

 (2017-08-08 16:46:47)











中國也在發揮自己的作用以保持舊政權的運作,因為他們與美國的巨額結構性貿易順差給他們提供了大量美元,用來買通關係和打點世界各地的人士。羅斯柴爾德家族和其他血系的家族,成功地選擇了中國,他們用賄賂和奉承來拉攏中國人。超過 1 萬億美元的中國「一帶一路」計劃是他們幫助維持舊體系運轉的獎勵。


20 國集團變成 19 國集團的巴黎協定,就其本身而言,由於美國的退出,為了保持血系控制國際貨幣基金組織、世界銀行、聯合國和其他國際機構,而給予中國更大的投票權,儘管他們牢牢控制這些機構。問題在於,這項改革是建立在二氧化碳排放導致全球變暖的虛假聲明基礎上的,是一個謊言,一個騙局。







目前,西方的統治階層在醞釀一場規模最大的物種滅絕事件,是自 6500 萬年前恐龍滅絕以來最大的一次物種滅絕。歐洲和東亞的人口是地球上生產率最高的國家,他們正在經歷人口結構的崩潰。西方的收入差距現在已經超過了導致羅馬帝國崩潰的水平。


更糟糕的是, 911 事件背後的罪犯,國家動盪如伊拉克、利比亞和敘利亞,福島的核災、流感、埃博拉、愛滋病等生物武器擴散的元兇,到目前為止還未被逮捕或懲罰。


此外,我們沒有看到任何的禧年或一段時間的債務償還。也沒有看到以欺詐方式獲得的資產的再分配。這一點在雷曼兄弟的危機中尤為明顯,證明了血系家族通過欺詐創造了 23 萬億美元的資金,並利用這筆錢收購了全球範圍內的資產,這些資產在他們策劃的金融危機中被轉化成了廉價品。這些錢為什麼沒有被沒收呢?




他們還沒有把錢直接存入普通民眾的個人銀行賬戶。這就是為什麼定量寬鬆政策會造成財富差距擴大的原因。據分析顯示,大部份的錢都是通過大約 700 個人的手中流入,這意味着不是 1 %的人,而是那些從印鈔中受益的 0.0000001 %的人。




記住,「如果你欠銀行 1 萬美元,這是你的問題,但是,如果你欠銀行 100 萬美元,那就是銀行的問題。」「事實上,今年 5 3 日,美國企業政府違約,原因是其全資擁有的波多黎各子公司違約。然而,華盛頓特區的戲碼仍在持續上演。


這是因為,正如上面提到的,美國企業的債權人,比如中國、日本、韓國和中東的石油生產企業,正在補貼其每年 7000 億美元的損失(美國在 2016 年的貿易逆差規模)。


那麼,我們該如何改變現狀呢?第一個的機會將出現在下個月 30 日的美國企業財政支付期限。每年的這個時候,隨着付款期限的臨近,我們會看到各種各樣的演習。今年將不會有什麼不同,美國企業政府希望在最後期限前完成支付。這將意味着戰爭、敲詐、勒索、乞討、虛張聲勢等威脅,也不厭其煩的陸續搬出來示眾。


正如陳腔濫調的新聞報導一樣,俄羅斯、中國、朝鮮、伊朗以及其他任何不願提供保護資金的國家,將會一起出現戰爭威脅。如果這些努力取得成功,那麼事態將沿着他們的道路軌跡繼續前進。這也意味着,從 60 年代末開始,西方國家的生活水平已緩慢下降。








當然,如果你印了大量的鈔票,比如把 100 萬美元存入一個國家的每一個銀行賬戶,結果將是一場通貨膨脹的狂歡,隨之而來的是一場巨大的頭痛。




1938 年年到 1973 年,加拿大利用其政府擁有的中央銀行:



















【原文】Revolution to spread to Israel Japan and Middle East this autumn

By benjamin 2017-08-07


Notice to readers since I am on my holiday this report was written in advance.


The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States was a major step towards defeating the Khazarian mafia worldwide. However, the Trump presidency still represents an attempt to reform the old system rather than a true revolution.

Trump has been keeping the United State of America Corporation afloat mainly with money extorted from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Middle Eastern oil sheikdoms along with funds looted from Japan and South Korea.

The Chinese are also playing their part in keeping the old regime going because their huge structural trade surplus with the US gives them plenty of dollars to use to buy friends and influence people around the world. The Rothschild and other bloodline families who have been running the planet successfully co-opted the Chinese with bribes and flattery. The over $1 trillion Chinese one belt one road initiative is their reward for helping keep the old system afloat.

The Paris accords supported by 19 out of 20 G20 countries, for its part, was an attempt to keep the bloodline controlled IMF, World Bank, UN and other international institutions going by giving the Chinese greater voting rights at the expense of the US, even as they kept these institutions firmly under their control. The problem is that this reform is based on the fraudulent claim that carbon is causing global warming. It is not factually true.

