原创 2018-03-08 玛利亚 新纪元扬升之光
Mother Mary viaAnn Dahlberg, February 16th, 2018
Hello my beloved children,
你们好 , 我亲爱的孩子们 ,
It is I Maria who is speaking with you today via San.
I want to focus for a moment on your inner child and remind you how important it is to heal this aspect of yourselves. For me, the one called the holy mother, I can constantly see your inner child och how it tries to reach out to you to gain your attention and love.
This is one of the most important aspects of yourselves in your ascension process. It holds a large part of the answers you need in order to become conscious, accept, feel and let go. So, today I want to teach you a small mediation that San and I work a lot with in order to reach your inner child and help it to let go and heal.
Meditate for a little while until you have reached a meditative state of inner peace and calm. Call om me, Maria, to be at your side and help you reach out and heal your inner child. Then you will start to feel, look, look where your inner child might be right now. Is she sitting in her old room on the bed, is she in a shack in the woods or is she hiding under the bed?
Think of yourself as a child and where you usually are. When you have found yourself it is time to make contact. As with any unknown child it is best to be careful. To many of you this is exactly what your inner child is for you today – “unknown” -, as many of you have forgotten this aspect of yourselves. Have this in mind when you move forward and try to talk to it. Sometimes she does not want to talk at all and then it is up to you to find something that can make her open up. Remember that you have the whole spiritual dimension for assistance.
She might feel more secure if you invite a power animal or a angelic being. The most important thing for you is to connect and to build a new relationship. She holds all the answer regarding much of what you need to know in order to heal and can give you a higher consciousness and understanding of behavioral patterns and feelings that you might find hard to let go of.
And consider that you today, together with us, can give your inner child all the love, acceptance, understanding and security it never got. You, together with us, can get her to heal, laugh and become whole. And this my dear friends, my beautiful children is the largest gift and help you can give yourselves in the process of letting go, heal and continue to rise in frequency. She is waiting for you, and so am I.
With all my motherly love, may you all become free.