I am Sananda.
It is at these times as we come together that you are more and more becoming aware of who you are. Not who you have been told who you are growing up, not who you have become programmed to believe, but who you truly are at the deepest essence of your being. And I say purposefully here ‘essence’because that is what we all are is pure essence, pure consciousness, taking on a body of some type.
When you fully come to realize this, that you are not the body, that it is just an instrument or a vehicle for you to use, when you fully begin to realize that, a whole new universe opens up to you. A universe that is beyond the illusion, beyond the dream state as you have been speaking about, and into the more full waking state of what you all are.
You are all spiritual beings, simply having a physical experience for a time, in a relatively short time at that. Because this is not meant to be a schoolhouse. Yes, you are hear to learn, to experience. But not to learn as if you were in school, for that is just more programming. You are here to experience life.Life of all kinds.
And it just so happens that up until now you have been experiencing life as an illusion.But many of you have begun to move out of this illusion. Yes there are times when you are held back. There are times when the programming continues on. But there are also times when the programming is lifted, and who you are comes shining through.
These are those times now that you are all moving into. These are what this group is all about, and many other groups that are meeting at these times. It is all about finding yourself, remembering who you are. And remembering who you are within the illusion. Because once you remember who you are, then the illusion begins to disappear.
And when the illusion disappears, there is naught left but reality. Reality that is your true being, your true being in consciousness, your true being in oneness. For you are your Higher Self, and your Higher Self is you. For you are the Source within you. The Source within you is you. All is one in the same, and the same in the one.
So let go now of all preconceived notions, all of the old programming. Let it become burned away by the Violet Flame. Know that everything here is happening for a reason. You are all part of the flow of the energy here, and the consciousness here.
So move freely through the consciousness and into the next higher levels of consciousness, into the higher vibrations.And when you are ready, you will then pass through the ‘ring-pass-not,’as you have let go of all attachments that have held you back, and you pass freely into the next higher dimensional frequencies. That is what you are all here to do. Not only to do yourselves, but to then demonstrate to those after you how it can be done.
I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And to go forth together, and continue to share the light wherever you are able. Because you are the Light-sharers and the Light-bearers.
I am Sananda. Peace and love be with all of you.
通灵:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan