Dear Ones,
Your days seem to float by without any change – one day after another of sameness. Oh, there are sparks here and there, but no fire, no need to do much of anything other than pretending to be interested in something. It all seems too much.
Such is so because you are in a resting, or perhaps better stated, in a void stage for you are doing much internal work. So it is your outer world seems almost foggy. You have no concrete attachments other than those you have had for the past few months. Attachments that are not necessarily exciting, merely there. Those pieces are your security blanket holding you, if you will, to the earth as your inner-being shifts minute-by-minute. Resulting in possible changes to your sleep or activity patterns.
We wish you to know all is well before we address your internal shifts. This last push before your calendar year of 2020 is to ensure you are ready for the global shift occurring throughout next year. For before this 2020 global shift, you were of 5D, but functioning much of the time as if you were of 3D. Not necessarily in your thoughts, but in your actions – attending this party or that activity or not functioning as you once did because of the inner confusion such activities cause.
These 2020 preparations include both your inner and outer-beings functioning differently than has ever been true for you while of the earth. Perhaps you have had an inkling of what your new actions and reactions will be, perhaps not. It does not matter. All that matters is that you know your world will never again be as it was the past number of years. That you have prepared for this time.
Those preparations are nearly over. For you are no longer of 3D, nor will you find it necessary to pretend that you are as has been true for as long as you have been of 5D. For most of you have hidden your shift, believing your true being could not be displayed.
In 2020 and beyond, you will not care what others think of you. For you will be in such a different place that the gnats of 3D expectations will no longer tweak you externally or internally. So it is the division between 3D and 5D will be formalized.
Perhaps you are now worried that those you love will not make the break, so to speak. That you will again lose friends and family. The opposite is true. For this division will be so evident that those you interact with will either be a follower or of 5D. And those you now find as your go-to friends and family are likely followers.
The cut between 3D and 5D will become very clear.
For the earth is no longer of 3D, nor are you or millions of others. Some of you might label what we are speaking of as ascension. Or believe you will rise from the earth in white garments to create a new earth. It does not matter. Merely know that what is today will not be in 2020 – not for you, the earth, nor most earth inhabitants.
Even though the future is now at the sunrise point, it will be of the full sun by 2020.
The difficulties of those of 3D will continue and increase. Something you will observe, but not necessarily care about for your new explorations will have little to do with fear and rage.
Those of 3D will fight among themselves to no avail. For there will be no winners or losers in that battle, merely an ongoing rage that cannot be contained. You and those following will be in such a different place as to not notice. If you will, a complete reversal of what has happened as you progressed in your 5D life.
In the past, indications of 5D thoughts and actions were either marveled at or ignored depending on the acuity of those observing. And if those of 3D were interested, that interest did not lead to a continuing practice of love, nor did it mean they wished to change.
You were the opposite. Once you heard your inner-being call you to your spiritual5D path, you could not stop yourself from shifting. In truth, doing so seemed less difficult than not.
So it is now. You are different because of your curiosity and need. While those of 3D are doubling down on what they believe is the right path. It is for them, just as 5D and beyond is the right path for you.
Those of 5D and of 3D will inhabit the earth simultaneously. For 5D is the vision of the future while 3D is of the past. Which is little different than earth generations not understanding one another.
Perhaps you are concerned that those of 3D will start wars or continue harming the environment and earth entities. Such would be so if those of 5D and beyond were not the majority – as will happen in 2020 and beyond.
This is a new earth with new beings. Not the least of which is you. You created new earth, so you could play with your creation skills in a concrete environment instead of the nebulous environments you experience when not of the earth.
You have created your peace – even though you might not yet understand that. And in 2020 you will use that peace to create a new physical world for yourself and all others who wish to be of 5D and beyond. So be it. Amen.
翻译:Nick Chan