Greetings dear ones! I am Mi-ka-el, I am Archangel Michael, Archangel of love and peace, bringer of the truth, your family, friend, and protector, your ally always.
I come here this day to reassure you that there is no moment that I am not with you on this journey you are traveling on Earth, in this universe and anywhere else, for it is my promise to the Mother and to you to overlight thee, to hold your hand, to protect thee and your loved ones at all times. There are times when you hear and see me clearly, and there are other times when you are deeply involved in your mission of light. Thus, just because you are not quite aware of our connection and presence around thee it doesn’t mean that we are not always with you and fully aware of your deeds and your most intimate thoughts.
You gave us permission a long time ago, and you have called on me and given me permission to sit close by and to intervene when there is need. And this is what I am doing despite the fact that you are not always aware of how we have designed this mission of bringing and anchoring the light into the farthest and darkest spots of the Earth. You are traveling far and wide, you are the bravest of the brave to engage in these rescuing adventures, and your only desire is to bring home as many of the lost ones as you can.
Yes, you are stepping fully into your multidimensional selves. Yes, you are embodying the master alchemist and the creator – Nova You – the founder and builder of the Nova Earth. Yes, you are working continuously at balancing the masculine and the feminine divine energies, clearing and transmuting many of the painful memories and suffering of the old Earth for both genders, but mostly for the women.
But, at the same time you are persisting in the ongoing mission we have to bring others home, by diving deeper and deeper into the darkness and lighting up the paths, showing the way of the light and truth. There are still so many engrossed in fears and lies. There are still so many that are confused and lost, entangled in the ways of the old false constructs. These false constructs have been dissolved and dismantled as you know, for we have done this type of work together. But there are brothers and sisters of yours working and functioning in ways that are based on the previous conditioning patterns who have a difficult time seeing that there are no sustaining energies left in the old fearful ways.
There is so much light and hope anchored on our beloved Earth that fewer and fewer human beings are acting out in fear and despair. There is a refusal to follow the old patterns of lashing out in anger and rage and then being manipulated into the low vibrational abyss of guilt.
Everyone can see now that there are lighter and more loving ways to deal with the imbalances and the remaining heavy baggage of the past. And this is what you are doing, this is what we are doing now together, showing others that there are easier and much better and more graceful ways to evolve and expand into your greatness and multidimensional ways of being.
Yes, there are parts of yourselves that still need some more polishing, some revision and reworking from the old dense ways of being; they still need the focus of some of your energy and attention. But you are doing it now more efficiently in increasingly masterful ways without spending extraordinarily huge amounts of energy and time.
At the same time you are paving the way, you are lighting up the path and bringing home some of the most recalcitrant ones. You are showing them the truth in your loving and gentle ways. You are allowing them to feel and experience love, that genuine and unconditional love of the Mother. You are reminding them of the happy and bright days of being home, free, playful, and at one with the Source, and that they have no other choice but to review their methods and then to drop the fears and denials of the old separation.
And this is what we have promised the Mother to do in these intense times of chaos. This is how we bring everyone back into the heart of the Mother…with love and gentle guidance, one soul at a time. And for this type of work you are greatly appreciated. I thank you most profusely and I love you more than you can ever imagine.
I will leave you now with my love, peace and fortitude. Farewell.
大天使麦克 20180222 新的你-炼金术大师和创造者
通灵:Genoveva Coyle
翻译:Nick Chan