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Quan Yin says, Dear heart, I am Quan Yin.I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that the planetary ascension has been doing extremely well. We have grouped quite a lot of energies, and bringing them to earth to help Gaia and humanity. Apparently, these incoming grouped energies are doing wonders. Not only for Gaia earth, but also for our light workers and humanity. As a result of these intense energies, we are able to come up fast and move the ascension up to speed. So far, we have almost caught up with the speed we have designed for Gaia and humanity, and that is very exciting news. For that, Divine and the company of heaven, are extremely happy, and we are going to continue the effort, bringing in more of these group energies. In other words, in order to assure the ascension of the masses and the planet herself, we have to group up different type of rays together so when these rays hit the planet, we have the domino effect, affecting different groups at the same time so that these different soul groups can ascend together. That is the key. So far so good.

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2019-08-13 19:11:50


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