(2017-09-23 13:27:08)
問:你聽說過里歐萬達(Leo Wanta)的30萬億美元資產,被布什家族竊取的事件嗎?你對特朗普把錢花在萬達上的前景有什麼認識?
問:你知道培斯登.占士(Preston James)的作品嗎?他是今日老將(Veterans Today)網站的專欄作家,並廣泛地寫了可薩暴徒和秘密影子政府的歷史。你對他和今日老將的看法如何?
Urgent questions from a political prisoner By benjamin
1) Have you heard of Leo Wanta and the $30 trillion plus of money that was stolen from him by the Bush cabal? What do you know of the current prospects for release of the money to Wanta by Trump?
Yes I have heard of Mr. Wanta. He is not about to get his money. Instead he is going to join the long list of people who have been ripped off astronomical sums by the establishment in Washington DC. Just ask the Kuomintang Chinese about how much luck they have had getting their historical gold holdings back. We are going to have to put these people out of business but doing so will not get any money back. It will just stop them from stealing more.
2) What do you think of the cloning situation in Washington, D.C., with so many government officials having impostors standing in for them, and the same for the media? I hope your are aware of how far the cloning goes in our chain-of-command…
Many people have told me about clones and cloning and there is definitely something to it. One Asian triad assassin told he how he killed his “Jewish handler” only to have the same man reappear later. However, until we have definitive disclosure on this subject, I use Occam’s razor and look for explanations within the mainstream world paradigm. There is beyond a doubt the use of body doubles enhanced with plastic surgery and the use of computer graphics to create TV appearances of dead people is widespread.
3) Are you aware of Preston James’ writings? He is a columnist for Veterans Today, and writes extensively on the history and methods of the Khazarian mafia and the Secret Shadow Government. What is your opinion of him and Veterans Today?
Yes I like his writing and support much of what he says. Veteran’s today is a valuable source of opinion and intelligence on the net. I do not agree with everything they say and do and that is how it should be in an environment of open and healthy discourse.