Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working with the Earth Council.
You may have noticed that we Pleiadians are becoming more visible. We are stepping up our work with the Ascension Process because we are needed now. We are working through various channels including this one. You will be noticing our presence is increasing.
This is the time of the great shift. It is when the reality has changed enough so that our presence is required to assist you through the final days of darkness into the light. You need understanding and guidance as the old world disappears. We help stabilize the planet and life upon it. It is necessary and something that we do on planets that are ascending.
We will explain that the earth is an exceptional planet. It is one of the reasons that this ascension has taken as long as it has. It is a complicated planet that has been held in darkness for too long. Please take heart! We know what we are doing and you have plenty of help from all of creation.
There are billions of us surrounding the earth.The lights on earth have performed brilliantly without knowing the details of what you signed up to do. You are about to find out where you will be needed and what you will be doing. The assignments will vary according to your abilities and choice. We will get to be working together for there is a lot to be done.
The timeline has shifted. The old timeline was not working and there is an urgency, for this is the final hour. From now on every time you blink your eyes something will have changed. Most importantly welcome in your new life and your new reality. You will be living differently and will be supported with love and abundance.
Soon you will begin to see the transparency of some as they drop their cloaks and show you who they truly are. It could be shocking but in this new reality there will be no living in deceit. When the truth comes out they will feel out of place no matter how long they have been in power. This applies to the entire planet. You have heard of the Emperor’s New Clothes, have you not?
We realize how tired you are of the old way of life. That is why you are in the new reality. Watch for the new revelations. They will appear and you will be healed and set free.
I am Mira sending you great love in this new reality.
通灵:Valerie Donner
翻译:Nick Chan