原创 2017-10-24 拉斐尔 新纪元扬升之光
Archangel Raphael via Ann Dahlberg, October 18th, 2017
I am Raphael. I am here to thank you all for the massive work that you now have done on Earth. You have turned the direction of the wind today. After the dark menacing wind comes now a mild and loving breeze. It has required courage and sacrifices to come where you are today. Some of these brave souls have left the Earth and they now give their help and support from a higher plane of the reality we live in. We live on different planes, but have the same origin my children on Earth. We are born in the light and it is to there that we will return. We can live on many different planes at the same time, but on some lower planes we are unaware of this.
It can be hard to go from being unaware to become aware even for a single individual. Much more is asked from you when a whole collective is about to ascend. The responsibility then gets larger for all your brothers and sisters. You who are aware have a responsibility to wake up those that are unaware. It is true for the whole of humanity that they should have the opportunity to wake up and ascend with Mother Earth – the planet that has become their home during so many thousands of years. It is by shining with your own light that you can ignite the light in others – attract the hearts and the flickering flame will grow larger and larger. This is when you take each other by the hand and start your new journey on Earth. This time it will be a journey of light, where everything on Earth will find its rightful place in light and love. It will also lift this part of your solar system up to a higher dimension of being. It can, as you understand, create some rings on the water that grows larger and larger. Everything is connected and one thing impacts another. This is why many now follow everything that is happening on Earth, since everything that is happening in this solar system has an impact on other solar systems.
It is so that we live in a multidimensional Universe. What happens in one place resounds in other places across the whole enormous Space. This can be a lot to take in, but you will soon know how everything is connected. You will receive the knowledge and the abilities you need in order to absorb everything so that you can understand your own role in the large drama that is now playing out on Earth. You grow in consciousness and you grow in your spirituality, your souls start to take a larger space in your bodies and we are very glad and grateful for this. Continue now in the same fashion that you have started dear children on Earth. Let your heart be what guides your actions. Listen to the beautiful and loving voice inside you and you will be led to the light. The one who is led by his/her heart can only do what is good for him/herself and fellow man. A large compassion rests in this heart as it knows and understands all the difficulties that come with having lost one’s heart’s clear light.
Let the light shine out from your hearts and let them ignite the remaining flickering flames so that you all can wander home to the light. There are many who wait for you there and there will be many surprises for you to experience. Your fantasy today is not enough to imagine how it can be in the higher dimension or dimensions that you are heading towards. It is much for you to ponder and learn. Finally everything will open up and you become one with yourselves, your origin and history. Your rich experiences will give you many benefits and you will have larger possibilities to choose among to find in which way you want to serve Father/Mother God.
With these words I leave you now with much gratitude.
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwmVEIMqEbM