量子觉知意识 & 时间的本质
时间里 --- 时间外 --- 环状效应
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn, www.earth-keeper.com
大天使梅塔特隆透过 James Tyberonn 传导
Quantum Consciousness & The Nature of Time
Time In – Time Out – The Torus Effect
Full Channel – Parts 1 & 2
完整通灵纪录– Parts 1 & 2
© Earth-Keeper, www.earth-keeper.com, Copyrights Reserved
The Expansion of the Earth Matrix
In 2012, precisely on the 12-12-12 your Earthplane ascended into 12 dimensions. It is the crystalline coherency transformation of the ‘New Earth’ matrix.. Creativity is amplified, and for many of you, the arc swing of duality is lessened exponentially. This means multidimensional access is enhanced. But it does not mean 3d duality will disappear, rather that tools are now in place that allow those of a certain light quotient to rise consciously into higher dimension.
在2012年,正是在12-12-12日 ~~你们地球层扬升入12维度们中。这是“新地球”矩阵的相配的水晶改造..创意被放大,而对于你们中许多人而言,二元实相的圆弧摆动是成倍地减少了。这意味着多维度入口被增强了。不过,这并不意味着3D二元实相会消失,而该工具现在已经到位~~这让那些有一定光商的人可以提升觉知意识而进入更高的维度。
As we have said, the ‘human’ Earthplane experience in duality is a credentialed and honored learning process through which many varied Beings of Divine intelligence travel. Before you are ‘allowed’ by your higher-self into multi-dimensional and parallel systems of reality that are far more complex, vastly more extensive and open, you must first learn to optimally and responsibly master thought-creation energy. You are in the University of Earth for that purpose…to see firsthand, through physical materialization, the concrete result of your thoughts and emotions.
正如我们已经说过,在二元性的'人类地球层'的经验是一个资格获取和荣幸学习的过程~~透过它~~许多不同的神圣智慧的存有们在此旅行。在你们的高我'允许'你们进入多维度以及平行实相系统等 ~~复杂得多,更广泛,更开放的系統實相中之前~~你们首先要学会极致化并且负责任的掌握住『思想创造的能量』!你在地球的大学的目的...~~就是去亲眼看到~~通过物质化的程序~~看到你的思想和情绪所創造出來的具体结果。
That is precisely why Time & Space are purposed illusions, and this vivid ‘mirage’ is so potently programmed by the Divine-Self that you, by necessity, must focus your outer senses on the University of Duality, that termed physical reality. Such ‘linear’ focus then is engineered, the perception filters that seem to block multi-dimensionality are beneficial in allowing humanity to face and grow through Earthplane experience. But it is the ultimate goal of each of you in the process of mastery, to transcend the filters at the time you achieve sufficient consciousness. Tools are in place in 2013 and beyond in the ‘Aquarian Shift’ to allow for this process to more readily occur.
正因如此,时间和空间都是特别设计的幻想,而这生动的'海市蜃楼'是如此有力的设计 ~~经由你们自己的神圣本我的编程~~你们根据需要~~必须专注在你们的外在感官上的二元实相大学~~那被称为是物理现实。这种“线性”焦点则是被工程制造出来~~一个似乎阻挡你们多维度的感知的过滤器~~~那是有益于允许人类去面对,并且通过地球层经验而成长出来。但它是你们每个人的终极目标~~在这掌握的过程中 ~~去超越这过滤器~~当你达到了足够的觉知意识的时候。工具已经到位~~在2013年及以后的“水瓶扬升'~~以便让这个程序中更容易发生。
When the growth achieves a certain advanced level of ‘light-quotient’ then, and only then, do you choose to open & bridge into more expansive multi-dimensional perception. This ability is what the 2012 matrix created and 2013 and beyond are about!
当生长达到一定先进水平的“光商”时 ~~然后,也只有那时~~你选择打开和连接进入更广阔的多维感知能力中去。这种能力是2012年的矩阵所创造出来的,也是2013年及以后的矩阵的重点(让大家能够连入多维度感知能力!)
But keep in mind that you humans travel in space and time almost every time you sleep. And there is a great balancing effect in the waking and sleeping experiences.
