【大揭露報告】2018年3月18日 (陰謀份子利用時空傳送門逃離地球)
為了理解這些陰謀集團是多麼害怕,看看下面的視頻,911恐怖份子頭目班達爾·哈立德(Bandar bin Khalid)王子在本月12日自殺,目的是為了避免在被英國拒絕庇護後,面臨司法的審判。
奧巴馬急於尋求庇護,是因為美國權力結構中每個保護他的人都被炒掉、逮捕或殺害。五角大樓消息說,美國國務卿雷克斯·蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)最後一次任務是前往肯尼亞,告訴當地政府不要庇護奧巴馬。
俄羅斯聯邦安全局(FSB)消息透露,謝爾蓋•斯克里帕爾(Sergei Skripal)被毒死的真正原因是因為他將提供證據,證明希拉莉和民主黨抹黑特朗普的陰謀。
五角大樓消息表示,無論如何,現在蒂勒森和他的中間人史蒂夫.格爾斯丁(Steve Goldstein)已掌握了中情局的運作知識,將會對國務院進行「進一步的」清洗。消息人士補充說,聯邦調查局和國會也在調查國務院及其前領導人約翰·克里(John Kerry)的犯罪活動。
約翰·克里(John Kerry)--圖片來自youtube.com
中情局現在的大規模清洗,因為它已在美軍控制之下,五角大樓消息說:「新任中情局局長吉娜·哈斯佩爾(Gina Haspel)是一個令人畏懼的特工,他現在着手移除布什派系、新保守派和其他叛國者。」以下是一位CIA同事對哈佩爾的看法:「她很安靜,很低調,不像我們說的那樣直言不諱,也並非大嘴。她的眼神非常專注和緊湊。我覺得她是一個非常聰明的女人,她真的是有使命感的。」這位消息人士說,她可能會為剷除中情局的「黑點」動大手術,像毒品、無記錄武器轉讓和洗錢等腐敗事項。
吉娜·哈斯佩爾 Gina Haspel (CIA網站截圖)
據多個消息管道透露,聯邦調查局和司法部也將看到一場針對陰謀集團的大清洗。「安迪.邁凱比(Andy McCabe)的解職只是個開始,隨着飛馬集中營的16000個狗頭鍘而人頭不保。」他指的是被廣泛報導的,大概是陰謀集團準備用來對付美國人的斷頭台。
五角大樓消息說,美軍召回許多退役的將軍和軍官,以應對這一可怕的秘密接管美國的陰謀。據消息人士透露,在現役的現役軍人中,有邁克·龐貝(Mike Pompeo)、特別法律顧問羅伯特·米勒(Robert Mueller)以及其他許多人士。
在本週快訊的最後,美國中情局消息告訴我們,特斯拉汽車公司的馬斯克是五角大樓的洗錢代理人。這可能解釋了圍繞該公司的許多奇怪之處,比如據多個來源消息透露,馬斯克才是支持朝鮮導彈危機的推動者。這意味着,通過馬斯克和特斯拉,五角大樓利用朝鮮核導彈作為與中國談判的談判工具。最新消息是,特斯拉在諷刺新聞網站「洋蔥」(The Onion)招聘員工,進行某種秘密項目。
【原文】2018-03-19 Benjamin Fulford
The world is about to find out just how horrific the Khazarian mafia’s crimes were
The purge at the very tip top of the U.S. secret power structure is nearly complete, meaning a much larger purge is now about to take place, according to Pentagon, CIA, and other sources. The top leadership of the White House, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and other U.S. agencies is now composed almost entirely of white hats.
This means that a systematic purge of the lower ranks is now possible. The result will be that in coming months people are going to find out just how horrific the crimes carried out by the Khazarian mafia really were.
Let’s remember, these so-called leaders of the West were actively trying to kill off 90% of the world’s population. They have been caught manufacturing and spreading diseases like SARS, bird flu, ebola, etc.
They have been caught trying to cause mass starvation by spreading crop diseases and paying farmers to grow fuel instead of food. They have been trying very hard to start World War 3. They were behind mass murder incidents like 9/11 and Fukushima. This is all proven fact. What’s going to happen now is that the bulk of the world’s population will learn of this.
In the U.S., about one million people were actively involved in the plot to kill 90% of their fellow Americans and enslave the survivors, according to Japanese military intelligence. These one million—who pretend to be Jews, Muslims, or evangelical Christians, etc., but who actively worship Satan—have been seeking refuge elsewhere on the planet but have failed to find it.
They have also been trying to get off the planet, according to both CIA and Pentagon sources. 「The cabal is stuck on earth, since the CERN portal was destroyed,」 a Pentagon source says. 「What they say about CERN is correct,」 a CIA source who has access to secret Antarctic bases confirms. 「The earth is on lockdown—no leaving and no entering. The Zionist Khazarian cabal is trapped here. They are being taken down,」 the source continues.
To understand how scared the cabalists are, take a look at this video of Prince Bandar bin Khalid, one of the top 9/11 conspirators, committing suicide on March 12th in order to avoid facing justice after he was denied asylum by the UK.
