




你已经在你自己的进化/发展(evolution)过程之中到达一个程度你更有能力感知正在发生的事情并为自己确定你需要去的地方、选择的方向以及做些什么。这种敏感度(sensitivity)或直觉(intuition)的提高是过去几年中你接收到的许多密码下载(downloads of codes)和信息的结果。




你的敏感度(sensitivity)曾经看起来像一个有害的特质,现在是你更宝贵的优点之一。随着你越来越接近第五次元的开端,你的感觉能力(ability to sense)将被越来越多地用于确定要采取哪种时间线(timeline)、哪些人/存在体(beings)可以信任(trust)、以及在你的个人生活中你需要做什么以使你进入第五次元的振动频率范围。


你向前迈进的步伐已经是确定的了(译者注:同样意思可以是已经没有什么可以阻止你前进了—— 原文:There is no stopping you now),我们对人类的进化/发展方式感到非常满意,但我们不能单方面地让你去相信这些本能(instincts)以及你越来越意识到的敏感度(sensitivities)。所以我们只会鼓励你更深入地沉浸在你的感觉状态中(feeling states),这样你就可以提高你的能力去感知什么是对你的当下好的、什么是对人类好的、以及什么是你提升的最佳途径。












Sensing Your Way Through the Shift ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have taken yourselves to the point in your evolution where you are much more capable of sensing what is happening and determining for yourselves where you need to go, which direction to take, and what to do. The heightened sensitivity, or intuition, is the result of many downloads of codes and information that you’ve been receiving over the past several years.

You are more receptive to energy and better able to feel the subtle differences in vibration. This has all led you to a place where you can now let go of the attachment that most of you have to figuring everything out, analyzing, and deducing. These are the ways of the mind, and the mind is the tool of the ego, which is of course your third dimensional operating system.

Your sensitivity, which used to seem like a detrimental trait, is now one of your more prized assets. As you step ever closer to the fifth-dimensional threshold, your ability to sense will be utilized more and more to determine which timeline to take, which beings to trust, and what you need to do in your personal lives to bring you into the fifth-dimensional frequency range.

There is no stopping you now, and we are feeling very comfortable with the way humanity is evolving, but we cannot make you trust these instincts and these sensitivities that you are becoming more and more aware of. So we will just encourage you to sink even deeper within your feeling states so that you may sharpen your ability to sense what is right for you in the moment, what is right for humanity, and what is the best possible path to your ascension.

We, along with many other beings, are very proud to say that we can sense your readiness to be more empowered to take this shift to the next level.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” 

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