While many of you do not realize this, we tell you that every night, in very deep sleep-dream state, you process daily experience. In this ‘sleeping’ state your ‘higher-self’ examines very carefully those experiences you will manifest into your life. You make the selection from an infinite menu of possibility, and create the experience of those that will allow your greatest growth.
Your experiences & limited perceptions of the physical 3d-nature of space and time are to a large degree determined by your neurological structure, and this ‘designed’ structure serves you well.
The singular linear time-line of your ‘chosen’ physical experience is the surface path along which your life seems to flow. In a broader truth there are infinite paths both above and below your actualized progress that are part of one inconceivably miraculous network….and you in higher aspect experience all of them.
你所'选择'的这物质经验的这单条线性时间线~~是表面路径~~在那上面你的生活似乎流动在其中。而在一个更广阔的真相上 ~~有无限的路径同时在上方和下方在你现实化的发展中~~那是难以想像的奇迹网络的一部分....而你的更高层面都经验所有的这些事情。
Your lifetimes on Earth are by grand design, and carry grand purpose. We realize it is not easy. Yet even lifetimes that you consider to be flawed provide tremendous lesson-growth potential.
Creation of Experience
The noble and essential truth is that all souls incarnate on the duality plane of free-will create their own circumstances and experiences within earth dimensions. You are here to learn responsible creation. Many of you accept that you are here for that purpose, but find it hard to believe that you also create your daily life scenario, especially when the events that occur are unpleasant.
We tell you that the very unfolding of the events you experience day by day is determined by your beliefs & attitude and the expectations formed & projected by both. Period!
这高尚和重要的事实是~~所有转世在地球的自由意志的二元层面上的灵魂~~会创造他们自己的状况与经验~~在地球的维度之内.你是来这里学习做『负责任的创造的』.你们许多人接受你们是为此目的而来的,可是很难相信~~是你自己所创造出来的这些人生状况.~~特别是当这些状况是令人不愉快的事情的时候.我们告诉你~~每天发生在你眼前的事件, 和你每天的经验 ~~都是由你的信念与人生态度以及期望所形成的,也是由此发射出去的.事情就是这样.
Both positive and negative attitudes, conscious or not manifest into your reality. If you project a mentality of lack, you create lack. If you dwell on worry and fear you draw them to you. Thus your beliefs and the projected thoughts that are projected from core belief must be directed consciously in a consistently productive attitude. This takes effort. Accordingly the great lesson of each life, each soul’s journey is to learn how to direct thoughts in deliberated positive directions. Otherwise you will find yourself in a difficult conundrum, a cage of your own construct. You are here to learn responsible creation, and that is a great truth….and when you truly comprehend this, your path becomes more clear.
不论是正面或是负面的态度, 或其他,都会显化入你的实相.如果你发射一种 '缺乏'的心态~~那你就会创造出 '缺乏'.如果你住在烦恼与恐惧之上~~你就把它们拉到你身上来.因此你的信念以及这发射出来的思想~~那是从核心信念所发射出来的 ~~必须有觉知的被指挥到一个持续性的有生产力的态度上.这需要努力!相同的, 每一个人生的伟大功课,每一个灵魂的旅行是去学习 ~~如何去指挥思想~~在一种深思熟虑的正面方向.否则, 你会发现你自己在一种困难的困境当中~~你自己建造的牢笼.你自己是来学习负责任的创造,而这是一个伟大的真理...而当你真正理解这个 ~~你的道路就会变得更清晰了.
Process of Changing the Past
Now we have spoken briefly on the concept of changing your past. This is a mental, yet very valid process. Your memory of an event is rarely the actual way it happened. You can theoretically alter your own past as you have known it, and this is a valuable process especially if a past mis-action has caused you great concern and worry. This is especially important if the erroneous action has lowered your self esteem and thus brought about a negative attitude. To dwell upon this negativity will recreate the negativity in an repeating cycle.
