I am seeing the Blue Avians surrounding Gaia in blue spheres. I am seeing them working with light codes and light language, adjusting the streams of light from the cosmos such that the light workers can best receive this light in their crowns. I am seeing light language code and symbols descend linearly into the crowns of the light workers on glowing white linen.
Greetings galaxygirl, greetings human friends. We are the Blue Avians. I am Ter ‘Aka . We are showing this one some of the work that is being done so that humankind can best adapt to these upgrades. You have been sick, many of you, or feeling ill because of many clearings, many upgrades. For stuck energy must be moved and it is moving. You are moving up in frequency very fast many of you, and your bodies are trying frantically to keep up. We are here today to remove the frantic, to ease the sickness of the ascension symptoms for many of you have been praying for healing, for assistance during this challenging time. January felt very long, like a year to many of you. And indeed your perception and experience of time has been shifting. It is shifting slowly but surely into the now, so that what you feel is simply now. That is why compartmentalizing time which humans have always done within a time matrix, is perplexing for time is behaving differently, as you are more and more outside of it. For you are doing your astral cleaning, you are working nightly many of you, and you are waking up more exhausted than when you fell asleep. And yet many of you are not sleeping for your bodies are busy integrating these codes of light, as this one has been seeing. Soon you will remember the hieroglyphic symbols of light, the light language codes of many you will begin to speak, to remember. Telepathy you will begin to adapt to with ease and grace.
问候,galaxygirl,问候,人类朋友们。我们是蓝鸟人。我是 Ter ‘Aka 。我们在展示这位管道一些所做的工作,这样人类可以最好地适应这些升级。你们生病了,你们许多人,或者感到不舒服,出于许多的清理、升级。因为受困的能量必须移动,它正在移动。你的振动在非常快速地提升,你们许多人,你的身体在疯狂地试图跟上。今天我们前来移除狂乱、减轻扬升症状的病痛,因为你们许多人在祈求疗愈和协助,在这个具有挑战性的时期。1月感觉起来非常漫长,好似一年,对于许多人而言。确实,你对时间的感知和体验一直在转变。它在缓慢但稳步地转变到当下,这样你会感到的只是当下。所以人类在一个时间矩阵中总是在做的划分时间是繁杂的,因为时间不一样地在行为,随着你越来越多地脱离于它。你在进行你的星体清理,你每晚都在工作,你们许多人,醒来后比你睡觉前更加疲惫。但你们许多人睡不着,因为你的身体在忙于整合这些光之代码,就像这位管道看到的。很快你会忆起光的象形符号,你们许多人会开始述说光之语言代码。你会开始伴随着轻盈和优雅适应心灵感应
I am Ter ‘Aka. I am female. I am here as representative of our kind to your kind. Many have spoken through other channels and many of the galactic federation, masters, teachers are now actively speaking in your channeling community. We are all finding our voice, our best path to speak with you. For we all have connections with our grounded team. We are all serving with the objective of ascension, of assistance through the energetic birth canal. I am the first blue avian female that I am aware of that has spoken in this manner. The time of the female is rising, soaring now. The divine feminine comes in all forms, all sizes, all shapes. The divine mother is here in full force now and it is most exciting of a time to bear witness.