「Prince Bandar-Bush was really taken out. It was him, not a double, that slipped on a banana peel and went over the rail. The actual meaning of this statement is that Bandar was assisted in his attempt to defy gravity. He was mind-controlled by some type of mind-altering drug. There will NOT be an autopsy,」 is how a CIA source explains the incident.
Now, former U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, also having been denied asylum by the UK, is asking the Japanese government for protection, according to members of the Japanese royal family and CIA sources.
The Japanese have been advised by the U.S. military to say no. In any case, the man Obama was counting on for protection, Khazarian slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, 「will be stepping down within the next two weeks. He is in deep dog poop now.
You are aware of the faulty steel sold to the U.S. military. The military vehicles will crack and break up on impact with incoming projectiles. They were sold defective low-grade steel on purpose. Bye-bye, Abe,」 is what a CIA source in Asia had to say about Obama’s would-be protector.
However, the White Dragon Society may provide Obama with protection if he agrees to appear at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan and tell the world the truth about things like Malaysian Air Flight 370/17, who his real father was, who put him in power, etc.
Obama is seeking shelter because everybody who was protecting him in the U.S. power structure is being fired, arrested, or killed. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s last mission was to go to Kenya to tell the government there not to shelter Obama, say Pentagon sources.
Tillerson himself was fired last week was because he went along with the patently false cabal claim that Russia was using poison gas to kill dissidents in the UK, the sources say. Prime Minister Theresa May of the UK, President Emmanuel Macron of France, and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany all revealed their cabal affiliation last week by going along with the latest blame-everything-on-Russia scheme.
The real reason Sergei Skripal was poisoned was because he was about to give evidence linking Hillary Clinton and the U.S. Democratic Party to attempts to smear U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian FSB sources say.
A Google whistleblower, meanwhile, says that Google has been using the 「Russian agent」 label to try to ban journalists and whistleblowers who go against their mind-control agenda.
The above-mentioned CIA source with Antarctic base access, meanwhile, has a much more esoteric explanation for the hysterical cabal Russia-bashing. According to him, Russian President Vladimir Putin has shut down three 「stargates」 that were located in Syria. 「Putin is in charge of the stargates there, and this is what really pisses off the cabal. He will not let them be used to escape Judgment Day,」 he says.
As usual with this sort of X-Files type information, I write what the sources tell me and let readers discern for themselves what is really going on. All I can confirm is that the planet is definitely under quarantine.
In any case, now that Tillerson and his bagman Steve Goldstein have been fired, the new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, armed with knowledge of CIA operations, is going to oversee an 「even further」 purge of the State Department, Pentagon sources say. The FBI and the U.S. Congress are also investigating criminal activity by the State Department and its former head John Kerry, the sources add.
The CIA itself is undergoing a major purge now that it is under U.S. military control. 「The new CIA Director, Gina Haspel, is a feared operative who will now purge the Bush faction, neocons, and other traitors,」 the Pentagon sources say. Here is what a CIA colleague has to say about Haspel: 「She is quiet and low-key—not outspoken or a big-mouth, as we say. Her eyes were very focused and intense. I sensed a highly intelligent woman who kept her real mission to herself.」 This source says she will probably be taking her scalpel to CIA 「black sites」 that handle drugs, off-books weapons transfers, money laundering, and the like.
The FBI and the Justice Department are also going to see a purge of cabal operatives, multiple sources agree. 「The firing of Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe is just the beginning, as heads will roll with a FEMA order for 16,000 guillotine blades,」 a Pentagon source ominously declares. Presumably he was referring to the widely reported guillotines ordered by the cabal, presumably for use against Americans.
Another reason for the anger against the cabal inside the U.S. military and the agencies is the 800,000 children reported missing each year in the United States (according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children). By contrast, China, with four times the population, has 20,000 children go missing each year, according to the U.S. State Department. This means that U.S. children are 160 times more likely than Chinese children to vanish. While a lot of the missing children are found, many vanish forever. There are multiple insiders who have testified they are raped, murdered, and eaten by cabalists.
To deal once and for all with this horrific secret takeover of the United States by a murderous cabal, the U.S. military is recalling many retired generals and officers to active duty, Pentagon sources say. Among those now back in active duty are Mike Pompeo, special counsel Robert Mueller, and many others, the sources say.
The signs are now everywhere that the Khazarian cabalists will now finally have to face justice. This writer has long pushed for South African-style truth and reconciliation, but it looks like that will not be forthcoming for many at the top of this secret power structure. Their crimes were just too horrific.
On a final note this week, CIA sources are telling us that Tesla Motors’ Elon Musk is a money laundering agent for the Pentagon. That might explain a lot of the strangeness surrounding that company, such as the reports from multiple sources that it was Musk who was really behind the North Korean missile crisis. It means that the Pentagon, via Musk and Tesla, was using North Korean nuclear missiles as a bargaining tool in negotiations with China. The latest is the news that Tesla is hiring staff from the satirical news site The Onion for some sort of secret project.
These days, of course, it’s hard to tell the difference between what The Onion is reporting and what so-called mainstream media companies like CNN are reporting. Maybe the Pentagon is planning to finish off the last shreds of the Khazarian corporate media’s credibility by putting them under Onion management. As the saying goes, 「sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.」 We are entering weird times, but it is looking like a good sort of weird.