





Dear Ones,




Even though you wish to love all, the chaos in your outer world limits the scope of your love. You likely crossed off large groups of people because they seem so unlike you. Perhaps they are of a different political party than you align yourself with or are a different gender, age, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or race.




Such is so to encourage you to find your base, your soul actions. But since that overview is not enough for many of you to accept those not of your thought processes, you experience guilt and fear.




For you believe you cannot be of 5D or beyond if you cannot accept those of the opposing team if you will.


因为你相信如果你无法接纳那些相反的人,你就无法是 5D 以及之上的


That inner crisis is not as devastating as you now believe. Enmesh yourself in team activities if you wish. Eventually, all will be as one – but not yet for most of you.


内在的危机并未如你相信那般具有破坏性。如果你希望,去参与到团队活动中。最终,一切都会是一体的 --- 但对于大多数人来说还没到那时候


This is a divisive time.




Even though you will outgrow these feelings, you are clearing eons of societal rage. As predicted, those clinging to 3D power will not be leaders of the future and for many of you, not now. But this time has to play itself out, just as a kettle of water does not boil instantly.


即便你会成长超越这些感受,你在清理社会恒古以来的愤怒。如预计的那样,那些紧抓 3D 力量(译注:此文所有力量都可以译为权力,请自行挑选)的人不会是未来的领袖,对于你们大多数人,还不是时候。但这个时刻必须得上演,就像一壶水不会瞬间沸腾


Perhaps your concern is that 3D power and fear seem to be never-ending – flooding the world like a virus. Those fears and power plays have always been. But they were contained enough, so they did not necessarily touch every second of your every lifetime. As long as you played by most of society’s rules, you were relatively safe from direct contact with those who wielded power in fear.


也许你的担忧是 3D 的力量和恐惧看似永无止境 --- 像病毒一样淹没世界。那些恐惧和力量的戏剧一直都是这样。但它们已被充分地控制,所以它们不一定会触及你每一生的每一秒。只要你根据大部分的社会规则玩耍,你与那些在恐惧中行使力量的人直接接触是相对安全的


Those power plays are now being exposed and as you change, you find them deplorable. Not because their actions have changed, but because you have. You are not the sheep of yesterday, you are the superman/superwoman of today.


那些力量的戏剧在被曝光,随着你的改变,你发现他们是可悲的。不是因为他们的行为已经改变,而是因为你已经改变。你已经不是昨天的羔羊,你是今天的超人 / 女超人


So it is you are fighting against norms established for eons. Today’s happenings are no different from what has always been. Perhaps the communications are more rapid so you learn more than you wish to, but the actions are no different.




What happened in the past was a bit like believing in Santa Claus. You noticed what you wanted to notice and negated the rest. Until the day, you felt strong enough emotionally to know “the king wears no clothes” and Santa Claus is not real.




You are maturing. Those firmly ensconced in 3D refuse to do the same. So it is they are returning to a time when everyone believed in Santa Claus. And to prove their point more dramatically, they are shouting their rightness to the world instead of whispering in back rooms as has been the norm.


你在变得成熟。那些扎根于 3D 的人拒绝去这么做。所以他们在返回每个人相信圣诞老人的时代。为了更引人注目地证明他们的观点,他们向世界大喊他们的正直而不是秘密地低语,如一如往常那般


You are not wrong. Nor are those who believe in Santa Claus wrong. The difference is you are pulling away from them, and that frightens those who wish to remain of 3D. It is as if you tell your parents you no longer believe in Santa Claus and they continue to pretend that Santa Claus is a real. Your parents know they are not telling you the truth and you know they are not telling the truth, but you do not wish to disturb them so you pretend past the time when such is appropriate.


