原创 2017-12-24 精灵 新纪元扬升之光
Hello! We are the fairies and we are excited to speak with you, humans, today; for we have an important message that I know you will be elated to hear about; for all is unfolding rapidly now, in this Now of wonderment, of wonderful change, and we fairies salute you in both your individual and collective ascension – for truly it is happening Now, and we are excited and elated all at the same time, for truly this has been such a very long, lonely road for Humanity that it makes us weep as we see your tears fall, but know please that time, that era has passed!
We are arrived at this 5D precipice and are peeking over the edge and indeed seeing wondrous creative potential, for you all are most powerful creators – you have just forgotten – and we can’t wait to see what you will dream up for your next adventure of unification with self and Source, for as all the fragments are healed and put back together you will see, you will know – you will remember and you will understand why this dark night of the soul had to be experienced – but truly we tell you dear human friends, this experience of separation is complete unless you choose to continue it, and we see that most of you are longing for light, for love, to be heard, to create and to experience love in your creation and this is how it should be, how it was originally intended to be – love in form, experiencing itself in perfect oneness – and we are gleeful for we see this trajectory of creative thought as the most probable outcome!
We fairies are indeed here for Humanity, to support Humanity in all ways, to be ever present, just as you may be ever present and aware to the god voice deep within you; heed it, listen to it, and please know all is well, unfolding, being created, yes, even as your precious eyes read these words, it is finished, yet it is also the beginning, the rebirth, the creation in ever perpetual motion of wonderment – we leave you now on the wings of love and we blow kisses of peace to your weary forms now ~
【新】【精灵王国】20171020《自我完善的蓝图》♥ ﹝附音頻﹞