(2017-10-06 21:55:04)
Greetings my brave ones! I am Uriel, Archangel of Love and Silver Light, Archangel of the Truth, Bringer of the Future in this now moment, your friend and close family.
I am here to assist you in your mission of love, to amplify those silver flames of truth that you have in your third and fourth eye, in your hands and mostly the one residing in your heart. I am here to urge you to step fully into your divine authority with courage and determination, for you are ready and have been ready for quite some time.
When your mind is working nonstop giving you a state of restlessness, allow your silver flame to grow and to raise up, up, and to illuminate and clarify your thoughts, to infuse your cells and bodies and bring you peace and reassurance.
My Silver Light will assist you to see the entire picture of a situation, or just part of it, but enough for you to understand the reason why you and others might feel out of sorts. And if you don’t seem to get the message right away, just rest assured that my gentle Grayelsha Ray will work and transmute all the dense and clouding energies, giving you some space to relax and to center yourself, to turn inside into your loving and all-knowing heart and to get the insight that you need.
Dearest bright and brave ones, this is the time to choose to see the light and the good in everything and in everyone, regardless of what might be happening at the surface level. Follow your knowing and trust your heart that you and the world are moving in the right direction and for the highest and greatest good of all.
Be gentle and loving with yourselves and others! Do not allow the fears and unfulfilled expectations to slow and drag you down. Be grateful and appreciate all the gifts you have been given so far, and notice how much the world around you has changed for the better in such a short period of time.
Do you see most people are smiling at you while you go about your life, shopping or walking in the parks? Do you see how you attract the innocent and the playful children, pets and even the wild animals that are coming to you in trust? This is because they feel your unconditional love, they see your bright but gentle light, they can sense your wide open and totally accepting heart. They don’t really care about the clothing you wear, the type of car you drive or if you are jobless and how you managed to pay your bills this month.
But you do sometimes, and then you allow your vibration to go down with worries and anxieties regarding your future.
Understand that you are the wayshowers and the trailblazers of the Nova Earth. You have chosen to be the forerunners and the pathfinders, but you have to trust your senses and your knowing at all times and in every circumstance to take you wherever you have planned to go.
Take time throughout the day and go often into your heart to recalibrate and redirect if needed, but refuse to dive deep into the confusion and depression. It really doesn’t serve anyone when you do so, and certainly it will not solve the perceived problem. Your road blocks and issues are there to show you there is a better and an easier way, if you are willing to see it and then, courageously enough, to act upon it.
Whenever you travel with me into the future, you do so to bring into this now moment all the divine qualities that you are in need of to strengthen you and to give you the boost to move forward in trust.
You see, to be the nova teachers and the wayshowers of today, you do not have to show others new material achievements or some new magic tricks; you don’t have to be perfect in the sense of the 3D world. On the contrary, you would have them see your strength and peace despite the events around you conducive to taking down the old structures and despite you having to be an active participant as a demolition agent.
Humanity, especially the newly awakened ones, need to see you letting go of the old ways and of the illusions of precarious safety. It is not what you say, it is what and how you do it that inspires others. Do you trust that your safety net is right there underneath your feet? Do you feel the freedom and the fresh air rushing in when you let go in trust and great anticipation? Of course, use discernment and ask for clarity and reassurance before you jump!
When things don’t go easily, when there is a lot of work, friction and irritation involved throughout your day, you know that it is again time to release and further let go.
Everybody is watching and admiring you, and yes, they are all taking notes of how you respond to life and the challenges you have designed for your sweet self. Can you imagine that the higher realm, the higher selves of the newly awakened ones want to use your experiences to guide and more efficiently direct their own feet on the ground?
Stop limiting and disparaging yourself! You are extremely valuable and needed in these times of chaos and despair. What you do and mostly how you decide to feel about yourselves and your world has such a great impact on how the collective humanity will progress and proceed next. Many of them are changing and choosing love over fear, many are tired of the old ways of limitation and enslavement and are starting to see through the veils and the illusions, and that is due to the diligence and constant work of all of you.
Congratulations dear Angels of the Silver! Congratulations my champions of the Light!
I will leave you now with my love and abundance of Silver Light. Until next time, farewell.
通灵:Genoveva Coyle
翻译:Nick Chan
Nick Chan的新網址(9/28啟用)
~ 請大家踴躍支持!!!! ~
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRp81W8MnXk