(2017-08-13 20:33:58)
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Your lives were meant to be a joyful co-creative dance with the Divine and with one another. “So what has happened upon your earth?” you ask us. Why is life so challenging?
Let us tell you a little fairy tale – a story of how you came to exist…
Once upon a endless now the Source imagined a beautiful soul and in the very act of imagining you, suddenly your spirit was born.
Imagine you could invent the most amazing character in your mind.Imagine you could tell him or her, “I am giving you life! You are created within me. You live in my very own mind. I am dreaming that you will experience wonderful adventures within me. I am dreaming of your magnificent talents, your wonderful relationships, your experience of the abundance of my heart. I give you life.”
“I am in you and you are in me.”
This is exactly, dear ones, how the Divine Created you. You are not separate. You live within the mind and heart of the Infinite. You are a creation of the Divine. You are within the Source, and the Source is within you... exactly as if you invented a character that is within your mind, and you are within this character. Can you imagine?
Take this a step further. Imagine you said to this character that you created in your mind, “I love you so much! I can imagine so many wonderful things for you! I give you life within my mind. I can imagine all you can create. Hmmm, if I give you free will, you may become even more than I can dream for you.You may come up with ideas, adventures, inventions and relationships even beyond what I can imagine in this moment. All things are possible in my mind. Let me give you free will and see what you will create. Let us see how you will take my Love, and create even more.
I will allow you all choices, but My promise is that I will always try to steer you into the most loving choices, no matter what you choose.
And so, dear ones, in like fashion, God created you. Each one of you is lovingly dreamt into being by your Creator. Each one of you exists in the infinite field of Divine love – in the mind of God itself. Each one of you is sourced from, and given life by the creator with whom you have never lost your connection.
Each one of you, through your free will, is given the power to experience and expand the Source’s understanding of its own love. You, through your choices, are given the ability to expand the love of God! You take part in the expansion of the universe and in the expansion of Love! You matter.
So why do you suffer? Why is there hatred, when all God dreamed for each and every one of you is love? It is only when you forget this connection at some point in your soul’s eternal existence that you begin to suffer. In forgetting you begin to feel that you must handle life alone or you feel that you must suffer to save others, or to “make up for past sins.” You feel that in your suffering there is great merit. In truth there is a lot you can learn from suffering. It catalyzes you to reconnect with the Source, and to remember the love from which you are made. However, in reality, you were never asked to suffer.
Some souls volunteer to suffer, knowing that the world understands suffering more easily than ease. These are usually those highly evolved beings who realize that even in spite of physical suffering, the soul does not need to suffer, or be unhappy. The might be in physical pain or in poverty but they radiate love, joy, inspiration, and truth. They too are proving to themselves their Oneness with love in spite of all the world’s illusions.
Take time in silence. Drop into your hearts. What feels like love in this moment, is love in this moment. You have an internal compass that knows what love feels like and always seeks to find its Presence.
At any time you can return to your God-given, loving guidance and shift back into streams of Grace. Even if you have challenges in your physical existence, you can in every breath, return to love… and in so doing, this Love will begin to transform and guide you.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
通灵:Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan