另一件讓我對你非常懷疑的,是您現在已和《準備改變》(Prepare For Change)建立了聯繫。柯博拉網站是假冒和偽劣的,他在自己的國家受到法律的通緝。這個騙子將為此付出沉重的代價。
【原文】2019-02-12 Benjamin Fulford
《Looking forward to when all will be revealed》
I have been reading your reports for the last few years and I am wondering who you are really working for. There will be no world government and no world religion. They are all based on falsehoods anyway. Religion is no different than governments. It is all about controlling, lying, thieving, and of course the Luciferian pedophilia. And your comments about Trump keep going back and forth. You are for him and then you are against him. Can’t have it both ways. And you don’t really know what is going on.
These secret societies all need to be brought down, for good. No one has the right to think that they have the right to rule the world or everyone on it. Period.
And another thing that has made me very leery about you is that you are now connected with PFC (Prepare For Change). Cobra is a fake and a fraud, and he is wanted by the law in his home country. He is a deceiver and will pay dearly for it.
The day is coming when everyone is going to be revealed and brought down. That is what I am looking forward to.
Thanks for the feedback. My writing about Trump going back and forth merely reflects the flipping and flopping of Trump himself. One day he supports bombing Syria, the next day he says troops should be withdrawn, and a while later he says the U.S. is defeating ISIS in Syria.
As far as secret societies are concerned, some are evil, and some try to do good but need to keep their membership secret so that they are not killed by the evil factions. It is a war and war has its harsh realities.
As far as Cobra is concerned, his followers support me and spread my news but I am not a member of this group. Could you please tell me why he is wanted by the law in his home country?