere on our ships are in preparatory mode to move at a moment’s notice as soonas that signal is given. We are expecting a great deal to occur in the verynear future. Much is about to shift and change.
You arereceiving much information now. Many truths are coming forward and those truthsshall indeed set you free. In order for those truths to come forward takes moreof you, more of you the light warriors, ones who are sharing the light now. Ittakes more of you to bring this about, to bring these truths to come forward.Because you are the audience. You are the ones these truths are meant for now.You are the ones that are in the awakening stages. You are also the ones thatwill assist others in awakening.
You haveheard many times without you we would not be able to do what we are doing. Andwithout us, you would not be able to do what you need to do going forward.
Expect nowin the next days and weeks a great many things to come forward, many truths tobe revealed. Some from unexpected places; unexpected ones to come forward. Youhave already heard of a few. More are coming forward. More are going to bringinformation, information that has long been in the shadows is now coming intothe light just as all of you are.
I AMAshtar. I will be with you very much so in this coming Advance. If not morephysically in person, certainly as a consciousness to be with you. All of mypeace and love be with all of you.