原创 2017-08-08 荷光* 新纪元扬升之光


Mother Mary viaAnn Dahlberg, February 4th, 2017







       我们正将我们的精神和身体得到解放。我们的心智与灵魂结合之后二元性就不复存在了 你与你的本我合一并融入你的生命。新的生活好比是你正在习惯的一个全新的日程的开始。现在可以更轻松地完成一切,而且困难似乎一路上消失。所有的问题都可以找到轻松的方式解决。一切都在流动,因为能量在你的身体中没有遇到任何阻力。它完全存在于地球母亲与你的创造主之间的流动中。你是一,你是一切。








I am Mother Mary and greet you here today. I am here to talka bit of the higher energies that have arrived to Earth. They affect both yourbody and your soul. It is a transforming energy and many of you can feel ittoday. It might settle in here and there in your body and work with theblockages that exist there. Afterwards you will feel lighter in your body andprimarily in those areas where the energy has been applied. The heavy energyhas been forced to give way to the light energy. Do not worry, all of this willbe passing and you will become more healthy than you every have been. Some ofyou feel a bit nauseous, others headaches, buzz in your ears and dizziness canalso appear. Some might have more of these symptoms depending on how sensitiveyou are to these energies. It is important to rest and to take it easy. Let theenergies take its course. Listen within to what the body needs so that theprocess will become as painless as possible. We will help you. Ask for help sothat we can ease the process for you. The process has its path, but it can bemade easier. Call on me and I will help you through the process in thesmoothest way possible in relation to the blockages that you have.


We march towards our liberation and this goes for both themind and the body. The mind is integrated with its soul and duality ceases to exist– you become One with yourselves and the life you are in. The new life canstart with a whole new agenda compared to what you are used to. Everything cannow be done with greater ease and the difficulties seem to disappear along theway. Everything finds a solution in a less problematic way. Everything flows,since the flow in your body does not meet any resistance. It lives completelyin the flow between Mother Earth and your Creator. You are One with everything.


This is a big step my dear children and the moment of reunionis close. The family out there in the Universe is large and the circles offriends as well. It will be a fantastic reunion that will last a long time, asthere are many that want to see you again. Youhave lived many lives and not all of them on Earth. Everything is endless, yourlives are endless, there is much that you will see and understand when that dayis here. We see that it is already here, but we can understand that you feel itis still too far away. Go within dear children and understand that it isalready here. Everything is revealed within you. Feel the joy, the peace and quite there. It is part of all that is.The part that you now are fully developing towards, as long as you yourselfdare to let go of the old and gratefully receive the new, in spite of the factthat it might slightly turn upside down the world that you live in today.Understand that all is an illusion and that everything is changeable. The worldyou see today will look completely different tomorrow. Accept all changes thatbring you closer to yourself. You are a completely unique being and there areonly one who is like you and that is yourself.


Think about that, dear children. You are unique and lovedjust as you are and nothing can change that.

 I loveyou so much. Mother Mary


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