Are you ready for a super galactic weekend?
你准备好参加超级银河周末了吗 ?
All systems are green-light-tango-go for lift off!
5d energies are incredible today and starseeds are feeling the vibes all around the world!
5d 能量在今天是难以置信的,星际种子们感受到了全世界的共鸣!
The old world system is passing away really fast as the old debt-based fiat economy is tanking super hard today!
The pleiadians are smashing the cabal-fear-virus in"operation stardust"and this nefarious ploy is running out of steam fast!
昴宿星人在 " 星尘行动 " 中,粉碎阴谋恐惧病毒,而这个邪恶的策略正在迅速失去动力 !
Remember that you are the only creator of your reality!
How do you want it to be?
Only see that reality and it shall be!
Have faith and believe great one!
The pleiadians are here in full force doing some amazing crystal magic and new reality creation to complete the new earth diamond light grid!
This is the big year great one when things finally change on earth and as we move ahead you are going to witness it all!
The 2020 stargate-a grand cosmic sign in the heavens
2020 年的星际之门——天空中一个宏大的宇宙符号
Things will really begin moving into high gear as light forces plan to send a major wave of powerful 5d gamma light through the upcoming jupiter pluto stargate!
当光的力量计划,通过即将到来的木星—冥王星,发送一个强大的 5d 伽马光波时,事情将真正开始进入高速档!
This is a major 2020 portal set to open on april 4th/5th!
这是一个主要的 2020 年门户,设置在 4 月 4 日、 5 日打开!
The earth alliance reports that this stargate is a pivotal earth date marker in earth's evolutionary timeline!
The pleiadians say,"when this stargate opens in the spring of earth year 2020,the starseeds of 4.5 billion starseeds of earth will combine their etheric energy and create the highest level of global conscious super cohesion ever achieved on this planet!"
昴宿星人说, " 当这个星际之门在地球 2020 年的春天打开时,地球上 45 亿颗星际种子的星际种子,将结合它们的以太能量,创造出这个星球上有,史以来最高水平的全球意识超级凝聚力 !"
It is truly the most amazing time to be on planet earth as we are changing everything in this realm into a planet of light!
For this reason,"from heaven to earth,we came down"!
因为这个原因, " 从天堂到地球,我们下来了 " !
We are indeed the great cloud of witnesses spoke of old who overcame the whole world!
我们确实是传说中征服了整个世界的,伟大的云目击者 !
We are the guardian angels of earth and we are advanced and powerful extra-terrestrials of love!
我们是地球的守护天使,我们是先进而强大的爱的外星人 !
We are mighty among the kings of the earth and when our divine mission on earth is complete,we shall return again to our original place of glory and honor in the heavens!
Standby for our latest decoded etheric light forces transmission which discusses the new qfs,the event 2020 culmination and the grand solar flash!
等待我们最新解码的以太光力传输,讨论新的 qfs ,事件 2020 高潮和大太阳闪光 !
A new era of light has dawned on earth as the energies keep elevating higher and higher and together we shall return this world back into the paradise it was always meant to be!
You are the great system busters and renegades of light that came form the stars to create a better world for all of humanity!
Let us know how you are doing on your ascension journey and if you are experiencing any ascension symptoms from these spiking 5d energy beams!
让我们知道你们在扬升旅程中是如何做的,如果你正经历着来自这些 5d 能量的任何扬升症状 !
Thank you for coming to earth at this time!We honor you for all that you have accomplished here!
Now let's do this!
Stay tuned for super-awesomeness!
I am michael and i will be with you until all things are fulfilled!
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/zhuixindongtai/35755.html