It also leaves the old families firmly in charge. Remember, the people of the planet earth did not select the head of the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the BIS etc. it was all done behind the scenes by the ruling families.

For sure the factions behind the Paris accord represent the moderate, non-genocidal group within the bloodline ruling structure, including the royal families of Europe. They were able to secure this accord with the help of the Asian royal bloodlines. Overall they mean well but they are simply not competent to deal with the ongoing systemic collapse of their economic system.

The current ruling class in the West is presiding over the largest mass extinction event since the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite 65 million years ago. People of Europe and East Asia, the most productive on earth, are experiencing demographic collapse. Income disparity in the West is now higher than the levels that led to the collapse of the Roman empire.

To add insult to injury, the criminals behind 911, the destruction of countries like Iraq, Libya and Syria, Fukushima, the spreading of bio-weapons like SARS, Ebola, AIDS etc. have yet to be arrested or punished.

Furthermore, we are not seeing any jubilee or one time write off of debts. Nor are the seeing a redistribution of fraudulently obtained assets. This is especially clear in the case of the Lehman shock were documentary evidence proves the bloodline families created $23 trillion through fraud and used that money to buy up assets worldwide that had been turned into bargains by the financial collapse they had engineered. Why is that money not being confiscated?

Since the Lehman crisis the central banks have been carrying out so-called quantitative monetary easing. However, the vast sums being created as a result of this policy are being funneled only to financial companies controlled by Khazarian mafia honchos.

They have not done things like put money directly into ordinary peoples’ personal bank accounts. That is why the quantitative easing has had the effect of increasing wealth disparity. Forensic analysis shows that most of the money flowed through about 700 individuals so, that means it is not the 1% but rather the 0.0000001% who has benefited from the money printing.

The reason for this is because the bloodline families still control the privately owned central banks for their own personal benefit, not for the benefit of the planet and its living beings. Donald Trump, who was put in power by the bloodline opposed gnostic illuminati, has not changed this because as president of the most indebted country in world history, he does not have the leverage needed.

Actually though, he does. Remember the saying if you owe the bank $10,000, it is your problem but, if you owe the bank $1 million it is the banks problem. It is a fact that the US Corporate government defaulted on May 3rd of this year when its wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted. And yet the Washington DC show is still going on.

That is because, as mentioned above the US corporations’ creditors like the Chinese, the Japanese, the South Koreans and the Middle Eastern oil producing companies are subsidizing its $700 billion a year losses (the size of the US trade deficit in 2016).

So, how can we change the situation? The first opportunity comes at the US Corporations’ September 30th fiscal payment deadline. Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. It will be no different this year and the US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. This will mean threats of war, blackmail, extortion, begging, bluffing etc.

In the news it will appears as threats of war with Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and anybody else who is not coughing up protection money. If these efforts succeed then events will continue along their kicking the can down the road trajectory. This will mean a continuation of the slow fall of living standards in the West that began in the late 1960’s.

The alternative is world revolution. This means physically occupying the BIS, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan and other bloodline owned central banks.

This would make it theoretically possible to issue quadrillions of dollars to be used to finance an unprecedented campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and expand out into the universe. Of course the families that own the private central banks have spent years vilifying such ideas with code words like monetizing debt, saying it will lead to inflation and irresponsible government spending. That may have been true in the past when certain decadent kings or corrupt governments tried their hand at such things.

However, stop and think for a minute. What does monetizing debt mean? It means turning debt into money. In other words it means ending debt slavery. Remember the debt owed to the central bankers is not legitimate. The bankers did not earn the money they lend to people and governments in the real world doing real things, they just put numbers in computers. So monetizing their debt simply means renouncing debt slavery.

Of course if you just printed out vast amounts of money, say by depositing a million dollars into every single bank account in a country, the result would be an inflationary orgy followed by a huge headache.

However, there are examples of government owned central banks that have created huge benefits.

Canada, from 1938 to 1973 used its government owned central bank to:

Pay for World War II

Build the canal system linking the great lakes to the Atlantic Ocean

Build the TransCanada Highway, the world’s longest,

Pay education costs

Pay health insurance costs

Finance public works

Pay for the military


This was all done without taxes or debt.

The Japanese military government before and during World War II also paid for its gigantic war effort mostly by using money created by a nationalized central bank. While I do not approve of the Japanese military regimes actions in China and elsewhere, the point I am making is that a huge enterprise like the attempted conquest of Asia was financed mainly by a government owned central bank.

If the Federal Reserve Board, the EU Central Bank and the Bank of Japan were nationalized then it would be possible to finance a quadrillion dollar campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, finance immortality research, explore the universe etc. This is completely realistic and feasible.

This autumn will be our next chance to make this possible. The time for talk is over, it is time for action.







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