



 随着我们越来越接近星际中心,大约在 12 21 日冬至日,我们将会进入大太阳区域,也就是整个宇宙的源头。所有的行星都在此诞生!


11.11—12.21 期间,星门激活,你们将拥有黄金般的机会来重新诞生,进入扬升的生命!











你是天然的转化器和接收器!通过充分的落地和二氧化硅来支持你 DNA 的进化,借助金色之光保持神性连接。负面的情绪和沮丧会导致二氧化硅缺失。当血液中的水晶质充满愤怒,仇恨或者怨恨, DNA 会被编码,物理身体会被损坏。




11 11 星门开启之际,是你在内在扩张,整合和强化与神圣女性面相和神性男性面向的神圣连接的机会。当你越来越平衡时,他们开始环绕,旋转,以螺旋上升的扬升姿态。旋转的火焰以神圣之爱为燃料,点亮你脉轮的 复活


文章来源: Simon




As we gain proximity to the Galactic Center, exact on the 12:21 Solstice, we move into position with the black hole portal to the Great Central Sun, the source origin of our universe. This is where stars are being birthed! While the 11:11 – 12:21 Gateway is active, you have the golden opportunity to birth alive your ascension life!


The Galactic Photonic Belt is accelerating all resolution of karma, by exposing all in the golden light of purification. All hidden shadow will be revealed within the glaring truth of illumination, to be acknowledged and transcended, so only Divine essence will exist eternally. The ascension process enables the Soul’s liberation from the recurring cycle of karma and reincarnation; breaking free of the karmic trap of separation.


‘A truly advanced civilization will not be classified on the basis of the physical energy it harnesses, but rather on its ability to understand and use the literal creative energy of divine consciousness that is the fundamental nature of all beings.


This is the time to balance and eliminate all karma and neutralize all polarizing shadow running in the ego personality. This includes all negative thoughts and emotions that originate from the ego self. When Soul life force (kundalini) is low and the golden light frequency is weak, it diminishes your ability to tune into cosmic guidance.


You are a natural transmitter/receiver! Support your sentient DNA with adequate silica, daily grounding, and fueled with the golden light to maintain divine connection. Negative emotions and depression can cause silica burnout. When the blood crystals fill with anger, hate, rage or resentment, it codes the sentient DNA to destroy the physical vessel.


When you are out-of-balance, your internal microcrystals are pulsing in lower frequencies and oscillating in the clockwise downward spiral of time and inertia. When your energy is balanced and your crystal temple is fueled with Soul Presence, then dark forces cannot interfere.

During the 11:11 Gateway, you have the opportunity to expand, integrate and intensify the sacred union of the divine feminine/masculine within your being. As you become more balanced, they begin to spin and swirl around each other, in an internal upward resurrection spiral of ascension. The swirling flames are infused with Sacred Love in the heart, igniting the ‘resurrection flame’ in your Chakra Pillar.

Source of Article: Simon

來源:爱·灵性  神圣蓝图



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