








My Dear Ones, I am here your Father, God and your Prime Creator. You noticed that the world you used to know about six months ago is now gone. In this moment, you are confused and uncertain on what is happening on your planet. Everything around you is collapsing and changing rapidly, you are moving now to a new 5D existence. The system of enslavement is getting dissolved like it never existed before here on Earth. Yes, the 3D matrix is going to be removed and you are advancing towards a new phase of your life.

亲爱的,我是你的父亲、神、最初造物主。你注意到你六个月前所知的世界已经不再。在这个时刻,你很困惑,不知道正在发生什么。你周围的一切都在崩塌和迅速改变,你正在进入新的 5D 存在。 奴役 系统正在溶解,好似从未存在过一样。是的, 3D 矩阵将被移除,你在朝向一个新的生活阶段


I am here to assist and guide you during your Ascension Process to The Golden Age. I am available 24/7 through this channel and I work closely with the group called Galactic Federation Brotherhood. Your world is changing at accelerating pace with each day you are moving more and more away from the reality you knew, which was forced on you for many thousand of years. Your liberation is coming now. You are here to ascend for the first time ever with the physical bodies on Earth and millions of beings are observing your Ascension. You chose to come here on assignment and see this mission through. Right now, Mother Gaia is bombarded by high energies from Space and the timelines are shifting and moving much faster to speed up this process.

我前来协助、指引你扬升到黄金时代。我一天 24 小时可供这位管道连接,我与被称为 银河聯邦 兄弟会的团体密切合作。你们的世界每天都在加速改变,你在越来越多地远离你所知的现实(被强加于你数千年了)。你们的解放正在到来。你是来这里进行有史以来第一次带着物理身体扬升的,数以百万计的存在观看着你的扬升。你选择来到这里完成这个使命。现在,盖亚母亲在被来自太空的高能量轰击,时间线在更加快速地转变和移动,以便加速这个进程


We are here, including me, Prime Creator to help you with this amazing development of your awakening and evolution to become a Galactic Human by ascending first to fifth dimension and then later on to even higher dimensions. I am happy to be here and lead you to your new life. The Coronavirus once again was injected into your society after three months of being locked up. The only news you ever hear now on TV are on how many people died or got effected by this virus, and I need to tell you these numbers are not accurate. You are under attack by The Dark Forces who are using all their power that they have left trying to keep this 3D reality going. Unfortunately for them, it's not working anymore, they keep loosing their forces everyday. We are making sure that you are staying safe and sound. We are eliminating them one by one on a daily basis.

我们在这里,包括我,最初造物主,帮助你惊人的觉醒和进化,通过先扬升到五维然后到更高维度来成为银河人类。我很高兴来到这里,引领你朝向新的生活。在三个月的禁闭后病毒再次被注入你们的社会。你在电视上唯一听到的消息就是又有多少人死亡或感染,我想要告诉你,这些数字是不准确的。你是受到了黑暗力量的攻击,他们在使用他们剩下的所有力量保持住这个 3D 的现实。对他们来说很不幸,这不再奏效,他们每天都在失去自己的力量。我们在确保你是平平安安的。我们每天都在一个接一个地消除他们


We need to heal this planet from abuse, pain and suffering by bringing all of the living beings to a better place by uplifting their energies to higher realms, so we can trigger the healing process for the whole planet and it's inhabitants on Mother Earth. Yes, lets heal Earth and humanity together by doing daily meditations, either by yourself or in groups by sending love and light to all of the souls here and by being compassionate to each other.



You were always curious and wondering how long it's going to take for you to get to a new reality. Unfortunately, you were asleep and not aware what was going on, because The Negative Forces made sure that you didn't know who you are and kept you in the dark by not letting you see and understand the world you are living in. Their whole purpose was to make sure that you would be stuck in this 3D matrix by making you reincarnate life after life and never be able to leave this planet. They even implemented a special system of artificial intelligence, you call it here AI, to keep you here on Earth, so you would not be able to leave and go to back to your Galactic Family or to your home planet, where you came from.