我是Ter ‘Aka。我是女性。我代表我们这个物种前来和你们这个物种说话。许多人通过其他的管道说话,许多银河聯邦的存有、大师、教师在积极地通过你们通灵社区说话。我们都在寻找自己的声音,我们最好的道路来与你说话。因为我们都与地面团队有着连接。我们都伴随着扬升的目标在服务,通过能量产道来协助。我是第一位蓝鸟人女性。女性的时代正在升起,翱翔。神圣的阴性在所有形态、大小、形状中前来。神圣的母亲在这里发挥全力,这是最激动人性的时刻
I am Ter ‘Aka. You are not alone. You are surrounded in the skies and underfoot with light forces. Gaia herself is a major source of light now. We suggest that you utilize her tuning fork ability and tune into the higher vibrations by walking barefoot, by being outside when you can, for it will assist you. There are many modalities of healing. Pick one or two and claim your success. Claim your alignment with Source, with your highest self. Claim the light and then all things, all circumstances will be in alignment to serve you vibrationally with healing. Choose healthy foods, plenty of water. Choose fruits and vegetables. Choose to eat consciously. Fill your food with light before consuming, blessing it, thanking it, and such blessing will in turn bless your cells nurturing them deeply. For your bodies are not the same as they were last year. They are vibrating higher. Tinnitus, aches pains, dizziness, extreme fatigue, continually sinus clearing, palpitations - there are many side effects physically with ascending within a physical form and you must care for your bodies for them to withstand the flash. The older and the infirmed will perhaps be assisting from the other side for their bodies will simply not be able to keep up, to vibrate high enough on this side of life. Much death, much transition is happening and will happen. For the illusion is shattering, is moving, is morphing into the light which is truth. We do not say this to impart fear, but so that you may emotionally prepare for these coming changes. The illusion of the mist is being cleared away the by the wind of the light which is clearing the air, quite literally.
我是Ter ‘Aka。你并不孤单。在天空、地表,你都被光之力量包围着。盖亚现在就是一个主要的光之源头。我们建议你使用她音叉的能力,通过赤脚行走、处于户外(当你可以)来协调到更高的振动。有着许多疗愈的形式。挑选一两个,宣称你的成功。宣称你与源头、最高自我的对齐。宣称光,然后一切事物、所有的情况都会对齐来服务你疗愈你。选择健康的食物,喝大量的水。选择水果和蔬菜。选择有意识地吃东西。在吃之前用光充满你的食物,祝福它,感谢它,这样的祝福返过来会祝福你的细胞,深度地滋养它们。因为你的身体和去年已经不同。它们的振动更高。耳鸣、疼痛、头晕、极端疲惫、持续的静脉窦清理、心悸---在物理形态中扬升会有许多的副作用,你必须照顾好自己的身体,好让它们能够承受闪耀。年老的和体弱的会得到另一边的帮助,因为他们的身体也许会无法跟上,无法振动地足够高。很多死亡、很多转变正在发生,将要发生。因为幻象在破碎,在移动,在蜕变成光,也就是真理。我们说这些不是为了传递恐惧,而是这样你可以为这些即将到来的改变做好情感上的准备。幻象的迷雾正被光之风吹散,可以毫不夸张地说在清理空气
Herald to the light! I am Ter ‘Aka. With permission, I will touch my hand to your third eye igniting it further. Allow in these light codes of peace and be comforted. Allow these light calibrations to further assist in ways unbeknown to you. Accept the healing. You need not understand all effects, simply trust and know and decree:
通报光!我是Ter ‘Aka。伴随着许可,我将手放在你的第三眼,进一步地点燃它。允许这些平和的光之代码进入,备受慰藉。让这些光的校准进一步地协助你,在对你来说未知的方式中。接纳疗愈。你不需要明白所有的影响,只需信任,知晓并发令:
“All physical symptoms are occurring for my benefit for my healing, for ascension within the body in the most perfect most glorious and most divinely perfect way possible. I accept my ascension. I will not fight it. I will allow the healing light codes and I will be at peace in all circumstances. For stress I banish. I am done with it. I choose peace now and the experience of the adventure of inner peace in a deep and cleansing way. I accept and welcome all of the blessings that Mother Father God, that the universe full of my galactic friends and family has to offer me. I am choosing excitement and happy expectation of all good things.”
Breathe this in. It is a lovely high vibe alignment for you. It is far too easy to align with that which does not serve. Consciously choose the light in every breath. Visualize these light language codes happily coming in glowing bright into your crown filing your body with light. And all around you will benefit.
I am Ter ‘aka. The divine feminine is rising, equal, strong with her male counterpart of light. Exciting times are ahead for the grounded ones. Look for the good things and they shall happily find you. Be aligned with the vibration of peace. I am Ter ‘Aka.
我是Ter ‘aka。神圣的阴性正在升起,与阳性平等强大。激动人心的时刻就在前方,地面人员。寻找美好的事物,它们会高兴地找到你。与平和的振动对齐。我是Ter ‘aka
翻译:Nick Chan