The Veils of Amnesia Are Being Lifted
Sincethe Harmonic Conversion in 2012, the Veils of Amnesia are steadily beingremoved to the degree that each individual soul is ready to have it removed.
The readiness has to be shown to the degree that the soul hasbecome consciously aware and is thus ready to assume life in all its formsin the 5th – 7th dimensional state, as the planethas already risen into the 5th vibrational frequency band.
The Veils of Amnesia was placed over humankind when they fellinto the 3rd dimension state, after the Fall of Atlantis. It has7 layers and was put into position for every single soul incarnating, so thatthey would be able to explore the 3rd dimensional world, forgettingthe truth of who and what they really are, at soul level.
Before2012, this veil was only removed when the soul transitioned from planet earth(at death) and only then, if they were ready. It is not being steadilydissolved, as we are ready and able to handle each phase of its opening up.
Indeed,the soul itself, as incarnated on this planet, will have to go through tests,or initiations, to see if they are ready for the next layer to be removed, inthrough their own soul lessons in mastery.
TheVeils of Amnesia are also called the Veils of Illusion – for we buy intoillusions when we incarnate here and believe that the Illusion that we arebuying into, is Reality, when in truth it is not.
Hereare the 7 Veils of Illusion/Amnesia:
The 7th Veil: This veil is the furthest away from our third eye and shieldsthe rest. Its colour is red. As the soul awakens and we realizethat we are responsible for everything in our life: – thus the Divine Law ofResponsibility. It means taking responsibility for every single action wetake, or non-action. As we finally take responsibility, we grow inself-mastery of our life and actions, and stand in our power. As thishappens the veil will be automatically removed. Our spiritual journey on earthand our true awakening has now started. We start seeing and living lifefrom a much higher perspective. We choose how to live our lives, and takeresponsibility for our choices, and know that in truth in can transformanything we wish.
The 6th Veil: When we step past the illusion that the physical body is thebe-all and end-all of our existence here on planet earth and tune into thespiritual body, we start realizing that are other forms of existences, parallelexistences, so much which is invisible to the human eye, but just asreal. There are other worlds and vibratory beings interwoven with ourexistence. The yellow veil dissolves fully when we believe in and trustthe spiritual beings, from elementals to angels and beyond, to assist us. We start interacting with them and pass our initiations as we totally handourselves over to the higher realms, so assist each other.
The 5th Veil: This is the pink veil of Love. It is the emotionalascension veil and it the mostchallenging to undertake. It requires complete detachment from ego. All ego.
Westart losing everything we ever held dear, and as all literally dissolves inand around us, we totally surrender our heart, our life, our Being.
This is where the Divine Law of Forgiveness and Grace becomesoperational. We are given the opportunity to totally forgive ourselvesand others so that we hold unconditional love in our heart centre for ourselvesand everyone – especially those who challenged us the most. We realizethat we are all one. We thank thesoul(s) involved in hurting us and forgive them totally and move into thehighest state of loving Grace, where we have tears of gratitude running downour cheeks. We are grateful of the outcome and can bless the soulwholeheartedly. In this way we, and the outcome is all ascending into amuch higher vibratory level. There is no judgement, no fear, no fingerpointing left, no separation – there is only total and pure unconditional love asthe heart and soul opens to ever greater levels of love and being loved,unconditionally.
The 4th Veil: When we start to understand who animals are and that they have asoul, just like we have, this blue veil starts lifting. Each animal is onits own soul journey and have their own individual soul mission and purpose tofulfil on this planet. When we are open to and have a great love fornature and the elemental kingdom, start to work with animals, nature and theelementals on a psychic and physical level, we transcend duality andseparation. We honour the soul within them and realize that we are allOne within Creation.
Thisis when we start communicating with them telepathically and when we startcommunicating their messages to other people so that they may start tounderstand and grow spiritually and at soul level as and how they are ready forthis. We make other aware of the roles that animals, nature and theelementals play in the greater Universal scheme of Life, and all of DivineCreation. Animals, such as elephants, dolphins, whales, lions, horses,dogs, cats, etc. can truly teach us unconditional love and wisdom when we areopen to this, in ways which opens the heart and soul to ever greater understandingand experiencing of pure unconditional love, and a deep wisdom, which surpassesall understanding. For they have unique role to fulfil, and the Divinecreated them for a specific task.
In my own communication with elephants and lions recently, I haveopen had tears running down my cheeks, at the profound wisdom and pureunconditional love I felt communicated to me why these great Beings, just likethat of the dolphins and whales. Truly one starts respecting the verysacred ground that one stands one and one starts respecting all sentientBeings.
The 3rd Veil: The deep blue Veil dissolves when we work with and co-operatewith the angels, archangels and Ascended Masters for the highest good of the planet. We now have surrendered and thus allow ourselves to be used in the highestpossible service to the Divine and are now operating from the point of masteryand have become a master. We are using our power to create a higher stateof Being in all and everyone and everything we encounter, all that we touch andsee, and interact with. We live in true Unity. Oneness.
The 2nd Veil: This is when be truly claim our cosmic citizenship, indeedreclaim it, when this violet veil is removed. We experience and see thecosmos from the point of total Unity and Oneness. We know for sure thateverything is connected – all the galaxies, stars, star systems, planets,trees, animals, plants, earth, and the very fabric of the planet and all ofCreation. We now expand into cosmic consciousness and awareness and arefully enlightened. We traverse dimensions and we truly span heaven andearth. For in truth there are no limitations. The soul is limitlessand Atone and can traverse the cosmos at will.
The 1rst Veil: Before2012 this crystal-clear Veil was only removed once we had passed over and leftthe physical body behind, and then only as and how the souls were ready forthis. It is now dissolving steadily over the course of our ownenlightenment and ascension process. The strips are removed by ArchangelButyalil, the mighty angel who operates thoughout the Universes and closelyworks with Archangel Metatron to co-ordinate the ascension process in all ofthe 12 Master Galaxies. He gently opens us up to the full glory of our cosmicMaster Self, as and how we are ready to step into this.
Rememberthat these veils will only be removed as you are ready to have them removed, bypassing the initiations and the greatest of all, is the highest states offinally stepping past all ego, and into the highest state of pure unconditionallove and loving Grace – Unity consciousness to the very core of the heart andsoul.
(Withacknowledgement to Diana Cooper and Tim Whild).