你总是想知道需要多久才能到达新的现实。不幸的是,你睡着了,不知道发生了什么,因为负面力量通过不让你看到、理解你所生活的世界来确保你不知道你是谁、让你处于黑暗中。他们的整体目标就是确保你困在 3D 矩阵中(通过不断地转世,永远无法离开地球)。他们甚至应用一个特殊的人工智能系统,你称为的 AI ,来让你困在地球上,这样你就无法离开,返回银河家人或家乡星球


The human civilization stayed in the darkness for a long time, and now I am here personally overlooking the whole process, and I am working with the group Galactic Federation Brotherhood to help to accelerate this Ascension Process, and move everyone to a more happy and prosperous life that all of you deserve. Since, I have been on Mother Earth, I made time adjustments. Your time is now going much faster, I am trying to speed everything up in your reality to a faster pace, so your Ascension Process would move more quickly. Your ascension was suppose to happen a long time ago, and it was stretched out by all of these negative entities, who came here to this planet only to destroy, torture and keep everything and everyone in the darkness by not letting anyone to evolve. These times are coming to an end, me, personally and the rest of Galactic Federation of Light, Ascended Masters, Grand Counsel, High Counsel and etc. are diligently working on that.

人类文明处于黑暗中很久了,现在我亲自来到这里监督这个过程,我与 银河聯邦 兄弟会共事帮助加速扬升进程,让每个人进入一个更加快乐和繁荣的生活。自从我来到这里,我对时间做出了调整。你们的时间现在流逝地更快,我试图加速你们现实中的一切,这样你们的扬升进程可以进行地更快。你的扬升理应很久前就发生,它被所有负面的实体拉伸,这些实体来到地球只是为了破坏、折磨、让一切和每个人处于黑暗中(通过不让任何人进化)。这样的时代就要结束,我,本人,以及光之 银河聯邦 的其他人,扬升大师,宏伟的顾问团,高级顾问等等,在辛勤地致力于此


Please, understand that it's very important for you to do your daily meditation, express your gratitude for the things you have and by being kind to yourself and nature. You need to find the time to connect with me and other higher beings, so we can assist you and guide you through this process to The Golden Age of Gaia. Yes, I have been emphasizing on meditation and all other beings have been repeating on how important it is. The meditation connects you to 5D energies, it speeds up the Process of Ascension and it keeps your life essence safe from The Dark Forces. Also, telepathic communications happens during meditation, you can connect to anyone here or on other planets on a conscious or subconscious level.

请明白,去进行每日的冥想,感恩你拥有的一切,对自己和大自然友善是非常重要的。你需要腾出时间与我和其他更高的存在连接,这样我们可以协助你、指引你通过这个进程到达盖亚的黄金时代。是的,我一直在强调冥想,所有其他存在一直在重复它的重要性。冥想让你与 5D 的能量连接,它会加速扬升进程,它让你的生命本质免受黑暗力量的攻击。还有,心灵感应交流会在冥想期间发生,你可以与这里或其它星球上的任何人进行有意识或无意识的连接


Remember all of us are One and we are One Universal Mind. The Universe doesn't have a beginning or end. The time zones are going to be dissolved on Earth, and time it's going to become unimportant, you are going to live your life without ever looking at the clock. Everything you know now it's going to go away. It was created only for one reason to control you, not to let you be free and be able to think for yourselves. It was a clever and long term plan by all of these negative beings, who even used artificial intelligence, which destroyed many planets, galaxies and universes. It becomes very dangerous to have this technology without keeping a close eye on the their development by making sure it doesn't get modified. If you loose control over it, AI develops on its own, and then it takes over planets, galaxies and universes. This becomes a very dangerous weapon, which can be unstoppable.