你没有错。那些相信圣诞老人的人也没错。不同的是你在脱离他们,这让那些希望处于 3D 的人很害怕。这就像你告诉你的父母你不再相信圣诞老人,而他们继续假装圣诞老人是真的。你的父母知道他们没有跟你说实话,你知道他们没有在说实话,但你不希望打扰他们,所以你假装来度过这样的时刻


Those following any deeply enmeshed in 3D are pretending to be of one mind. And perhaps they are – for a time. Most of those followers will also mature and understand there is no Santa Claus.


那些深陷于 3D 的人假装是一条心。也许他们是 --- 在那么一段时间里。他们大多数人也会成熟并明白没有圣诞老人


You, the forerunners, are a bit ahead of the crowd knowing without a doubt that fear is no longer appropriate or believable.




That belief is rapidly growing within humanity and all earth beings – except for those who are prolonging 3D fear to help you shift to 5D or beyond.


这个信念在人类和所有地球存在中快速增长 --- 除了那些延长 3D 恐惧来帮助你转变到 5D 以及之上的人


Those of 3D are your helpers, just as your parents created Santa Claus to make your holidays more festive. But unlike your parents, those deeply ensconced in 3D do not wish for you to grow beyond their belief systems of power and fear. You have and others will.


那些 3D 的人是你的帮手,就像你的父母创造了圣诞老人让你的节日更加喜庆。但不像你的父母,那些深陷于 3D 的人不希望你成长超越他们对力量和恐惧的信念系统。你已经超越,其他人也会


Those deeply enmeshed in 3D do not understand and will fight to the end to maintain their power. Not because they are evil entities, but that their transition role is to hold the 3D bastions despite all efforts to move beyond 3D. Those firmly of 3D are as deeply attached to their roles as are you to transitioning to 5D or beyond.


那些深陷于 3D 的人不明白,会战斗到最后来维持他们的力量。不是因为他们是邪恶的实体,而是他们的角色就是保持 3D 的堡垒,无视所有超越 3D 的努力。那些坚定的 3D 之人深度地附属于他们的角色,就像你,转变到 5D 以及之上的人


This is not a time of trifles. This is a time of discovering your role within the greater whole. So it is, you are horrified by that which you once accepted as normal.




Which returns us to our original point. You feel as if you are in a battle of “good” against “evil”. The truth is you are merely beginning to express your 5D role, and those you are battling against are expressing theirs. All as predicted.


这让我们回到了我们的原始点。你感到好似你处于一场“善与恶”的战斗中。事实上你只是在开始表达你 5D 的角色,你在对抗的那些人在表达他们自己的角色。一切都如预计的那般


Follow your heart, your inner-being and you will soon float beyond your anger. Pretend you are not angry or concerned and you will function as you always have in 3D.


跟随你的心,你内在的存在,很快你就会超越你的愤怒。假装你不生气或担忧,你会如你往常在 3D 中的那样运行


The 3D kings and queens do not wear a cloak of 5D love and most likely never will in this lifetime. Allow your anger to flow until you understand why they fought so diligently to maintain your belief in Santa Claus.


3D 的国王和王后并没有穿着 5D 的爱之外套,很有可能永远不会在此生穿上。让你的愤怒流动直到你明白为什么他们那么卖力想让你相信圣诞老人


Their actions are of love for this transition. They merely pulled the most difficult role as villains in a time when villains are being exposed and ignored. Grant them the freedom to act out their roles as they are encouraging you to act out yours.




If you are angry and bitter about those villains, it is merely your way of clearing societal ills you ignored or denied for eons.




You have played the part of a villain in other lifetimes. The difference is you were supported during those times by your society – and today’s 3D villains will not be supported much longer.


你在其他生世中扮演过恶人的角色。不同的是在那时你被社会支持着 --- 今天 3D 的恶人不会再被支持


There is no Santa Claus as you have all realized – and more and more are realizing daily. So be it. Amen.


没有圣诞老人,如你们都意识到的 --- 越来越多的人在意识到。就是如此。阿门


通灵:Brenda Hoffman

翻译:Nick Chan





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