现在我们已经简短的谈到『改变你的过去』的概念了.这是一个心理程序~~但是非常真实有效的程序.事实上, 你们对事件的记忆很少是它真实发生的方式.你们可以理论上的改变你们自己所知的过去 ~~而这是一个非常有价值的程序 ~~特别是当一个过去的错误行动已经造成了你很大的担忧与烦恼的话.这是特别重要的一件事~~假如这错误的行为已经降低了你的自尊心,也因此带出了一个负面的态度的话.去住在这样的负面心态上会不断重新创造出负面的事~~形成一个负面的循环.
The past exists as does your future in multiple probabilities. An error in your past can in fact be changed by choosing an alternative outcome. One that you carefully deliberate.. By changing this past ‘memory’ in focused mental effort in the ‘Now’ of the present, you can change not only its effect on you but also upon others involved. There is a great validity to this process, and it is a mental one. But know that mind is the creator.
~~透过在眼前的 '当下' 的专注的心理努力~~你可以改变的不只是它对你的影响,也会改变它对其他参与人的影响.这程序是有一个很大的真实效力的,而且它是一个心理效力.
The process is while seemingly difficult for you to accept, is rather simple: focally imagine the specific untoward event that happened as being replaced by another event of a better outcome. Intense concentration and emotion must be brought into the visualization. Believe in the process. If there was a lesson to be learned, digest it and move forward, but do have faith in the change. By doing so you gain what is needed and move forward. And we tell you this ‘mental construct’ is the building block of the true nature of reality manifestation. The reconstructed event that you create will be the ‘chosen’ probable event, recreated in projected mental energy, which in turn forms the ‘new past’ and therefore plays a powerful role in preventing the repetition of the negative pattern. By confronting and facing the past issue and visualizing the new outcome, you transcend time. We tell you that many of you do this in the dream state, but conscious projection in this process amplifies and accelerates the desired result.
想像这已经发生的特定的不幸事件 ~~被另一个产生更好的结果的事件所取代.强烈的专注与情绪必须被带入视觉之中.信任这程序!假如有一个应该被学习的功课,那就消化吸收并往前走吧!通过这样做你会获得你所需要的, 并且往前移动.然后我告诉你 ~~这『心理建设』就是真实的,实相显化的『建筑砖块』.~~~你所创造的这『重塑的事件』~~将成为这被选中的『可能事件』~~透过心理能量的投射被重新塑造出来~~这相对的又会形成一个『新的过去』,也因此扮演了一个强力的角色~~来防止负面模式的重复出现. ~~ 透过正视以及面对过去的议题,并且视觉化出新的结果, ~~你就超越了时间了!!! 我们告诉你~~你们许多人在梦中这样做,但是清醒的投射在这程序中 ~~会放大而且加速所想要的结果出现!
Belief is the key. As has been said, ” Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can’t, both are true. Mind is the builder!
『相信』是关键!如同说过的,“不论你相信你能. 或是选择相信你不能~~两者都是事实.心智是这建筑师!
Masters, When you achieve the knowledge of co-creation in any one lifetime, you have the ability to simultaneously merge this belief, through concerted effort into all lifetimes. To remove negative bleed through of errors, traumas and unproductive beliefs that co exist in other sojourns. This process is taught in the Metatronic Keys. By moving into theta coherent thought you can enter the ‘seat of the soul’ and harmonize the energy of all lifetimes.
大师们,当你在任何一生中达成了『共同创造』的知识,你就有能力同时去融合这个信念~~透过统一的努力而进入所有的转世之中. 若要移除负面事物的滴流过来 ~~~透过错误, 创伤, 以及不具正面效益的信念~~那些存在于其他转世中的东西.~~这程序被教导在Metatronic Keys梅塔特隆关键一文中. ~~~透过移动入 theta合谐相应思想~~你就可以进入『灵魂本位』
All in time !
I am Metatron and share with you these Truths.
我是梅塔特隆, 我分享这些真理给你们.
And so it is.
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
大天使梅塔特隆透过James Tyberonn传导.
© Earth-Keeper, www.earth-keeper.com, Copyrights Reserved
The above channel is copyrighted © James Tyberonn All Rights Reserved
The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receivor and include this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization contact Anne at Tyberonn@hotmail.com
RL注: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与着作权! 无限祝福!
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