原创 2018-01-03 约菲尔 新纪元扬升之光
Archangel Jophiel via Genoveva Coyle,December 31st, 2017
Greetingsmy dear family! I am Archangel Jophiel, your close family, constant companionand protector.And yes, I do not come often to address thee, but this doesn’tmean that I am not always by your side ready to intervene and hold you in myinfinite love.
It givesme great pleasure to come here tonight, to reassure you that you have mysupport and my hand to hold on to while you are taking those first steps intothe unknown and into that unfamiliar direction toward which your soul isnudging you.
I said tothee a while ago that in times like this of new beginnings you need to standfirmly into your knowing and that you do not necessarily need to know everythingahead of time. And what that means is that you need to know that you arecapable of performing perfectly the task at hand, that you have the know-howand the wisdom to be successful for you are the chosen one, you are the bestfor this particular endeavor.
Having thedetails upfront, knowing the entire plan of how things should unfold would slowdown the process. It would bring more of the blockages because your ego willalways want to take the lead and tell you and us what to do. It also wants totake more credit than is due for the work done, and this would create animbalance within and eventually diminish your confidence and dim your light.
Steppinginto these new missions of love is not any different from any previous onesthat you have engaged in and in which you have succeeded already. You haveto proceed in trust, setting the intention to bring only light and truthwherever you travel as emissaries of the Mother’s love.
Allow usto do the rest of the work and please do ask for our assistance andintervention anytime and anywhere you find yourselves stuck, confused, or onlyout of sorts. Again, you are not required to do it all alone without theguidance and assistance from your heavenly family!
Wheneveryou feel prompted to do so, know that it is your ego wanting you to go backinto the old paradigm patterns, proceeding with fear and trepidations, workinghard and in the manner of the previous painful ways. There are no special rewardsand brownie points for doing it alone or going uphill taking the most difficultroute or suffering unnecessarily on your journey.
Forgingnew paths of love into the darkness, as most of you are engaging in at thistime, is not a task for the faint of the heart. And even if you are thestrongest ones of the strong, there are times when it is better to see thetasks completed and the missions already accomplished. Trust me when I say tothee that there is not much you’re are missing when we keep the details for alater review, for as you know from the higher perspective there is nothingreally that can be hidden away permanently, and so you will have a chance tosee everything that you have been involved with later.
Dearestand bravest hearts, proceed with strength and courage! Trust yourselves at alltimes for you are ready and about to succeed in yet another great mission oflove. Know that I have your back now and always!
Go inpeace and go with my love and gratitude! Farewell.