记住,我们所有人都是一,我们是同一个宇宙头脑。宇宙没有开始也没有结束。时区会在地球上溶解,时间会变得不重要,你会不用去看时钟地生活。你现在所知的一切都会消失。它们被创造只为了控制你,不让你自由,不让你能够自主思考。这是所有负面存有制订的一个聪明的长期的计划,他们甚至使用人工智能,破坏许多行星、星系和宇宙。不去密切关注这个技术的发展,不去确保它不会被修改是非常危险的。如果失控了, AI 会自我发展,然后会占据行星、星系和宇宙。这就变成了一个非常危险的武器,会是不可阻挡的


The Negative forces implemented some of artificial intelligence on Terra Christa to put everybody down to their knees, so that you couldn't even be able to have a second to breath without being watched and manipulated by them. Perfect example of this is the Coronavirus, look how quickly they put you under their control in every aspect of your life. It was done without any consideration of your well being or helping you to stay safe. The Negative Side just pushed their selfish and very dangerous agenda to keep you under their absolute control and to kill you with their vaccine plan, which was suppose to help you to deal with the virus, the Coronavirus is only life threatening on TV and in front of the cameras.

负面力量应用一些人工智能来让每个人都卑躬屈膝,这样你的每一次呼吸都会被他们监视和操众。对此完美的例子就是此次的病毒,看看他们有多快让你生活的每个面向都处于他们的掌控。根本没有考虑过你的福祉或保障你的安全。负面力量只是推动他们自私的非常危险的议程让你处于他们的绝对控制之下,用他们的 苗计划杀害你,它本该帮助你应付病毒,病毒只在电视和镜头面前是致命的


This virus cannot harm you the way they describe it to you. You can create anything with your mind, so be careful what you wish for, because that can become your reality. If you start believing that this Coronavirus is real, then it can become real. Please, be aware that you are a powerful multi dimensional being, who doesn't even know yet how powerful you really are. The mystery about you is that you have more than 15 strands of DNA from other Galactic Civilizations in you. You were manipulated and your DNA was altered and forced to be here forever. I am happy to announce to you that it's ending now and that we are almost there.

这个病毒不会在他们描述的方式中伤害你。你可以用你的头脑创造一切,所以小心你所许的愿,因为那会成为你的现实。如果你开始相信这个病毒是真的,那么它就会成真。请意识到你是一个强大的多维度存在,你还不知道你到底有多强大。你的秘密就是你有着超过 15 DNA 链,来自其它的银河文明。你被操縱,你的 DNA 被更改,你被迫永远呆在这里。我很高兴来向你宣布,这已经结束,我们几乎就要到了


I am here myself overlooking this process with the help from the Galactics in higher realms. I decided to come here to Earth, because I saw that this process here has been dragged forever. I want this to be done as soon as we can and move to other projects. I would like for all of you to be able to enjoy your life for the first time, and have the life that you deserve by not to being always controlled and told what to do. I can't wait to see these happy smiles on humanity faces, when they are going to have new crystalline bodies in 5D reality. Yes, your body is going to change, what you have now at this moment cannot go to the 5th dimension, the light is going to burn the physical body. You are slowly changing without noticing to a new crystalline light body.

我亲自来到这里监督这个过程,伴随着更高领域的银河存有的帮助。我决定来到地球,因为我看到这个进程永远在被拖延。我想要它尽可能快地完结,好去进行其它的项目。我想要你们能够有史以来第一次去享受生活,拥有你值得拥有的生活,不被控制和告知应该怎么做。我等不及看到人类脸上的笑容,当他们能够在 5D 现实中拥有新的水晶身体。是的,你的身体将会改变,你现在拥有的不能进入五维,光会烧坏物理身体。你在慢慢地不被注意到地改变成新的水晶光之身体


I am happy to help and guide human beings through this Ascension Process. I appreciate my times with all of you here on Mother Gaia and I send to all of you my blessings, light and love. Stay strong and be kind to each other and lets heal this planet together and make Terra Christa bloom by being happy and nurtured with no more pain or suffering ever again, only happy and amazing experiences for all of you. Your lives are going to change to the point that you will never experience disease or sickness and you will stay young forever. If you decide to leave this planet, you will be able to change your form, but you are not going to be forced out of your physical body.



The times are changing, a new world is just around the corner. I came here to greet you and to give my love, light and my blessings to all of you. Thank you, I am Prime Creator and I enjoyed being here with you today for these few moments and I am sending high energies to all of you. Stay in light and love.



传导:Erena Velazquez

翻译:Nick Chan




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